Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 508: Armor Warrior

With the sufficient supply of nutrient solution, Zhang Heng's body suddenly felt full of strength. This was because his body's genetic armor was absorbing the nutrient solution and converting the nutrient solution into energy reserves.

Since genetic armor is to work, it must have a strong energy reserve, and biological energy generally comes from food. Of course, genetic armor can divide energy through photosynthesis due to the plant template, but this photosynthetic mode can only be applied to a life-sustaining state.

If genetic armor is to be used for high-intensity combat, the pitiful energy of photosynthesis is simply not enough to activate the genetic armor at full capacity, so energy must be absorbed through food.

Of course, the research base has already prepared, not only energy-rich nutrient solutions, but also high-energy-storage energy blocks to specifically replenish energy for genetic armor users. Of course, nutrient solutions and energy blocks are mainly used in environments with scarce organic matter. Yes, if you are in an environment rich in organic matter in Blue Star, nutrient solutions and energy blocks are dispensable.

Seeing that Zhang Heng's special posture had stabilized, Michelle said through the intercom: "Colonel Zhang Heng! You can come down now."

Zhang Heng felt that the shackles on his body had been lifted. He jumped up and twisted his neck. His whole body felt full of strength.

"Colonel Zhang Heng, you can try it and enter the armor mode." Michelle reminded.


Zhang Heng closed his eyes and concentrated. A green color appeared on his skin. He felt that he was more powerful. However, when he opened his eyes, he found that he had a forgiving look. He did not want to be the Hulk or Green Lantern, so he quickly Changes color to black Spider-Man livery.

He raised his hand as fast as lightning.

laugh! A strand of spider silk touched the wall of the test field. He jumped onto the smooth mirror-like wall with a backflip, and stuck to the wall on all fours. The contact position between his limbs and the wall instantly turned into very tiny barbs. As long as he was steady Stably fixed on the wall.

Although the gravity of the moon is very small, it is still impossible for people to float like on the space station. However, Zhang Heng, who has obtained the spider ability, can fly on walls.

Zhang Heng was testing in the test field. Half an hour later, a lot of data was tested by the supercomputer. Michelle looked at the data, although it was very, very powerful, but she knew that this was not all of the genetic armor.

"Colonel Zhang Heng, take a rest and replenish your energy. I've found an opponent for you." Michelle threw a bottle of nutrient solution over.

Zhang Heng casually sent out the spider silk, pulled the nutrient solution bottle over, and drank it in big gulps.

"Come with me!"

"Okay." Zhang Heng's blood was boiling all over. Anyone with such a powerful power would be ready to fight.

After a while, the two came to a huge venue. From above, it looked like a Roman Colosseum. There were observation windows on the wall, and below was a round flat ground with completely unmodified moon rock terrain.

Zhang Heng jumped down from above and stood on the ground with ease. He estimated at a glance that the diameter of the venue was 120 meters.

Michelle said with a smile: "Shura went to discuss with Colonel Zhang Heng."

A silver-gray robot jumped towards the field.

"It turned out to be a Shura combat robot!" Zhang Heng knew who the other party was at a glance. This is the latest combat robot from the alliance military.

The two sides stood on each side, and the atmosphere on the field suddenly became solemn. Huang Haojie, who had returned from the silicon-based symbiont laboratory, also came to the observation port and stood beside Michelle.

"Conducting a field test?"


“It will be interesting to see.”

"I also want to see how effective the genetic armor is in combat."

Huang Junjie and Michelle were talking while looking at Zhang Heng and the Shura battle robot inside the venue.

Shura struck first and fired a condensed matter neutron ionization cannon from the palm of his left hand, stabbing Zhang Heng's chest with lightning speed.

Zhang Heng walked sideways. His body could not dodge the condensed matter cannon's attack, but he could predict Shura's body movements.

The condensed matter cannon passed him by, and instantly hit the condensed matter shield on the wall, causing waves of ripples to ripple on the shield.

Zhang Heng raised his hand and fired a spider web, then three consecutive irregular backflips, and another condensed matter cannon grazed the spot where he was standing. Suddenly Zhang Heng's body gradually disappeared into the field.

Shura did not avoid the spider web, it directly activated the condensed matter shield, and the spider web was instantly decomposed, but by this time Zhang Heng's figure had disappeared from the field.

[Activate the infrared target found. ]

[Start the radar system... Didi... No target found. ]

[...] Shura's supercomputing core started working crazily, and at the same time, countless detection equipment was activated to conduct a comprehensive detection and scan of the entire site.

However, Zhang Heng, who was attached to the ground, not only changed his spectral characteristics through the color-changing gene, but also changed his skin into a pattern that can absorb electromagnetic waves.

Suddenly an earthy yellow tentacle rushed from the ground towards Shura's leg.

puff! A burst of super strong acid burst out from the head of the tentacle and sprayed directly onto Shura's body. This is a terrifyingly more corrosive acid than aqua regia. This is fluorantibonic acid [the acidity is usually 10^19 times that of pure sulfuric acid (Hammett acidity) Function=-28)]. Even the protective layer of carbon nanotube composite super alloy cannot prevent the corrosion of fluorantibonic acid.

Instantly, the protective layer of Shura's right leg began to sizzle, and a stream of light yellow gas emerged from the corroded position.

Shura reacted instantly, jumped back, and quickly activated the condensed matter shield to decompose the erupted fluorantibonic acid and three tentacles.


Sizzling... A large piece of the protective layer of the right leg was corroded by fluorantibonic acid, exposing the parts and circuits inside. Not only was the corrosion caused by fluorantibonic acid smoking, but also the current caused by the line failure.

[The right leg is 13% damaged, losing bounce and lateral movement... The backup plan is activated, the body is automatically adjusted, and the single-leg action mode has been changed. ]

Facing Shura who was holding a turtle shell, Zhang Heng had no good way to break the defense. He quickly pressed his hand on the ground, and countless spores immediately floated out of his body.

However, Shura obviously did not intend to give him a chance, and instantly developed the attack mode of the condensed matter shield, which spread out in all directions like the attack of Shinra Tianzheng.

Zhang Heng had to bounce back quickly. Due to the venue, if Shura's attack range of the condensed shield could reach a radius of 300 meters, Zhang Heng would have no choice but to die in peace.

However, in order to ensure a fair contest, since the venue restricted Zhang Heng, Shura's condensed matter shield attack range could only reach a radius of 30 meters.

But even so, Zhang Heng was forced to find a flaw. The optical invisibility + wave absorption mode is not flawless. Once Zhang Heng moves, it will definitely disturb the surrounding air or cause vibrations on the ground. Although these vibrations are very small, Shura is a robot.

brush! The moment the condensed matter shield was lifted, a condensed matter cannon pierced Zhang Heng's heart.

Zhang Heng twisted his body forcefully.

Phew! His left arm was broken into a large piece in an instant, and the forearm and palm were separated from his bones and flesh, and fell directly to the ground.

In the face of the brutal condensed matter cannon, no matter how strong the body is, it is of little use.

happy New Year to all! Happy New Year to everyone in advance! Thank you for your support these days (ω`). Due to the Chinese New Year, there will only be 3 updates per day, and there will be additional updates starting from February 1st! mwah!

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