Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 390: control

"I refined it casually last night, give it to you." Yu Yue took out something from the "Kunlun air bag" and threw it over.

Chen Wulong caught it with both hands and saw that it turned out to be a dark spear.

The long gun pressed the hand, we can see that the material is extraordinary, and it looks a bit familiar.

Chen Wulong suddenly said: "This...this is the treasure of Ustini Yushka of the Great Raksha Sect!"

Yu Yue nodded, expressing affirmation.

Ustinyushka died in self-determination, and her treasure "Eternal Night Black Star" fell into Yu Yue's hands.

Yu Yue spent the whole night, making a little improvement, and then changed the lance used by the knight to the long spear used by Chinese warriors.

He said: "Tai Chi is nothing more than two things, one is gong, and the other is listening energy. Both of these things are not accomplished overnight. No one can help you.

"Tai Chi does not go out for ten years, Xingyi beats people to death a year. It is said that Tai Chi is much harder to practice than other types of martial arts, but Tai Chi pursues more than fighting and killing people. Tai Chi pursues the ultimate and pursuit of Neijiaquan. The avenue of yin and yang, innate, metaplasia, heaven and earth.

"So, in the later stage of Tai Chi training, you will throw away most of the other types of boxing, surpass the level of ‘boxing’, and reach the realm of ‘Tao’, the realm of the ability to communicate with the gods.”

Chen Wulong knew that Taijiquan had five levels.

In the beginning of learning, one point is soft and nine points is rigid. When fighting against people, the whole body is hard, there is no cushioning power, no softness, and nothing is going to happen. This is called a yin and nine yang root stick.

After practicing for another period of time, I have a softness, which is a little buffered. It is generally not easy for opponents to throw you down. Two people are like a **** fighting. You drag me and I push. This is called two yin and eight yang. hand.

One Yin and Nine Yang Somersault,

Two Yin and Eight Yang are Sanshou,

Three yin and seven yang still feel hard,

Good players like four yin and six yang,

There are only five yin and five yang,

Yin and Yang are not partial to the master.

There are also great masters who divide Tai Chi into five levels: stiff, stiff, soft, loose, light, and empty.

Taijiquan's five levels of kung fu, after breaking through the third level of kung fu, it is called understanding Jin. Only after understanding Jin can you enter the process of "levels and gods". However, there are not many martial artists in the world who can reach the second floor. Most people who can win the championship on the field are second-tier kungfu, and even the third-tier kungfu can't reach it.

Chen Wulong was on the second floor before, but he reached the third floor with more guidance. After that, he wanted to go up the stairs one step at a time, and every step he took would be as difficult as reaching the sky.

Just listen to Yu Yue continued: "Tai Chi is difficult to practice. People who practice Tai Chi pay far more than others. I can help you, but you have to rely more on yourself.

"I've passed you a gun before, now I'll give you a gun, practice hard, and when it's almost time, I will teach you how to use an extremely large gun."

Chen Wulong held the black long spear horizontally, and said sincerely and fearfully: "Mr. Yu, I...I really don't know how to thank you..."

Yu Yue said: "Don't say thank you. I hope that after you return to China, you can carry the banner of the Chen family, integrate resources, and work hard."

Chen Wulong was taken aback, and then he felt the blood all over his body burn, nodded, and said, "Yes, Mr. Yu!"

"By the way, there is one more thing I think it is necessary to remind you." Just as Chen Wulong was about to leave, Yu Yuehu said again.

Chen Wulong immediately stopped to stand and listened respectfully: "Mr. Yu, you said."

Yu Yue deliberately looked at the sky outside the ship, and said lightly: "Young people should pay attention to temperance, especially those who practice martial arts. There are some things that should not be eaten."

Chen Wulong was taken aback.

Yu Yue had already left and went to find Xiaoyouyou.

Chen's embarrassed expression appeared on his face slowly, scratching his head awkwardly, and then expressed doubt: "Moderation... Isn't Mr. Yu an ascetic, and he doesn't touch so many beauties around him? Or is he afraid of his wife? Is there anyone in this world who is more powerful than Mr. Yu?"


The Heavenly Palace Ship seems to have been flying for a long time, but in fact it didn't take long. The fuel reserves were only half burned, but everyone felt that they had been flying for more than half a month.

Flying over forests, rivers, gorges, mountains, passing through the territories of more than a dozen nobles, and passing by a grand duchy, over the mountains, you will see a sea, a sea of ​​ice.

And here, it is the destination of Yu Yue and others' trip, the domain of the Supreme Master Danjiris, the Ulan Master Tower.

Space is powerful, and huge space always gives people close to substantial pressure.

When truly standing in front of Ulan, everyone knows how magnificent a mage tower is more than 500 meters high.

This is not a single building. The entire building complex with cyan as the main color is backed by a branch of the Winter Mountains extending to the Ice Dragon Bay. The main building is in a typical Gothic style, and the flying buttresses are decorated with intricate and exquisite details. The sculptures, eye-catching spires and pointed arches stand tall and tall, and colorful element clouds and arcane energy are lingering on the spire, and the entire mage tower seems to be soaring into the sky.

The Ulan main tower is not a mage tower constructed by a common method. In addition to being three times higher than the ordinary mage tower, it also has a diameter of more than double.

This means that the total area of ​​the Ulan main tower is more than ten times that of the ordinary mage tower, which does not include the huge ancillary buildings.

It’s hard to imagine the huge cost of a Wizard Tower of this size. There are more than 10,000 people living directly and indirectly around the Ulan Wizard Tower, which is simply the size of a small city.

The Ulan Master Tower, which is surrounded by mountains and the sea, comes with a deep-water, non-freezing port. More than a dozen berths capable of berthing giant ocean-going ships are all created by magic in the hard rocks. A huge amount of supplies are circulated every day. , Like a giant beast.

At such a scale, Ulan’s architecture itself is already a superb art.

In addition, here is mysterious but not desolate, secret but prosperous, white ice floes floating on the deep blue ocean, boundless, a charming and powerful feeling infects every pair of eyes and every heart here.

Even if Yu Yue, a well-informed guy with 600 years of memory, came to the Ulan Master Tower again, he was still shocked and admired.

Places like Ulan Master Tower are heavily guarded and needless to say, it is not easy to see the owner Danjiris here.

However, when everyone thought that Yu Yue had an arrangement, Yu Yue said to Ran Muchen: "Xiao Ran, please arrange it. We are in a hurry and must see Danjiris as soon as possible."

Ran Muchen was speechless. The boss really said, "I have something to do with the secretary, it's okay...", uh...cough cough, do you really want to do everything yourself, and be you an almighty secretary?

There was no way, Ran could only move out of the name of his other boss and knock on the door of the Ulan Master Tower.

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