Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 906: Fight and not fight (in)

At this moment, Williams was standing next to Carlisle. He withdrew his angry gaze from Yu Yue, bowed slightly and said, "Dear Lord Carlisle, as far as I know, this son does have some arrogant capital. Behind the scene, there seems to be the Ulan Master Tower supporting him. Last time..."

Williams whispered something to Carlisle. Although both of them were the lord of the clan, they should be of equal status, but Carlisle had been promoted to the realm of the prince, and Williams was still only a prince, so he was naturally inferior.

The voice between the two of them was getting smaller and smaller, but the look on Carlisle's face became more and more solemn, as if he had learned some incredible information.

Finally, Williams turned into a normal voice and said: " fight or not to fight, all depends on the king. If you fight, I will support the king with the power of the Spock clan! If you don’t fight, then Ou The Continent Blood Race will be with the Maharaja, face scandal..."

Everyone was very curious about what they said.

Yu Yue said at this moment: "Williams, right? Arranged five vampires to besiege me at Mount Titlis, instructing the Supervision Bureau, the church, and the police to deal with the'child murder', the'child disappearance', and Father Nick's You are the one who has planted me on the crimes of ``endangering public safety in dangerous ways'' and ``terrorist attack'', right?"

Williams stared, silent, just tacitly acquiesced.

Although Gustav led the siege of Yuyue by the five strong blood races, it also passed his permission.

And he just told Carlisle that he was scared off by the Ulan Master Tower when he used money and relationships to get the Supervision Bureau, the church, and the police to trap Yu Yue and others.

In fact, he very much hoped that Carlisle would go to war with Yu Yue, so there was a radical meaning both in his words and in his words.

Carlisle, as the lord of the clan and the most outstanding figure in the Ouzhou blood clan, wouldn’t he know what Williams meant? He wanted to take the opportunity to avenge him, but he himself couldn’t back down because this place was already his own turf. Is it possible that his own dignified blood prince can be scared off by a kid from China on his own territory?

Just listen to Carlisle said: "Even if you have the Ulan Master Tower to support you, even if the Ulan Master Tower destroys the Great Raksha Sect, they can only settle on the land of Siberia. It is impossible to encroach on the main countries of Oulan. In Ouzhou, the blood race has the final say, even if the Supreme Master comes, it is useless! And you, as long as you dare to go wild here, you will pay the price anyway!"

Everyone was surprised, is it the Ulan Master Tower that Yu Yue's backing? No wonder it's so arrogant...

But it is true that, as Maharaja Carlisle said, this is the territory of the blood clan, and the tower whip of Ulan mage is beyond the reach. The eight clan of the blood clan are deeply rooted in Ouzhou, and now there is a blood maharaja. If he can return home unfailingly, what is the right way for the trivial Chinese kid?

His arrogance was used in the wrong place.

In the eyes of many Westerners, the crocodile country does not belong to Oulu, it straddles the two continents of Ya-O. From a geopolitical point of view, it has three-quarters of its territory in Yazhou. From an economic point of view, it has not joined the Ou League. .

Therefore, the Western underground world believes that although the Supreme Master Danjiris is known as the "Guardian of the Oulu Island", her sphere of influence is limited to the crocodile country. The Mage Tower is in the northern border of the Alligator Country, and cannot command the Ice Dragon Bay. In the eyes of many people, even if the Ulan Mage Tower moves westward, it is determined that it will not be able to shake the foundation of the Ouzhou Blood Clan.

Therefore, no matter who it is, running to Ouzhou, especially to Fa Guoba Lilai, is arrogant and arrogant, it is simply seeking a dead end!

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