Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 505: Space Mining Wave (Added update for autumn and winter)

Haitian Company, Moon Branch.

Don't get me wrong, this Haitian Company has nothing to do with selling soy sauce, and certainly has nothing to do with selling meat.

This company is Zhang Xinghang's family business. It used to be engaged in small mining development and real estate, and part-time jobs in convenience stores and shopping malls. His father was in the development of the alliance and saw the right opportunity to invest in many minerals and restaurants in Southeast Asia and Australia. Now it is A small group worth more than 10 billion.

Moreover, Zhang Xinghang's father had a very good vision. When he was in Dongdao, he applied for space development business to the Galaxy Consortium and became one of the first companies to enter outer space.

"Hang, the four worker bee-class mining spacecraft we purchased have arrived, and there is also an improved version of the Qinglong-class 2 spacecraft." Anna has been genetically enhanced at this time, and her whole person looks radiant, with many white people's genes The defects have been fixed.

Zhang Xinghang took the document and flipped through it: "Have they recruited the drivers and mining operators that we had previously asked the Human Resources Department to recruit?"

"The recruitment has been completed." Anna nodded.

"Okay, now we can have a big fight." Zhang Xinghang took out a document and headed to the venue outside the company.

Their branch on the moon is in the Dongfanghong City area. Since it is a mining company, when their company applied for area allocation, they chose Shayan Town in the suburbs.

Not far outside the company is their spaceship parking lot. The spaceships Zhang Xinghang purchased at the expo a few days ago are all inside. The spaceships are parked directly in the open air in the venue.

The 10 pilots and 8 mining operators have all put on spacesuits. They are cooperating with the maintenance personnel to inspect the spacecraft, especially the life support equipment. This thing has something to do with their lives. Others can be careless. This If something is sloppy, you are seeking your own death.

"Da Shan, how is the situation of the spaceship?" Zhang Xinghang called Chang Dashan, the captain of the mining team, and asked.

"Mr. Zhang, the situation is very good. They are all new spaceships from the original factory of Pengpai Power. There is no problem in running thirty units." Chang Dashan patted the spacecraft and replied.

"Then, let's try our luck in the asteroid belt today." Zhang Xinghang suggested.

"Mr. Zhang, have you applied for your mining license?" Chang Dashan asked quickly.

Zhang Xinghang opened the holographic bracelet and released a Category B mining license. The Category B mining license allows the mining of asteroids with a diameter of less than 1 km. For this type of asteroids, the alliance officials did not like it, so they opened it to privately mined.

Of course, this is not without supervision. For asteroids with special signs that prohibit mining, regardless of size, mining is not allowed. The artificial intelligence system of the spacecraft will automatically identify these asteroids.

There are also a lot of taxes, usually 40% to 60% of ore sales, of which 20% is fixed public asset tax and 20% to 40% is floating mining value-added tax. The mining value-added tax is assessed based on sales, which is less than 100 million. It is 20%, 1 to 1 billion is 25%, 10 to 100 is 30%, 10 to 100 billion is 35%, and more than 100 billion is 40%, and it is settled once a month.

There is no way to evade tax on this thing, because not only does the acquirer have to issue contracts and invoices, but the spacecraft's artificial intelligence will also automatically record relevant information. If you want to get through, you have to be prepared to go to jail.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang has already applied for the mining license. Let's go!" Chang Dashan and Zhang Xinghang nodded and then called for the driver and mining operators to board the ship.

Zhang Xinghang was also there aboard the Qinglong-class spaceship, which was a Qinglong-class Type 2 ship and contained maintenance equipment and living supplies.

For safety reasons, the Qinglong-class spacecraft and four worker bee-class mining spacecraft will form a formation to go to the asteroid belt for mining. As for the asteroids near Blue Star, they have long been mined by alliance officials and previous mining companies, leaving only some nothing. worth of icy earth asteroids and the like.

In fact, the alliance's mineral gap this year is very large. This year's iron gap alone is as high as about 580 million tons. This is a gap of 580 million tons of pure iron, not iron ore.

As the Alliance's construction of spaceships, space stations, space fortresses, etc. develops vigorously, the Alliance's demand for various types of raw materials is also increasing. Countries in the Blue Star Era and countries in the Interstellar Era consume resources at a faster and higher rate. , are hundreds or thousands of times of growth.

The spacecraft formation reported the navigation route to the control tower in Dongfanghong City (under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Space and Transportation), and then headed for the nearest New Manila Space Station. They needed to use the mass projector on the space station to add water through the mass projector to the asteroid belt. .

The spacecraft formation slowly came to a stop in the parking area of ​​the New Manila Space Station.

[Mr. Zhang, wait a moment, we are waiting in line for ejection. ] Chang Dashan is obviously very clear about this process. He was also a retired spacecraft pilot before.

[Dashan, you arrange it. ] Zhang Xinghang also knew that he did not understand some of the processes of the spacecraft, so he left the matter to professionals.

On the three mass projectors of the New Manila Space Station, spacecrafts are quickly projected into the starry sky. Most of these spacecrafts are private spacecrafts, because using mass projectors to run up can reduce the fuel cost of the spacecraft and increase the cruising range of the spacecraft. .

The New Manila Space Station is approximately between 1.78 and 2.0 AU from the inner edge of the asteroid belt, with an average semi-major axis of 1.9 AU. There are Hungarian asteroids here. Mainly Hungarian asteroids, including at least 52 well-known asteroids.

The Hungarian asteroids all have orbits with high inclinations and are separated from the main belt by a 4:1 Kirkwood gap. Some members belong to asteroids that cross the orbit of Mars, and it is possible that disturbances from Mars reduced the number of members in this family.

The high-inclination family on the outer edge of the asteroid main belt is the Fukuoka family, with orbits between 2.25 and 2.5 AU from the sun. It is mainly composed of S-type asteroids, with some E-type asteroids near the Hungarian family.

[Everyone is ready, we are about to enter the launch phase, and one last time we will confirm the status of our respective life-support and load-bearing cabins. ] Chang Dashan saw that there were only two spaceships left in the front team, and immediately gave instructions to the spacecraft formation.

[receive. ]

[Oh wave! ]

[OK. ]

Everyone confirmed the safety of the life-support and load-bearing cabin, and the Qinglong class was the first to enter the projection rail of the mass projector.

[This is the No. 2 projector of the New Manila Space Station, QL-2-642 spacecraft, launch 3, 2, 1...]

Driven by the surging Lorentz force, Chang Dashan controlled the spacecraft to rush towards the inner edge of the asteroid belt. Then the remaining four worker bee-class mining spacecraft were also projected towards the asteroid belt following the Qinglong-class spacecraft. .

Soon the speed of the spacecraft formation increased to 3% of the speed of light, which is a cruising speed of 9,000 kilometers per second; and the distance of 1.9 astronomical units is 285 million kilometers. The spacecraft formation can reach the inner edge of the asteroid belt in about 9 hours. .

Zhang Xinghang opened the retina screen out of boredom and browsed some alliance news. Nine hours was neither long nor short.

[Everyone, we are less than 5 million kilometers away from the inner edge of the asteroid belt, and are now entering the deceleration stage. ] Chang Dashan reminded.

[receive. ]

After a while, the spacecraft joined the team and slowly braked to enter the asteroid belt.

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