Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 456 The other side of the starry sky

The first year of the Milky Way, September 21st.

In the Andei Cantilever, about 84 light-years away from the Anluo Galaxy, a spacecraft is slowing down.

Inside the spherical spacecraft, two Anluo aliens who were dormant in the life-saving cabin, or Anluo grass people to be precise, were awakened by the biological intelligence core.

"Ange, how long have I been sleeping?" One of the old Anluo people asked using brain waves to the biological intelligence core.

[Dear Bakselan, the current Anluo star calendar is 35685 large wheels, 43 medium wheels and 12 small wheels. It has been 1014 big rounds, 21 medium rounds and 19 small rounds since we left Anluo Star. Our position from Anluo Star at this time is 1250.423 (one axis)/490.148 (two axes)/758.912 (three axes), and the distance from Anluo Star is 143.671 light wheels. ...]

Note: The big wheel, the middle wheel, and the small wheel are equivalent to the year, month and day of Blue Star. 1 year ≈ 1.71 big wheel, 1 month ≈ 1.2 medium wheel, 1 day ≈ 0.62 small wheel; 1 light year ≈ 1.71 light wheel.

"Ke Seran, Lian Te from Silver Light No. 1429 is dead." Another young Anluo star suddenly sent brain waves to Bak Selan.

Bacoselan concentrated on calling up the voyage log of the intelligent core Ange. The telepathy of the Anluo people could actually communicate with each other across tens of thousands of light years. He had to sigh at the wonder of the universe.

"Before 75.8 Ferry (47 days), Lunt died on the Nakedo Cantilever (Orion Cantilever). Judging from the death information, it seems that it was caused by a sudden attack, but Ange 1429 (Pandora Intelligent Core) is still running?" Bakseran thought in confusion.

"But Seran, I'll think about Liante's matter later. Now we are the only spaceship left in the grass-human race. I hope this light star circle (star system) has an earth star (planet) suitable for transformation."

"Apodo, let's check the situation of this light star circle! I hope it is a suitable area for survival, otherwise we can only replenish fuel and materials before setting off again." Bakselan opened the door of the life-saving cabin and put the Put your hands on the intelligent core Ange.

Baabodo also opened the door of the life-support cabin and floated in the small cabin. They were all typical second-generation Anluo people, that is, those from the Anluo star who were born in the spaceship.

"Good news, this is a very stable light star. There are 6 earth stars and 2 gas stars in the light star circle, and 2 of the earth stars are in the suitable zone." Bakselan's brain waves fluctuated violently stand up.

"Really?" Baabodo quickly put his hand on the intelligent core. After a while, he also became excited: "There is hope for restoring the glory of the grass-human race. Those damn Shar-pi and Blue-skin, you'd better not be alive. Otherwise we will one day completely wipe you out.”

"Apodo, let us continue to fight for the glory of the Grass People."

The two quickly adjusted the flight direction of the spacecraft and drove the spacecraft towards the third planet in this galaxy. This is an earth-like planet slightly larger than the Blue Star. It has a thick atmosphere and planetary magnetic field. It also has two relatively large planets. of natural satellites exists.

As they got closer and closer, Bakselan and Baabodo initially obtained some information about the planet through the spacecraft's detection system, such as the thickness and composition of the atmosphere.

This is a primitive planet where no advanced life forms were born, but the environment of this planet is suitable for the Anluo people to survive and reproduce.

The two named this planet [New Anluo Star Circle-Green Grass Star].

61 Virgo, the traditional name of Tianmen Zengsi in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, is a G5V star with a mass slightly smaller than that of the Sun (G2V type). It is located in the constellation Virgo about 27.8 light-years away from the Blue Star. The star is essentially the same composition as the Sun, except that its chromosphere is less active.

The rotation period of 61 Virgo at the equator is 29 days, and the components of its space velocity are U = –37.9, V = –35.3 and W = –24.7 km/s. 61 Virgo orbits 6,900 parsecs from the Milky Way's core and has an orbital eccentricity of 0.15.

Considered a galactic disk star with an estimated age of more than 6 billion years, 61 Virgo is recognized as the first main-sequence yellow dwarf star with potential as a blue superstar.

at the same time.

On the New Manila Space Station, one of Blue Star's synchronous orbiting space stations, a huge astronomical telescope is assembled on an arm of the space station.

This is a very large space telescope, equipped with wide-field and planetary cameras, Goddard high-resolution spectrograph, high-speed photometer, dark object camera, dark object spectrograph, etc., code-named "Gaoming Space Telescope".

The diameter of the four primary mirrors alone is very large. When the diameter reaches 16.75 meters, the four can be combined into an optical telescope with a diameter of 33.5 meters. It is not only far beyond the [Hubble Telescope] in space, but even the blue star on the ground. The largest optical telescope [Keck Telescope] cannot compete with the Gaoming Space Telescope.

Moreover, the precision of the Gaoming Space Telescope is more than ten times higher than that of the Hubble Telescope, due to the joint research and development by Neutron Star Materials Company and Galaxy Precision Instrument Company.

In addition, there are astronomical equipment such as radio telescopes, infrared telescopes, and gravitational wave detectors on the New Manila Space Station, which can be called the most powerful astronomical observation institution on Blue Star.

"Dr. David, are you free?" Zhang Xianyue asked floatingly.

David Inbas is a Mediterranean man in his forties. He was previously an Australian astronomer. This time he was dispatched to the New Manila Space Station, accompanied by seven astronomers or astrophysicists.

"Yue, what's going on?" David put down the coffee bottle in his hand and asked.

Zhang Xianyue is a graduate student in astrophysics from Galaxy College this year, and happened to be sent to the New Manila Space Station as an intern.

"This is the photo of the Tianmen Zengsi Galaxy that was just taken." Zhang Xianyue said while sending a hologram to David.

"Tianmen Zengsi?"

"It's Virgo 61." Zhang Xianyue explained.

"It turns out to be 61 Virgo. Do you have any doubts?" David realized after hearing 61 Virgo.

Zhang Xianyue clicked on the twenty high-precision photos she took and enlarged a part of one of them to the extreme: "Dr. David, look here."

David raised his glasses and looked carefully at the extremely magnified picture: "This is the planet 61 Virgo C. It's impossible! This planet does not have such a large satellite. Where did this satellite come from?"

"Dr. David, look at these photos, which also contain this situation." Zhang Xianyue clicked on three more photos.

David quickly looked through the photos carefully. After a while, he took off his glasses and rubbed his temples. Then he looked through the photos carefully. The more he looked at them, the more he felt something was wrong.

"Yue, go and ask Dr. Huang and Dr. Zheng to come over."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Zhang Xianyue floated towards other cabins, and within ten minutes, two other people appeared in David's cabin.

Huang Mude is a researcher at Jinling City Purple Mountain Observatory, and Zheng Dongjiang is a researcher at Dongdao Keelung Observatory. They are the leaders of this cosmic observation project.

"David, why did you suddenly call me here?" Huang Mude, who was tall and thin, asked first.

"Yue made some discoveries. I'm not sure, so I want you to give me your opinion." After David said that, he opened the photos of Virgo 61 and showed them to Huang Mude and Zheng Dongjiang.

The two of them looked at David who was serious and looked through it carefully with interest. After a while, Huang Mude frowned and asked, "Are you sure it's 61 Virgo?"

"It's impossible to make mistakes. Every photo is automatically encoded by a supercomputer." Zheng Dongjiang said.

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