Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 956: Challenge (below)

After extorting Zhao Yicheng, Yu Yue collected the "Silver Heart Grass" and pulled Luo Yingxue aside. After obtaining permission, he used the "spiritual guidance technique" to enter Luo's sea of ​​consciousness and explore Luo's memory.

I learned that Luo Yingxue did go to Nanyang a year ago:

Due to changes in the clan, she took refuge while traveling and practicing. When she arrived in Siam Taijing, because she could not understand the local monks to oppress women and children, she took lessons and got into Sutai Temple.

Sutai Temple relies on the power of a century-old ancient temple and a local snake. It is provocative and pressured in every possible way. Luo Ying is so angry that he hits the door directly and poisons half of the monks in the temple with the power of the "green dragon ball". Huaji White Paper Fan Ode Shanshan's brother was among them.

Although Luo Yingxue finally detoxified the monks of Sutai Temple, the brother of Song Shanshan, as Sutai Temple's first master of spells, could not accept his failure, drank and went crazy, and was accidentally hit and killed by a car.

When Song Shanshan learned of this, he blamed Luo Yingxue for his brother's death.

He has a very good relationship with his senior brother. Hua Ji donates a lot of incense money to Sutai Temple every year, and there is a huge transfer of benefits between both parties.

He vowed to avenge his brother, so he took many people to chase and kill Luo Yingxue.

At that time, Luo Yingxue made a lot of disturbances due to the battle with Sutai Temple, and was targeted by his former enemies.

I don't know who escaped.

Later, Luo Yingxue went west all the way to Ouzhou. During this period, she did not meet Songshan Mountain again until today.

Yu Yue told Luo Yingxue of this detected memory, and Luo Yingxue looked at him, dumb and cute.

Yu Yue smiled and said, "It's okay. Anyway, I know that the responsibility is not with you. Next time I meet him, I will pick the matter and do it directly. Of course, even if the responsibility is with you, you can do it directly."

Luo Yingxue nodded blankly, not knowing whether she understood or not.


In the past few days, Yu Yue and others have not gone anywhere, so they are practicing peace of mind in the hotel villa to further enhance their strength.

During this period, Yu Yue helped Nina's big copper furnace to be transformed and strengthened. In addition to the alchemy ability, both offense and defense were strengthened.

Yu Yue also taught Luo Yingxue a set of "Away from Heaven Gu", which he acquired in a witch king's tomb in his previous life. Although he has experienced life and death through hardships, he values ​​Luo very much, so he doesn't want to hide privately. .

Yu You and Yuan Xiaolou had to compete with each other every day. Once they collapsed another villa in the hotel. Yu Yue lost the money, and then they were transferred to the practice room of the alchemy workshop. There, Yu The more high-ranking force absorbing device is installed, it is not easy to be damaged.

However, Yu Yue carefully comprehended various exercises by himself, and no one knew how many exercises he knew.


These days, the news that Edward, the young master of the Fanzhuo clan of the Ouzhou blood clan, is about to fight against Yu Yue, the master of the black horse of China, went viral on the dark web and underground world forums, arousing strong attention from the martial arts and cultivators circles.

Edward is the young master of the Fanzhuo clan, and is considered the "tomorrow star" of the Ouzhou blood clan. His genius has been placed high hopes by many older generations of the Ouzhou blood clan.

Although the Fanzhuo clan was suppressed and the clan leader, the newly promoted blood prince Carlisle, was killed, as long as Edward did not die, there was still a chance.

It is said that he has ran to the Eagle Nation and recognized the childless head of the Gurad clan, Tepesh Gurad, as his adoptive father.

Some people even say that he is actually the inheritor of the blood ancestor, or has accepted the blood ancestor inheritance...

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