Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 502 Trends in Triangular Civilization

With the emergence of alien civilizations one after another, the Alliance has now discovered four alien civilizations: Anluo Civilization, Triangular Civilization, Soth Civilization, and Dark Beast Civilization.

Facing the increasing alien threats, the Alliance is not only strengthening its military strength; it is also working hard to improve its early warning system for the solar system and its observation system for the outer solar system.

For example, the Oort Cloud Monitoring Satellite System has currently deployed 12,000 satellites. These monitoring satellites have initially included the entire outer solar system within the monitoring range, which extends approximately 2 light-years from the Oort Cloud.

Three of the other four space stations in the Blue Star solar orbit have also been completed, and the last one is expected to be completed by the end of October.

The Qinglong Cosmological Observatory is one of the four orbiting cosmic observatories. The other three are the Baihu Cosmic Observatory, the Suzaku Cosmic Observatory, and the Xuanwu Cosmic Observatory (not yet completed).

These four cosmic observatories are actually more than just observatories. According to the alliance council's blueprint, they will be upgraded into four cosmic defense fortresses in the future, responsible for guarding the inner side of the solar system.

Huang Mude is currently inside the Qinglong Space Observatory. After being genetically enhanced some time ago, he has been able to stay in the universe for a long time. Now he is leading a group of astronomy or astrophysics researchers to continuously observe 61 Virgo. The triangular civilization of the galaxy.

The Alliance attaches great importance to this nearby alien civilization. The 61 Virgo galaxy where the Triangular Civilization is located is monitored day and night. The Alliance Council has even established a working group specifically responsible for analyzing information about the Triangular Civilization.

October 12th.

The monitoring system responsible for observing the 61 Virgo galaxy suddenly sounded a series of alarms.

Huang Mude quickly asked: "What did you find?"

The researcher turned on the alarm message and looked at it carefully for a while: "Some celestial body movements were discovered outside the 61 Virgo galaxy."

A star map was displayed in front of Huang Mude. This was a star map model near the 61 Virgo galaxy. Six enlarged and marked light points appeared in the star map model.

"Six celestial bodies are flying side by side. It is initially determined that they are man-made spacecrafts, heading towards the Gliese 581 galaxy. The current speed is approximately 1,240 kilometers per second, which is equivalent to 0.413% of the speed of light." The researcher looked at the data analysis results and said.

"Continue to monitor closely." Huang Mude ordered.


Huang Mude looked at this flying speed and felt a little relieved. If the opponent's spacecraft speed was only 0.413% of the speed of light, then the alliance would not have to worry about the opponent reaching the solar system in the next few hundred years.

However, he was still not completely sure. After all, the other party had just left the 61 Virgo galaxy. Maybe the speed of the spacecraft had not reached its maximum speed. Huang Mude looked at the model of the holographic star map, the six constantly flashing light spots.

Three days later, the Qinglong Space Observatory finally confirmed the speed of the opponent's spacecraft. The maximum speed reached about 4.3% of the speed of light.

In addition, Huang Mude and others confirmed the size of the six spacecrafts of the Triangular Civilization by analyzing spectral information. The length of the spacecraft is about 8 kilometers, the width and height are almost 2 kilometers, and the volume is almost 32 cubic kilometers. A spacecraft of this level , should be the generation spaceship of the Triangular Civilization.

Since the 61 Virgo galaxy is 27.8 light years away from Blue Star, this means that these spacecrafts sailed to the Gliese 581 galaxy 27.8 years ago. The Gliese 581 galaxy is the closest to the 61 Virgo galaxy, and the distance between the two sides is 11.5 light years. Calculated based on the current speed of their spacecraft, it should have traveled a distance of about 1.18 light-years.

If their current speed remains unchanged, it will take at least 267 years to reach the Gliese 581 galaxy; if they fly to the solar system, it will take at least 646 years.

Obviously, the speed of their spaceship did not exceed the sublight speed of the Alliance. Huang Mude continued to order: "Continue to closely monitor the movements of the Triangular Civilization."

"Okay." A group of researchers and staff responded quickly.

Huang Mude quickly wrote a detailed report on the situation, and then sent the report document to the Alliance Council and the Supreme Command. He has been writing reports every day these days.

The Alliance attaches great importance to alien civilization. This matter is related to the security of the solar system. If we do not strengthen early warning and observation, aliens will kill us at our door one day, and that will be a real cheat.

High Command.

The figures of various military executives were projected in the holographic conference room, and Alexander Vasily distributed the report document of the Qinglong Cosmological Observatory to everyone.

"This is the report document just sent from the Qinglong Space Observatory. Everyone, please take a look."

Everyone immediately started browsing carefully. After a while, Li Wentao spoke first: "If the speed of the opponent's spacecraft is 4.3% of the speed of light, then the threat level to us can be reduced to level 2.1."

The threat level is the difference between the level of alien civilization and the level of human civilization. The current level of human civilization is level 2.4, the former Soth civilization is level 2.2, the Anluo civilization is level 2.4, and the dark beast civilization is level 2.4 to 2.9.

The alliance's previous assessment of the civilization level of the Triangular Civilization was between 2.2 and 2.5. Now that their spacecraft speed has been observed, it can be initially confirmed that their civilization level is around level 2.1.

Don't think that the difference between 2.1 and 2.2 is only 0.1. Even this 0.1 level difference may cause a huge difference.

According to the current human civilization level as a measurement standard, civilizations below 2.0 are at a non-threat level; civilizations between 2.0 and 2.3 are at a low threat level; civilizations between 2.4 and 2.5 are at a medium threat level; civilizations between 2.6 and 2.5 are at a medium threat level. Civilizations between 2.9 and 2.9 are at a high threat level; civilizations above 3.0 are at a super threat level.

"Agreed, but we still have to pay close attention to each other. After all, we cannot rule out that the other party has a sudden technological explosion or has some unique technology." Alexander Vasily nodded and agreed.

The situation he mentioned is very possible. No one knows whether the other party is a civilization like Soth that took hundreds of thousands of years to reach level 2 civilization, or a civilization like human civilization that reached level 2 in just a few decades. .

A group of people discussed for a while and then lowered the threat level of the Triangular Civilization by a small level. Wang Tiejun saw that everyone was present and struck while the iron was hot and said: "Everyone happens to be here, let's discuss the affairs of each space fleet!"

"Okay." Alexander nodded.

"The alliance now has 5 Kuafu-class space cruisers, 20 Sun-class space destroyers, 3 Longtooth Lion-class space battleships, and 21 Shadow Leopard-class space battleships. How do you plan to arrange this?" Huang Zhong immediately called out Related information said.

"Has the modification of the Soth battleship been completed?" Li Wentao asked.

"Not yet, there are still about 30% of Soth warships that have not been modified, but it can be completed before the end of the year." Huang Zhong looked at the data and replied.

"If the previous squadron organization is adopted, the third squadron of the Solar System adapted from the Soth battleship will be overstaffed." Wang Tiejun said.

"How about reorganizing them into three large fleets?" Li Wentao suggested.

After some discussion, the Supreme Command decided to temporarily divide the space fleet into three large fleets, namely the First Fleet of the Solar System, the Second Fleet of the Solar System, and the Third Fleet of the Solar System.

The First Fleet is under the jurisdiction of four squadrons: Venus Squadron, Blue Star Squadron, Mars Squadron, and Mobile Squadron. Their headquarters is located in the lunar area.

The Second Fleet is under the jurisdiction of four squadrons: Jupiter Squadron, Saturn Squadron, Uranus Squadron, and Mobile Squadron. The headquarters is located on Saturn's moon Dione.

The Third Fleet is under the jurisdiction of the Neptune Squadron, the Helicon Squadron, and the two mobile squadrons, with a total of four squadrons, and the headquarters is located on the Heliconic Star.

In addition, the Supreme Command also detailed the size of the squadron, the manning of the space fleet, the near-earth defense forces of each planet, and the chief officers of the three fleets.

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