Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 994: I want it all (below)

After listening to Yu Yue's words, the group of people were even stupid.

They don't understand, but they are shocked.

Nina stammered and said: "This...this is the so-called, ordinary talents make choices, Master Yu wants them all?"

Red Paper Fan, Mai Juncheng and others were shocked. No wonder he let us choose first. If he chooses first, then we have no choice...

In a short while, the dense and messy boulders on the rocky beach were thrown away, and all the boulders sank into the lake.

However, this lake is also magical. It is not only big, but also unfathomable. So many boulders smashed into it, but they didn’t spread out...

When everyone was thinking this way, the entire space suddenly shook violently, and the world shook, as if the world was about to collapse, and the spatial sequence became extremely chaotic.

The violent shaking caused Nina, Mai Juncheng and others to turn their backs on their horses.

Nina was wearing hot pants, a pair of fleshy legs dangling sensual waves on the ground, not fat, just that kind of **** flesh, she knew everything.

Mai Juncheng's companion, that brother Guy, was miserable. He was already injured, but this time he hit his head and broke his blood.

Luo Yingxue and the red paper fan are very light, their delicate bodies undulate with the waves of the earth, unless the space really collapses, otherwise they can be stable.

Even Jiang Rou is better than Nina. She has studied "Nine Gong Dance", and the light exercise is not inferior to others, and there is Yu Yue to protect her, which is also very stable.

Yu You didn't care, rolling around on the bumpy ground, as if sitting on a huge swaying boat, which was very fun.

"Fa...what happened?" Mai Juncheng and the others turned pale with fright.

The next moment, the lake water rose up into the sky, like a volcanic eruption, one by one, the stone spirits emerged from the lake, exposing half of the rock mass on the water. It looked like a group of gophers in a gophers game appeared at the same time.

It's just that these "gophers" are too large and numerous, making the scene extremely spectacular for a while.

They didn't have a mouth, but they said at the same time: "You guys, how dare you be so presumptuous, do you want to die?"

Although it was a group of rocks, the terrifying aura of its explosion instantly filled the space, overwhelming the audience, crushing Mai Juncheng and others to the ground and unable to get up.

Mai Juncheng and others wailed in their hearts, and when it was over, Shi Ling was angry, and something terrible would surely happen if so much Shi Ling was angry! The question is, this has nothing to do with us, will it let us bear the anger together?

I saw Yu Yue taking the first two steps, smiling and saying: "Of course we don't want to die, we just want to make a deal."

Shi Qun asked: "Are you going to do business with us all?"

Yu Yue replied: "Of course, otherwise, why should I wake up all of you?"

Shi Qun said: "Boy, if you can't bring out something that satisfies us, we will press you down on the mountain, and you will never stand up!"

As he said, all the stone spirits flew into the sky, and dozens of hundreds of boulders left the lake and flew into the air, forming a large mountain in the mid-air.

Mai Juncheng and the others were already scared to death.

too frightening! If such a sacred mountain and giant mountain are pressed underneath, even the great master will have no way to survive!

Yu Yue's expression remained unchanged. Facing the giant mountain of Shiling above his head, he still wandered freely and calmly: "You can rest assured, my things are for your satisfaction."

With that, he took something out of the Kunlun bag he was carrying with him.

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