Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 923: Undercurrent

Edward said helplessly: "I'm wronged, this is the best food on the train. On the way to escape, I can only stop..."

Klimoz let out an "um", but stopped moving the food in the food box.

Edward sighed secretly, and picked up the chicken salad to be fed to Isabella.

Suddenly, Klimoz raised his hand and knocked the food container over to the ground: "I don't want to eat, how dare you eat it?"

Edward's face changed, but he didn't dare to be angry or even speak, so he could only squat silently on the ground to pick up food scraps and stains.

He is a dignified young master of the clan, and has ever been so angry?

But now that his family is in decline, he can only rely on the adult in front of him, which is really helpless and bitter.

In front of the Edwards, Crimoz did not have the usual gentle and friendly appearance at all, becoming extremely cold, mean and surly.

She reproached and said: "The adult and the blood ancestor reached an agreement to develop the Vandro clan to become the leader of the Ouzhou blood clan and lead the promotion of the Ouzhou rejuvenation plan. In fact, the adult also gave considerable support, such as sending me to Ouzhou. For example, to promote your marriage with Miss Isabella, and to promote the marriage between the Fanjo clan and the Modresa clan, such as innovating the underground palace dance party to win over more forces. Of course , The most important thing is that without the support of the lord I brought, my dad would not be able to reach the realm of the majesty...

"It's a pity that your Fanzhuo clan was unwilling to live up to it, and it was disappointing that a few guys came directly to the door to blow it up."

Edward didn't dare to say much, a complicated light flashed in his eyes.

Just listen to Klimoz continued: "However, that Yu Yue and his accomplices are also really hateful, they must be removed, otherwise they can't explain to the adult."

Edward asked cautiously: "Has that adult arrived at Ouzhou?"

Klimoz sneered: "Adults have unlimited power. You don't need to be close to each other, and your tentacles can spread all over the world. On Ouzhou, the blood ancestor will handle it first. In order to give that adult a basically satisfactory explanation, I believe that the blood ancestor will spare no effort. "

Edward nodded repeatedly, seeming to see a glimmer of hope.

After a while, Klimoz said again: "Are you hungry? Eat it."

Edward was a little surprised: "But... can you?"

Klimoz nodded with a "hmm".

Edward reached for the last box of beef salad, but Klimoz slapped him to the ground.

Edward almost jumped up, what do you mean?

But in the end it didn't jump up.

Just listen to Klimoz said: "Did I let you eat this?"

Edward looked at her.

Klimoz lifted Erlang's legs and pointed at Edward with his toes.

Edward froze for a moment, and then realized that a strong sense of humiliation surged into his heart, like a needle-stick knife.

But now, he has no other way, he wants to make a comeback, he can only hug Klimoz's thigh tightly.

In a short time, Edward had already figured it out. For the sake of the clan, he would not hesitate to be a dog, otherwise, a troubled young master like him would be inferior to a dog.

Edward knelt on his knees, leaned towards Crimoz, sticking out his tongue to lick the soles of her shoes.

Klimoz showed satisfaction, but the look in Edward's eyes looked like a bereaved dog.

"Take off your shoes..." Klimoz said softly.

Edward did what he said and continued to lick and fiddle with the woman's slightly sour silk feet.

As time goes by, Edward's lips and tongue are getting upwards, from feet to ankles, to calves, to knee bends, to thighs, to the base of the legs...

Klimoz leaned his head back against the back of the chair, pressed the back of Edward's head with both hands, and clamped Edward's cheeks with his legs, his red lips trembled and made a trembling sound: "Okay...very're fine..."

If there is a surge in the body.

The husband worked hard under the other women, while his wife Isabella watched blankly.

The train headed northwest, passed through the undersea tunnel, crossed the strait...

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