Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 926: Ranch Night (Part 2)

Yu Yue was generous. Not only did he buy cows, but he also cooked and invited everyone to eat them. The rancher was very happy and took the initiative to arrange a room for Yu Yue and others to stay overnight.

——The approximate arrangement is for girls to live in one room and boys to live in one room.

——The Burgundy pastoral area is vast and sparsely populated. The houses built by the ranchers on their own land have very large rooms.

Luo Yingxue was lying on another bed in the room.

She didn't attend the BBQ and the bonfire party. Jiang Rou fed her some beef soup and stayed here all the time.

Jiang Rou asked distressedly: "Ms. Luo is like this... is there any way to recover?"

Yu Yue said: "I will try."

He first talked to Luo Yingxue for a while: "Miss Luo, today we have roast beef and drank Burgundy wine.

"The wines of Burgundy are made from a single grape variety. The red wines are mainly elegant and noble Pinot Noir. The red wines produced are known for the active flavors of red fruits such as cherries, strawberries, and chervil. Its tannins are weak, but The structure is still full, and the cellaring time of some famous wines can compete with the five famous chateaus in Bordeaux.

"White wine is a round and refreshing Chardonnay. The white wine made is refreshing with rich fruit aromas such as gardenia, honeydew melon and citrus. The most obvious feature is the uniqueness brought out by the soil containing a lot of sea shells. With its mineral taste, Burgundy white wine may be the most expensive white wine in the world, and the price is definitely not lost to the five famous wineries in Bordeaux.

"So the wine produced by Mingyuan here is regarded as the ultimate palace for wine lovers.

"It's a pity that you didn't eat Charolais beef or burgundy wine today. I also feel a little boring because I didn't drink with you, Miss Luo..."

Then, Nina, who had just entered the door, called Yuan Xiaolou to protect the law and guarded the room to prevent others from entering. She sat cross-legged on the bed, condensed her soul, and projected onto Luo Yingxue's body and mind.

After experiencing the darkness and lack of light, Yu Yue saw, oh no, it should be Yu Yue's spiritual sense that saw a place like a paradise.

Surrounded by mountains, after passing through two natural, several-kilometer-long, dark water holes with a canoe, there is a beautiful village like a paradise and a fairyland full of views. The mountains surrounding the village are very large and very tall, making the village very small. Standing on the back mountain, the village is like a small, beautiful, natural bonsai, and like a green pearl.

This is like the source of peach blossoms described by Mr. Jing Jie, with river valleys, flowing waters, bamboos, waterwheels, farmland, huts, and ten-mile peach blossoms. The poetry is incomparable.

Beauty, it's so beautiful.

It's like a dreamland...well, this is a dreamland, Luo Yingxue's sea-conscious secret realm!

This should be the place where Luo Yingxue once lived. This is her hometown.

Yu Yue, incarnate as a traveler, wandering in Luo Yingxue’s dreamland, the feeling is very trance, but also very vague, like a dream, it’s true:

I didn't know how long it took to walk away, but I met a very familiar girl.

It seems that I have seen it before, and I feel very familiar, but I can't remember where I have seen it in a daze.

Speaking of it, it is also destined. I met her three times in one day.

The first time was in the village. She wore a distinctive national costume and drove a group of big white geese past me;

The second time, at the end of the village, I bought water from a small stall and saw her roll up her sleeves and trouser legs, and ran into the rice field barefoot to catch fish. I caught two in five minutes. The muddy water soiled her. The dress and face, but they didn't soil her bare feet, which was strange.

Her feet are white and pure, like beautiful jade, very beautiful.

She held the fish and smiled happily. For a moment, I felt as if she was looking at me and smiling.

The mountains and rivers in the village are beautiful, and she is even more beautiful, like a fairy in the mountains and rivers.

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