Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 929: Really like a dream (part 2)

Yu Yue shook his head and sighed: "Not so good..."

Jiang Rou felt that it was the first time that she heard such frustrating words from Yu Yue. Although he was not ostentatious and not high-profile, he was always stable. Compassionate, no matter what goes wrong, he has a solution.

This is also where she admires and admires him.

However, today, the state he woke up looked a little desolate.

She wanted to ask more questions, but she was afraid of touching the sensitive parts of the other party, so she didn't want to talk.

This is also Jiang Rou's gentleness.

After staying silent for a while, Jiang Rou calmly said softly and comforted: "It's okay, not once, we can try a second time; if not this time, we can think of other ways..."

Yu Yue didn't seem to hear her. He looked at Luo Yingxue who was unconscious, and said with some self-consciousness: "Ms. Luo has a lot of ability to perform operations on Miss Luo, and he has a heavy hand. The technique can be effective against people. The spirit causes the infection, erosion and control of terror, and most people may be crazy or become puppets.

"Ms. Luo is also strong. In order not to be constrained by others, she directly turned on the'protection mode' with her body and spirit, protecting her minimum dignity and life, and closing her body's functions and intelligence, so she can't speak or move.

"I just used the'spiritual guidance technique' to enter her dream of the sea, trying to find her and bring her back to the right track, but she was too tightly closed, coupled with the mental manipulation of the previous warlock, I not only failed Success, but also because of negligence almost trapped myself...

"I used the Cthulhu sculptures I received from Zhao Yicheng to cultivate the soul. Although the spiritual power is not bad, it can directly break the spirit and mind attacks of others, but for Miss Luo, I can't crack it forcibly. The performer is very cunning and vicious. /She/Its technique is very complicated, and it is closely entangled with Miss Luo's spirit. If I force the shattering technique, it is likely to cause damage to Luo's spirit, ranging from handicap to death..."

Hearing this, Jiang Rou heard the powerlessness revealed in Yu Yue's words, and couldn't help but say distressedly: "You... don't put too much pressure on yourself. It's not the worst result. There will always be a way. Yes, isn't it?"

Yu Yue said with an "um" and said, "I can only think of other ways... or I blame my negligence for failing to prevent this..."

He looked at Luo Yingxue with a self-blaming look on his face, and murmured: "Miss Luo, I will heal you no matter what. When you are better, let's have another drink, so I won’t be drunk or go home. Those of us who drink, I will tell her to pay the price."

Jiang Rou asked: "What should I do next?"

Yu Yue said: "Walking on two legs, while treating Miss Luo while looking for the operator."

Yu Yue thought of Zhao Yicheng, who also mentioned Zhao Yicheng just now, so he simply contacted and tried to see if he could do anything.

The phone connected, and there was an enthusiastic laughter from the other end: "Oh, this is not Mr. Yu, I haven't heard Mr. Yu's voice for a long time, I really miss it! I heard a magpie outside the door early this morning. Calling Chacha, as expected, I received your call from Mr. Yu..."

Yu Yue said, "Haven't you ever thought that I may not be a good thing to find you."

Zhao Yicheng laughed dryly: "Oh, heh, Mr. Yu laughed... Where did Mr. Yu get rich recently?"

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