Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 222 A difficult decision

Upon hearing the news, the Sydney board of directors fell into collective silence.

Obviously, 67% of the shares exceeded their psychological bottom line.

But if you don’t accept it, unless Sydney’s holographic technology achieves a breakthrough within a year, the result will be the same as the Nokia mobile phone of that year.

However, 67% of the shares were equivalent to selling Sydney, and they were given to Galaxy Technology for nothing. The shareholders were very unwilling and annoyed.

Even if it means death, accepting it is tantamount to selling oneself. For a time, those people on the Sydney board of directors have lost countless brain cells.

And this news obviously cannot be concealed because Sydney is a listed company.

Suddenly this incident triggered a huge heated discussion in Mi Li's family.

The people did not expect that in just two or three years, Sydney would be reduced to the point where it was necessary to sell one's life to survive.

Sydney's official Facebook page.

"Objection! Object! If Sydney sells shares to Galaxy Technology, I will never buy Sydney's products in the future." - Indian scalp

" @Indian scalp, don't buy Sydney? Then what are you going to buy? Huawei or Sanxin, wheat? Ridiculous!" - Greenwich

"Sad! The mood at this moment is sadness!" - Mayflower

"You can cooperate with Harvard University. Don't they have holographic technology?" - Ice Storm

" @Ice storm, children read more books, do you believe Harvard University's nonsense?" - God is a girl

The public's reaction to the possible sale of shares in Sydney was extremely fierce. There were many people who opposed it, and of course many people chose to remain silent. As for the few who agreed.

the other side.

An emergency meeting was held within Sydney.

"Mr. Johnson, we hope that the parliament can understand Sydney's difficulties. If we don't do this, Sydney Company may not be able to survive." The major shareholder said helplessly.

"I understand your difficulties, but this is not the reason why you sold Sydney to Galaxy Technology." Johnson asked Sydney's board of directors with a dark face.

"Then what do you think we should do?" the major shareholder asked bluntly.

"I..." Johnson was suddenly speechless.

"The only thing that can save Sydney now is to sell shares to Galaxy Technology, otherwise Sydney will be eliminated by the times." The major shareholder said with mixed emotions.

"I hope you won't regret your choice today." Johnson said and left.

This time he came to Xueli Company, it was just a routine matter. Many people knew Xueli's predicament at this moment.

The Sydney board of directors acted very quickly. They first divested some potentially sensitive businesses, and then let Cook negotiate with Galaxy Technology.

After three days of deliberations.

Tianhan Group acquired 34% of the shares of Sydney Company, while Galaxy Group, Aurora Group and Zhongxing Group held 33% of the shares of Sydney Company.

After completing this transaction, Sydney Company will join the Galaxy-Tianhan consortium.

Of course, in order to prevent Galaxy Technology from completely controlling Sydney, they chose the AB share setup, but for Galaxy Technology, AB shares don't matter.

After all, Sydney's batteries, systems, and chips are all supplied by Galaxy Technology. These lifebloods are in the hands of Galaxy Technology, and they can only obey its orders.

AB shares are just an explanation to the public on the surface. It makes people think that Galaxy Technology does not completely control Sydney. However, in fact, Galaxy Technology can definitely control Sydney.

And Xueli Company has also obtained the result they wanted. They will obtain the same status as Sanxin and obtain parts at internal prices.

In addition, the Sydney system still exists, but the core will be replaced by the Taiwei system of Zhongxing Group. Similarly, Sydney's ecology can be retained.

November 28th.

After completing everything, Sydney Company announced the result to everyone and announced the end of Sydney's trading suspension.

Unlike the people who are mourning and cursing, the capital market is enthusiastic about this result.

After the rice stocks opened, Sydney's stock price soared 32% that day, with the total market value reaching US$597.3 billion at the close.

Starting from December 1st, Sydney Company began to upgrade (replace) the system. On the surface, there was no change in the Sydney system, but in fact, it became a Taiwei system.

However, Cook was still very cautious and gave users the right to choose when upgrading the system. In addition, all Sydney systems used for official purposes were not included in the upgrade scope. Fortunately, Sydney itself did not have too many official businesses, so there was no Cause big trouble.

In addition, Sydney also announced that it will launch a holographic bracelet and mobile phone on March 20 next year.

Stimulated by these good news, Sydney's total market value once soared to US$824.7 billion, and then stabilized between US$750 and 760 billion.

Obviously someone is cashing out at a high level. Of course, Sydney is very popular in the capital market at this time. Like Sanxin Electronics, Taiji Electric, and Alibaba Group, as a concept stock of Galaxy Technology, it is one of the few companies among the rice stocks that has bucked the market trend, so There are many takers.

The same is true for Dongtang's domestic A-shares. Galaxy Technology's concept stocks have all seen an astonishing increase.

If Galaxy Technology itself could be listed, I'm afraid the market value would be sky-high. Unfortunately, many people know the nature of Galaxy Technology and whether a sole proprietorship is listed.

Of course, the Dongtang Securities Regulatory Commission has repeatedly invited companies under Galaxy Technology to list on A-shares, but Huang Haojie rejected them all.

Of course, regarding the A-share listing, Huang Haojie, Li Jianhua and others discussed and planned to list several of their subsidiaries.

But it is probably difficult to choose. After all, subsidiaries like Galaxy Group all possess core and sensitive technologies and are not suitable for listing.

Li Jianhua and others are studying this issue.

However, in this Sydney share transaction, the one who directly gained the most was Meteor Shower Company.

Teresa has made no less than 30 billion US dollars in the rice stock market.

"Shet! Damn Sydney, you are begging for mercy from Dongtang People. I will never buy their products again." James was as angry as a bull and was about to throw the Sydney mobile phone in his hand.

Suddenly he stopped, I bought this with money. Xueli belonged to Mi Li's family before. In terms of time, this Xueli mobile phone was not a product of Dongtang people. James forcibly hinted to himself that the Xueli mobile phone in his hand was pure. Homemade rice grains.

Then he continued to use the Sydney mobile phone through self-hypnosis.

At noon, he leisurely came to the company restaurant and looked at the menu on the wall.

"Have a piece of Spanish fried rice, fruit salad, grilled chicken wings..."

James came to the table with the food.

"Hi! James!"

"Oh, it's Peter, sit down."

A young man with a round face and freckles sat next to James.

The two of them chatted while eating.

Suddenly Peter said: "James, I remember you use a Sydney mobile phone!"

James nodded.

"Then have you upgraded the system?"

"No!" James shook his head. He was angry that Sydney sold himself to Galaxy Technology, so he didn't upgrade the system.

"Oh! That's such a pity. After the upgrade, I feel that my phone has become much faster. I heard that Sydney will release holographic bracelets and mobile phones next year. Do you want to buy them together next year?"

"NO!" James replied angrily.

"Why? Aren't you a fan of Sydney?" Peter asked doubtfully.

James' face turned red, and the veins on the hand holding the knife and fork were prominent: "I am no longer a fan of Xue Li, please mention Xue Li as a traitor in front of me from now on."

Seeing the somewhat ferocious James, Peter wisely shut up and ate. After James ate his food in a hurry, he left the restaurant without saying hello.

Back home, he continued to troll Xue Li on Facebook.

But when he went on Facebook, he saw a lot of compliments, saying that Sydney's upgraded system was perfect.

The more James watched, the more uncomfortable he felt, especially when he saw that several netizens who had joined him in criticizing Sydney's traitors were also kneeling down to lick Sydney's new system, which made him even more angry.

"These traitors, you don't deserve to be Mi Li's family. I don't believe that upgrading the system will have such a good effect. These guys must have received money. I want to expose them." After James finished talking to himself.

He immediately clicked to upgrade the system. He wanted to see if after the upgrade, it was really the same as those guys boasted.

Half an hour later, James was already lying on the sofa having so much fun that he had long forgotten about finding trouble and went to Greenland.

At the same time, he kept hinting to himself: I am not agreeing with the Sydney system, I am looking for its shortcomings, and then severely criticized Sydney on Facebook. Even if no shortcomings are found now, I am the only one who insists on "testing". It can definitely be found.

James was hypnotizing himself while having fun.

The last day of October! thanks for your support! This is today’s extra update! (ω`)

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