Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 146 The Pandemic

Attended a university in Shanghai.

"Huang Yingjun! What happened to your paper? Take it back and revise it again!" A middle-aged teacher with glasses and a calm appearance said unceremoniously.

"Director Qian! May I ask where I need to revise my paper?" Huang Yingjun asked with a frown.

Because this was the third time he had been called back for revision, Huang Yingjun felt a little angry.

"How to modify it! The teacher's company is currently soliciting investment, and there is no time for guidance. You can figure it out yourself." Qian Shenshou said angrily.

When Huang Yingjun heard this, he didn't know what the other party was implying, but he didn't care about this master's degree.

He had heard this kind of thing mentioned by his seniors before, but he didn't expect it to happen to him starting today.

Huang Yingjun smiled, shook his head and left the other party's office with his graduation thesis without saying a word.

Qian Shenshou looked at Huang Yingjun's handsome back and couldn't help but feel a little bad.

But when he thought that Huang Yingjun could drive the Pengpai Spark, he probably wouldn't be reluctant to spend a little money. Qian Shenshou didn't have papers written by Shaoka students in recent years. In the end, these students didn't give in.

With a brother who is the richest man in the world, Huang Yingjun does not worry about work.

A master's degree is just the icing on the cake, and is dispensable to him.

He mockingly took out a voice recorder from his pocket and went directly to the principal's office.


"Classmate, what's the matter?" the principal said like a Maitreya Buddha.

Huang Yingjun came directly to sit opposite the principal.

"Principal Zhang, my name is Huang Yingjun. I am this year's master's degree graduate. I am here mainly for two things."

Principal Zhang knew as soon as he heard that it was the instructor who was causing trouble again, and he quickly said sincerely:

"Classmate Huang, think twice before you act. If there is anything wrong with the school, please forgive me."

Huang Yingjun smiled and said:

"To be honest, I don't care about this master's degree, but I am very disappointed with what some people do."

"Uh..." Principal Zhang suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but as a veteran for many years, he had long been indifferent to favors and humiliations, and his expression remained unchanged:

"Classmate Huang, if you have something to do, sit down and talk, don't be impulsive."

"The first thing I did when I came here today was to report Qian Shen Shouka on my graduation thesis with real name, intending to ask for bribes." Huang Yingjun said with a sneer, then took out the recorder and pressed the play button.

Soon the conversation between Qian Shenshou and Huang Yingjun was heard in the principal's office without missing a word.

Principal Zhang frowned after hearing this, wiped his cold sweat and said:

"Classmate Huang, I will handle this matter seriously. Please give me the recorder."

Huang Yingjun did not refuse and directly gave the recording pen to the other party, but he added at the end:

"Haha! Principal Zhang has more than one recording."

Principal Liu, who had just received the recording pen, froze immediately and threatened with anger:

"Classmate Huang, you have to believe in the school. If this matter gets too big, it will be bad for both parties!"

"This is the second thing I came here to do. This is my application for withdrawal from school. I hope Principal Zhang can approve it." Huang Yingjun sneered and slapped the application for withdrawal from school on the table.

"Young man, calm down. It's hard to find jobs for undergraduates now. Don't make fun of your future." Principal Zhang became a little anxious now.

For a guy like Huang Yingjun who is not afraid of boiling water, he is really afraid that things will get bigger.

"Principal Zhang, sign it! I'm waiting for Qian Shenshou's announcement." Huang Yingjun said decisively.

Seeing the unwavering Huang Yingjun, Principal Zhang also lost his temper. He took out his pen and signed his name directly on the withdrawal application form, and then took out his seal and stamped it.

"Thank you!" Huang Yingjun took the withdrawal application form and turned around and left.

"Classmate Huang, some things have to be treated with mercy and mercy. The school can compensate you appropriately. I hope this matter will be reduced to a minor matter."

Huang Yingjun waved his hand without looking back.

Stroll along the school’s tree-shaded paths.

At this moment, Huang Yingjun felt as if he was flying high in the sky. He knew that his decision was a bit willful, but he had to be happy in life to be successful.

My brother is the richest man in the world. His own business capital alone is 100 million.

Damn your master's degree, I really thought I cared about that broken certificate.

If you bribe Qian Shenshou, you will be disgusting with yourself.

Besides, who regrets it will only know when the time comes.

"Hoo! Handsome! Handsome!" A fat man ran over panting and said:

"Youngjun! You are in trouble. Qian is looking for you everywhere. How did you offend him?"

"Xiao Pang, did you pass your graduation thesis?" Huang Yingjun answered the question nonchalantly.

Pang Xiaoxing looked at Huang Yingjun speechlessly, feeling that he was the emperor who was not in a hurry, but the eunuch was.

"I passed my thesis, but you don't want to graduate?"

"Look what this is." Huang Yingjun showed the withdrawal application form to Pang Xiaoxing.

What? Application for withdrawal from school? Pang Xiaoxing said anxiously:

"Youngjun, don't be impulsive, reach out and apologize to Qian, your future is important!"

"Little Fatty! Why should I humble myself and beg them? Do I need a master's degree certificate? Or am I afraid that I won't be able to find a job?"

Huang Yingjun spread his hands and asked.

"But..." Pang Xiaoxing still wanted to persuade.

Huang Yingjun interrupted the other party and asked: "Okay, little fat man, needless to say, I plan to start my own business. Do you want to come to Shanmei to help me?"

"Start a business? Speaking of Yingjun, your family is quite rich. What are you going to do? Internet?" Pang Xiaoxing did not doubt Huang Yingjun's words.

After all, he could drive the Pengpai Spark even before he graduated, and he was always accompanied by four bodyguards. It was obvious at a glance that his family background was extraordinary.

"Of course it's the Internet, otherwise wouldn't our major be in vain?"

"But it is difficult to start an Internet business now. Qiandu, Alibaba, Penguin, and ByteDance have almost divided the market." Pang Xiaoxing said helplessly.

"Don't worry! We will make something that no one in the country has made."

"What has no one made? Is there anything on the domestic Internet that no one has made?" Pang Xiaoxing was puzzled.

"System!" Huang Yingjun blinked and gave an unexpected answer.

"System!?" Pang Xiaoxing exclaimed in shock upon hearing this.

"Youngjun, this is a dead end. Even if your family is rich, it won't be able to create an ecosystem."

What Pang Xiaoxing said is absolutely correct. The reason why domestic systems have been half-dead has a lot to do with Microsoft and Google.

Microsoft and Google have been condoning domestic piracy in Dongtang. It’s not that they don’t want to promote genuine versions, but they want to completely suppress Dongtang’s domestic system.

After all, who doesn’t like free things? The problem is that this free thing contains evil intentions.

Now the computer systems in Dongtang are all from Microsoft; the mobile phone systems are Google's Android and Sydney Mobile's own Sydney system.

Once Microsoft and Google want to take down domestic Internet companies or communication equipment companies.

It's very simple, just make your software or hardware incompatible with the system, and it's guaranteed that a large number of companies will definitely be ruined.

As for replacing it with domestically produced ones?

Just think about it, your system can be replaced with a domestic one, but what about other software?

Other software is developed based on Microsoft system or Android system, and there is no way to be compatible or adapt to the new system for a while.

In this way, how to get consumers to use this new system? Is it necessary to buy a whiteboard mobile phone or computer to generate electricity for love? And then slowly wait for the software ecosystem to be perfected? Obviously impossible.

This is the ecological problem of software and the reason why domestic systems are half-dead.

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