Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 958: Lively (medium)

"Blood races are not vampires in the concept of ordinary people, but races with a thousand-year heritage. They are a cursed race, but they are also a talented race, and their endowment is much higher than that of humans.

"Ouzhou is the base camp of the blood clan, from the thirteen clans to the eight big clans, Gurad, Vandro, Modresa, Spark, Gangaro, Pascal, Achamet, Torito, the blood clan Having operated for thousands of years in Ou Chau, it is deeply rooted and cannot be easily shaken.

"It may be possible for Yu Yue to defeat a few strong blood clan, but it is basically impossible to shake the roots of the blood clan.

"Edward is not as good as his father, but this time he is backed by blood ancestors, or the entire European blood family. Even if Yu Yue goes against the sky, can he turn the entire Ouzhou blood family over?"

Some people choose to stand on the side of the blood race.

"Hey, how can you grow your ethics and extinguish your prestige?"

Some people are dissatisfied.

"I'm just seeking truth from facts. If the Ouzhou blood clan is really pulled like this, how can it survive for thousands of years? I don't know how many times it has been wiped out. The blood clan has controlled all aspects of Ouzhou's politics, economy, and society for so many years, it will inevitably become bloated and paralyzed. It was impossible to prevent someone from coming in unruly, which made Yu Yue arrogant for a while.

"However, how powerful is the blood clan in Ouzhou and how strong its foundation is, and the blood ancestor is a legendary existence. Legend has it that it has lived for three to four hundred years. It is precisely because of it that promoted the power of Ouzhou in the eighteenth. From the century to the mid-nineteenth century, the primitive accumulation of capital was completed through raids and became the most economically developed region in the world. At that time, I do not know how many human geniuses, strong men, and masters fell. Only the blood ancestor led the Ouzhou blood clan to rise wildly.

"So, Yu Yue has no chance of winning a battle against Edward, who has strong support from his blood ancestors and European blood clan."

Someone played eloquently for a long time.

Although everyone felt uncomfortable, they also felt that there was some truth to this statement, and no one refuted it for a while.

Only that [Yayachao baby] jumped up:

"How about the blood ancestor? What about the Ouzhou blood clan? If Mr. Yu has the intention, he can turn his hand to destroy. The Great Raksha Sect of Crocodile Country and its overlord are powerful? The existence that once had the same name as the Ulan Master Tower has not been destroyed?

"Although the mainstream saying in the arena is that the Great Raksha Sect was the work of the Ulan Master Tower, it is said that there is the shadow of Mr. Yu in it..."

The person with the blood rhythm just now immediately questioned:

"Why do you say that? Do you have evidence?"

[Yayachao baby] Said:

"There are two evidences. One is that Mr. Yu left Kunlun Mountain and drove to Ouzhou, passing through the crocodile country. The time coincides with the demise of the Great Raksha Sect. Second, the Ulan Master Pagoda is as famous as the Great Raksha Sect, even at that time, The momentum of the Great Raksha Sect once surpassed the Ulan Master Pagoda. If Mr. Wu Yu helped, how could the Ulan Master Pagoda destroy the Great Raksha Sect? In other words, it was Mr. Yu who destroyed the Great Raksha Sect, Master Wulan. Ta Shun handily make soy sauce..."

Suddenly, the forum was in an uproar.

Some people regained their confidence in Yu Yue.

But some people questioned the credibility of [Yayachaobao]'s statement:

"Who are you, classmate Yaya, why do you know so much?"

Everyone was arguing, but that [YaYaChaoBaby] dived.

No one supported Yu Yue, and the "blood clan fans" gradually gained the upper hand.

After all, not many people believe in the saying that "Yu Yue destroyed the Great Raksha Sect"...

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