Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 970: Red Moon (below)

Although the Gullard clan claims that the Secret Realm of Stonehenge is open to the world this time, in fact, it is not the large sect family, or the famous master of the side, that can obtain the qualification to enter the Secret Realm of Stonehenge, as for other small sects. , Or ordinary martial artist, casual cultivator, don't expect to be qualified to enter the secret realm of Stonehenge.

This is because the way the Gurad clan selects admission qualifications is simple and rude but effective.

They received gifts on the grounds of their blood ancestor birthday, and judged their admission qualifications based on the value of the gifts.

The gift is the admission ticket.

Although the Gurad clan didn't say it clearly, they did just that.

The birthday gift given to the blood ancestor must not be too shabby, too shabby to be taken.

Moreover, you are not embarrassed because there are many people and small gifts.

In short, the Gurad clan also means "this mountain is where I opened this tree because I want to stay and buy road money from now on".

At this time, the children of the Gurad clan seemed to be the administrators of the scenic area, "occupying the mountain as the king", "enclosing the land and collecting money" and "buying tickets for admission."

It's just that the average scenic spot is several hundred per capita, no matter how expensive, the secret of Stonehenge is far more than that.

Moreover, general scenic spots ask for money, and at most they are cheating money. The secrets of Stonehenge are still life-saving and risky. No one can guarantee your safety once you enter, and you can only ask for more blessings.

Even so, there are still many great pope sects and martial arts families who are eagerly rushing. Just because of the rare opportunity and rare resources, even if you die, you must seize the opportunity. As the so-called "wealth and wealth are in danger", the road to practice is also the same.

As soon as it got dark, the Gurad clan had sent a vanguard team to garrison around Stonehenge, and the vanguard was personally led by an elder of the Gurad clan.

When the team of the Gurad clan entered Stonehenge, many warriors, strangers, and cultivators had heard of the wind, especially the warriors and small organizations of the Eagle Country and the surrounding casual cultivators. After hearing the wind, people came to the vicinity of Stonehenge early and watched from a distance.

These warriors and strangers of the small sect or the small sect are definitely not eligible to enter the secret of Stonehenge, although the Gullard clan has announced that the secret is open to all regions, races, and origins, but "take out "A good birthday gift" is enough to stump many heroes, and the income of many small schools and small organizations for a year is not enough for these kinsmen bosses.

However, they also want to fish in troubled waters and see if they can get into the secrets of Stonehenge when there is chaos. The opportunity to see the demeanor of the master master and the sage demon is not a waste of time.

When the team of the Gurad clan stationed and deployed, these small sects and small organizations of warriors, aliens and casual cultivators also knew to stay away from the sidelines. They were not stupid enough to be like the Gurad clan who controlled a country and a large financial group. The point where giants are enemies.

"Prince Giovanni is here!"

When the elder of the Gurad clan was stationed for a short time, I saw a middle-aged man riding a horse. Although he was only accompanied by three or five people, he was full of blood and blood, causing many warriors, strangers and cultivators. Faintly change.

Giovanni Gangeiro is the head of the Gangeiro clan, and a real prince-level powerhouse.

The Gangelo clan controls the northern gulls and is powerful.

The Jiao horse he rides can also reflect his status.

The Jiao horse is a hybrid of the Northern Gull Sea Jiao and the Demon Stallion. It is extremely rare. At present, such technology is not allowed in the world, but the inner world can.

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