Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 218 Cross-sea Bridge

November 10th.

On the eve of Double Eleven.

Galaxy Technology has made another big news.

Galaxy Technology’s official website announced a terrifying plan.

[Strait Cross-Sea Bridge Plan]

Tianhan Group and Galaxy Technology cooperate to build a real cross-sea bridge in the Strait waters.

The bridge starts from Fenwei in Pingtan (Haitan Island) in Fujian Province in the west and goes directly to Xiangshan in Hsinchu City in Dongdao Province. It has a total length of 135 kilometers and a total investment of 500 billion yuan.

The entire cross-sea bridge is divided into five artificial islands (a single artificial island covers an area of ​​1 square kilometers), bridge piers, highway bridge system, vacuum tube maglev train system, and graphene solar power thin film system.

The train speed is expected to reach 1,200 kilometers per hour (near the speed of sound), and it will take about seven minutes to reach Hsinchu from Pingtan.

Tianhan Group provided the money and Galaxy Technology provided the technology, each holding 50% of the shares. In addition, there are CRRC Group, Aerospace Group, etc. that are involved in engineering design and construction.

Anyway, Tianhan Group’s $200 billion won’t be comfortable if it’s not spent, so it might as well go big.

Such a huge project will not only benefit the economy, but also promote technological development.

Especially the vacuum tube maglev train system. This system is definitely the most technical and the most difficult among the entire cross-sea bridge.

After all, it is necessary to maintain the vacuum state of the pipeline and ensure the safety of passengers during operation. In addition, there are also issues such as getting on and off the train, handling accidents, etc.

In fact, the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation also has related plans. Their plan is a high-speed flying train project.

The plan will be gradually realized in accordance with the three-step strategy of maximum operating speeds of 1,000 km/h, 2,000 km/h, and 4,000 km/h:

The first step is to build a regional intercity flight train transportation network with a transportation capacity of 1,000 kilometers per hour;

The second step is to build a national super city cluster flying train transportation network with a transportation capacity of 2,000 kilometers per hour;

The third step is to build an intercontinental flight train transportation network with a transportation capacity of 4,000 kilometers per hour, eventually forming a new business card after aerospace, high-speed rail, and nuclear power.

When you see the blueprint of this project, it is simply more exaggerated than Galaxy Technology’s Cross-Strait Bridge. Don’t doubt the imagination of those experts.

So Galaxy Technology said it would build a cross-strait bridge and use vacuum tube magnetic levitation technology. The aerospace group and the others immediately rushed over.

It's rare for investors (who are taken advantage of) to be willing to pay for it. Of course, they would sacrifice their lives to accompany the gentleman.

The difficulties of vacuum pipeline magnetic levitation technology are really not difficult for Galaxy Technology.

In terms of pipe materials, high-strength fiberglass composite graphene can be used, which not only has high strength, but also meets the sealing requirements.

Magnetic levitation can use normal temperature superconductor magnetic levitation technology, and space capsule technology can be used for getting on and off the vehicle.

As for the acceleration that some people worry may cause overload on the human body, in fact, there is no need to worry. The acceleration of the maglev train in the vacuum tube is very uniform. From 0 to 1200 kilometers per hour, using 25 kilometers as the acceleration zone, the pressure on the human body is It is about 0.2~0.3G, which is less than the 0.5G pressure during takeoff of a civil aviation aircraft.

In addition, the energy consumption of the vacuum tube maglev train itself is quite small. The only thing that consumes a lot of energy is the vacuum machine to maintain the vacuum.

In fact, to maintain the vacuum state, if the pipeline seal is very strong, the energy consumption can be reduced a lot.

In addition, the maglev train runs in a vacuum tube, which will not produce noise or vibration, and will not have any impact on residents around the tube.

If it is to be built in the city in the future, or through residential areas in the city, it is very necessary for the vacuum pipeline to be noise-free and vibration-free.

Of course, since this is a cross-sea bridge built over the sea, there is no problem of noise nuisance to residents.

In terms of energy consumption, due to the laying of graphene solar power thin films, the entire cross-sea bridge can achieve self-sustaining power, which also reduces operating costs.

In other words, the remaining problems are just engineering problems.

As soon as this plan came out, people were talking about it.

The bib immediately forwarded the plan.

"Is it true? Can RMB 500 billion be used to build this thing? It feels a bit uncertain." - Martian

"The plan should be true. As for whether it can be completed, God knows!" - Pi

"Still a joint venture? Isn't Tianhan the same as Galaxy? Are you kidding me?" - Manual Funny

" @Manual funny, brothers see through but don't tell, be careful when receiving express delivery."——Automatic funny

"Enhanced version of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge!!!" - Lao Tan Sauerkraut

"Where does the Tianhan Group's money come from? A few days ago, it spent more than 200 billion to buy Alibaba shares, and now it has invested 500 billion to build a cross-sea bridge. It can't even print money so fast!" - It's scary to think about it.

"The technical problem should not be big. The key is the construction cost and operating cost. However, Galaxy Technology can generate its own power, and the operating cost should not be high. I don't know if the issue of passenger flow has been considered." - Fuling Zhacai

"Is this true? I am from Hsinchu!" - Dongdao user

" @Dongdao user, bro, how did you log into this website? It's so funny!"——Dongfeng Express

“ @Dongfeng Express just logs in directly, what’s so funny about it.”——Dongdao user

Sure enough, many netizens soon discovered that domestic networks could directly log into the Dongdao network, and many netizens in Dongdao also discovered this.

Netizens from both sides began to enjoy browsing these websites that were difficult to log in before. After all, there was a "wall" between the two sides of the Internet. If you want to log in to the other side's website, you can only log in by climbing over the wall.

Many people don’t understand why the restrictions were suddenly lifted.

In fact, about 60% of the networks have been lifted. Tianhan Group has not banned Twitter and Facebook in the East Island, but this does not mean that Twitter and Facebook can enter the domestic market through the East Island.

This is equivalent to a disguised unilateral channel, which means that domestic software can flow unimpeded in Dongdao, but Dongdao's previous software must be reviewed before it can enter the country.

Of course, due to habitual problems, there are very few users of Penguin, Chaoxin, and Panda.

However, ByteDance's Douyin was different. It went straight in and soon attracted a lot of young people from Dongdao to buy it.

Inside the middle school in Keelung.

"A Ming, look at this..." A boy with a somewhat vulgar smile took out his mobile phone and gave it to his classmate A Ming.

A Ming was a sultry man with glasses. He immediately raised his glasses and took the phone seriously.


"Hahaha... I can't do it anymore, I laughed until my stomach hurt..." A Ming was so stimulated by those stupid videos that he burst into laughter.

"Amin, what is so funny?"

"Let's watch together." A group of classmates surrounded A Ming.

"Hey, mouse, where did the video come from?" Another smart classmate quickly approached the boy with the lewd smile and asked.

The boy nicknamed Mouse said mysteriously: "You can just search for Douyin on the Internet."

"Douyin? Is Brother Gu still a new software released by Facebook?" The smart boy thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and started searching.

Sure enough, Douyin popped up as soon as I searched for it. After clicking to download, I got started quickly.

This trend soon triggered a chain reaction. The reason is very simple. Due to the domestic Internet Association, all software is interoperable.

It is equivalent to downloading Douyin, and you can enter Penguin,, local trading network, etc.; if you download Penguin, you can also enter other social, e-commerce, and entertainment software.

Unknowingly, many Dongdao users have downloaded a lot of domestic software.

In addition, the network management departments of both parties did not prevent this kind of thing.

Therefore, more and more Dongdao users are accessing the domestic Internet. Thanks to the management of artificial intelligence, there is no random distribution of bad information.

The interconnection of the Internet has accelerated the integration and exchange of young people from both sides.

Today’s extra update! (ω`)Burn! My fat!

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