Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 909: Great Battle Underground (middle)

Axue now understands that it was the Fanzhuo clan who framed herself, and the Spock clan who framed Friends Yu Dao. In short, the blood clan did not have a good thing.

But now the battle is beyond her ability to intervene.

Although she had obtained the True Legend of the Witch King and the way of gu poison had reached the stage, she was limited to the use of poison under the gu, and had insufficient frontal confrontation ability. At this level of intensity, she was no longer able to intervene.

She couldn't retaliate personally. It was a pity and helpless. She could only cheer for Yu Youyou silently in her heart.

Between stone, fire and light, Yu You with an incredible posture leaped over the scarlet moon wheel that Williams had chopped out with the "sacred weapon and torture axe", unharmed and invaded by all means, squeezing a small pink fist and punching it. Thump Williams' head!

Williams couldn't help being surprised. Although he was so arrogant and crazy, he had already seen his opponent's record of defeating the three princes by himself, so he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy. Yue, condensed the monstrous blood into an evil dragon, roaring violently, and slaying down towards Yu Youzhen!

This visual contrast is too strong, one side is the Gorefiend holding an axe, and the other is a little girl with bare hands...

Jiang Rou couldn't bear to look again, she couldn't help closing her eyes.

Just listen, 噼——



"Impossible—" Suddenly, I didn't know how many people lost their voices and yelled.

Jiang Rou quickly opened her eyes and saw that instead of killing Yuyou, Williams stepped back several steps, half of her face turned crooked.

It turned out that at the moment when the soldiers met, Yu You had already used the "Ting Jin" of the "Taihe Fist" to hear Williams' movement. The small fist fisted against the giant axe, and immediately turned fist into palm. , In an instant, the slashing of the giant axe was completely deviated, and despite the mighty power and the dragon-like vitality of the crest, it passed by Yuyou and shattered the earth!

Because Yu You wears the "Wuji Apricot and Yellow Flag", she is invincible, just like a butterfly wearing a flower or a dragonfly touching the water, even the slightest trace of blood can't get her.

With the loud noise of "Boom", the ground was torn apart by the mighty vigorous axe, but Yu You had nothing to do. He continued to move forward and slapped Williams' face with a slap!


With a small slap, the power of the slap is like a giant beast impact. Half of Williams's face is crooked, and the whole person "chuckles" stepped back several steps.

"No...impossible!" Seeing this scene, many people cried out in exclamation. Faced with a blow from the sanctuary of the blood race, some people were able to escape unscathed, or even slap their faces backhand. This is simply impossible!

Williams suffered a big loss as soon as he took the shot. This suddenly changed his expression. He stared at Yu You in disbelief, and blurted out, "You...what kind of treasure is there on your body?"

Yu You couldn't understand what he was saying, so she tilted her head to look at him, looking cute and lovely.

Williams couldn't help it. He hated it so much that the roots of his teeth were itchy. It would be great if the little guy in front of him could be as cute and harmless as his appearance... However, this is not the case. The little guy is really just a cute appearance, which is really terrifying.

But now that he has no way of retreating, he can only roar: "Well, with your three-year-old child, no matter how powerful the treasure is, it won’t work! Yu Yue, you killed my two sons one after another. , I also need to let you taste the pain of losing your daughter today!"

With that, he threw the torture axe into the air...

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