Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 479 Genetic Potion (1)

When the Mars Territory was scrambled by the virus incident, the Moon's New Keelung City Base was established.

Huang Haojie is working with Michelle, Zhao Zhangde, and Takahashi Kenji to develop the Sun Ladder Virus. At this time, their research and development work has advanced by leaps and bounds.

"I didn't expect that allicin can inhibit the solar ladder, and the effect is so great, it is simply a natural inhibitor." Zhao Zhangde said while standing outside the test area.

Beside him were Huang Junjie, Michelle and others.

In the test area, an unknown white mouse was injected with an improved version of the Sun Staircase. It was in pain, wailing, and struggling, but the humans outside the shield turned a blind eye. Obviously humans were more concerned about whether the experiment was successful.

After a fierce struggle, the little white mouse has turned into a big mouse full of muscles under the supply of nutrient solution. However, although its strength has increased a lot, it still cannot break free from the titanium alloy lock. After the big mouse found that it could not break free, Then he calmed down and stared at the humans outside.

"Successful!" Michelle grabbed her hand excitedly.

"It's too early to say it's successful. Let's check the experimental subject." Huang Junjie said, touching his chin.

Kenji Takahashi hurriedly operated the experimental platform and conducted a full-body examination on the successfully enhanced rat. After a while, countless test data popped up on the holographic computer. Huang Junjie looked at the data and shook his head: "Half the battle is done. "

Michelle and Zhao Zhangde also quickly looked at the data. After a while, they also understood why Huang Junjie said that half of the success was achieved because the genetic mutation of the mice was so severe that there was an obvious atavism. The current gene series There is a 64% difference from before, which is equivalent to replacing a body.

"It seems that the dose is too high. We need to weaken the dose and induced mutation rate of the Sun Staircase." Zhao Zhangde said while recording some data and modification directions.

Huang Junjie looked at the experimental data. He knew that using the Sun Staircase would inevitably induce genetic mutations. However, if too large a dose of the Sun Staircase was used at one time, it would not only cause high mutation problems in the genes of the organism, but also produce a series of of sequelae.

For example, the temperament changes drastically, becoming moody and highly aggressive, or atavism, or mutation, maybe an extra hand or foot.

The probability of this happening in the virus era is about 30%. In that era, such mutations were acceptable, but in the 21st century, I believe that most people are unwilling to become aliens, especially those with obvious appearance characteristics.

"Michelle, Zhangde and I continue to modify the Sun Staircase. Takahashi, you continue to test the remaining Sun Staircase improvement reagents." Huang Junjie ordered.

"Okay, Head of State." Takahashi Kenji bowed quickly and replied.

Inside the virus laboratory.

Huang Junjie, Michelle, and Zhao Zhangde are all inside, but according to the safety regulations of the biochemical virus laboratory, the three of them will not actually come into contact with the biochemical virus. Instead, they will operate the virus through a stand-in robot or an auxiliary robot.

Experimental accidents in many science fiction movies are often not caused by viruses that are too powerful, but by experimenters who seek death too much, such as direct close contact with biochemical viruses or experimental subjects, or insufficient safety measures, or experimenters who do not follow the routine.

The alliance's laboratories, especially the biochemical laboratories, are strictly guarded to prevent all experimental accidents.

For example, there are three layers of condensed matter shields set up in Camp Zero where they are now. Once the virus leaks, under the layer-by-layer isolation, the possibility of the virus being leaked is zero, unless it is deliberately spread by humans. However, the alliance can deal with these People who come into contact with the virus are scrutinized very strictly, and the laboratory is monitored by artificial intelligence around the clock, basically eliminating the possibility of human intentionality.

"Michelle, modify the Abnormal Expression No. 35 sequence of exons 37-8-13 in the first strand of Sun Staircase RNA into Abnormal Expression No. 37 A sequence." Huang Junjie looked at the holographic gene spirochet of Sun Staircase and ordered. .


Michelle's fingers flew over the holographic projection, quickly modifying the exon sequence of the Sun Staircase.

Zhao Zhangde is modifying some non-structural genes of Sun Ladder (a non-coding DNA segment on both sides of the structural genes, also called flanking sequences, involved in the regulation of gene expression). He is making adjustments while checking the supercomputer simulation results.

There are a dozen researchers in the laboratory who are also modifying the Sun Staircase Virus.

"Group Zhao, the promoter of the non-structural gene 9-6-15 sequence collapsed, and your modification conflicts."

Zhao Zhangde looked at the situation of the non-structural gene 9-6-15 series and used a supercomputer to simulate it again. The result of the supercomputer simulation was [the promoter RNA polymerase specifically recognizes the abnormality of the DNA sequence that binds and initiates transcription, and the transcription starts Site and response element sequences produce conflicting reactions. ]

"Xiao Zhang, please modify the non-structural gene 9-6-15 sequence to a more stable sequence." Zhao Zhangde ordered.


Zhao Zhangde also carefully studied the upstream promoter elements in the non-structural genes of the Sun Ladder, that is, some specific DNA sequences upstream of the TATA box. Trans-acting factors can bind to these elements to regulate the transcription efficiency of the gene.

Through trans-acting factors and binding to specific cis-acting elements, it affects the RNA sequence of the solar ladder gene transcription.

After reading this part, he found two small problems and revised it. Then he asked Huang Haojie: "Führer, has your exon 33-3-76 sequence been modified, or is it still the previous version? "

"It's still the previous version. This part has not been modified for the time being." Huang Junjie turned around and replied.

"Okay." Zhao Zhangde quickly continued to look at the exons and introns. He looked at the holographic gene spirochetes and modified one or two gene series from time to time. These modifications were all regular and scientific. If they were not installed safely, With the genetic programming technology of the Luoxing people, they really didn't dare to randomly modify the genetic sequence of the Sun Staircase.

He took a look at the supercomputer's Poly(A) tailing signal results. The conserved AAUAAA sequence at the end of the structural gene and the downstream GT or T-rich region were recognized by polyadenylation-specific factors, and 176 was added to the 3' end of the mRNA. An A.

Then a non-directional enhancer was combined with a trans-acting factor to enhance the transcriptional activity of the Sun Ladder. However, Zhao Zhangde modified the sequence of the enhancer because general enhancers are effective at any position of the gene, but he Targeted enhancers are now needed.

A directional silencer is added behind the enhancer, which is used as a negative regulatory element for gene expression. It combines with trans-acting factors to directionally inhibit the transcriptional activity of a specific gene in the Sun Ladder.

After being busy for most of the day, Zhao Zhangde began to adjust the gene series of response elements of the Sun Ladder. The response elements can bind to activated information molecule receptors and regulate specific DNA sequences of gene expression.

This part is related to the strengthening after the combination of the Sun Staircase and human genes. There are many places that need to be paid attention to and adjusted.

Speaking of which, the Anluo planet and humans are both carbon-based organisms, which makes it much more difficult for Zhao Zhangde and others to transform the Sun Staircase. After all, they are also carbon-based organisms, and many things are essentially the same. However, the Anluo planet has little difference in the The study of genes is more in-depth and comprehensive than that of humans.

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