Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 514 Mars Development (3)

January 31, Galaxy 2.

Equatoria City, the capital of the Helic Republic.

Sara looked at the city decorated with lights and colorful lights, and then looked at the blue sun in the distance. Today is the Alliance’s Spring Festival Eve. Sara, who has read the official history of China, knows the existence of this festival. Currently, the two main alliance countries are the Tang Dynasty. Founding country.

The Soth people have a history of more than a million years, but he had to admire the resilience and splendid colors of the Tang nation. What shocked Sara even more was that it had not been more than 100 years since the Blue Star people left their home planet and entered the interstellar world. It took less than 10 years for the Era to become a second-level civilization.

As for their Soth civilization, they wasted millions of years in the first-level civilization before they entered the interstellar era and officially entered the second-level civilization.

Sarah turned around and looked at the relief of Huang Junjie on the wall. This man was the key figure for the Blue Star people to enter the second-level civilization. Sarah, who was an intelligence officer, likes to get to the bottom of things and conspiracy theories. It is even suspected that Huang Junjie obtained the legacy of a higher civilization and was able to complete the qualitative transformation from the first-level civilization to the second-level civilization in just a few years.

He knew that the Alliance had obtained a civilization seed spacecraft from another Anluo civilization, but that Anluo civilization's route was mainly biological. Things like condensed matter NN-8-1 did not look like a second-level civilization. developed technology.

The space wave bombs of their Soth civilization were also brought about by the innate nature of Planet Z. They discovered the rough control method of gravitational waves through flying mechanical beasts, and developed powerful space wave bombs.

Are the minds of the Blue Star people really that powerful? There is also the gravitational wave engine, which the Thos people have not invented. They have developed gravity bombs for more than 40,000 years. Do the Thos people lack imagination?

The Gravitational Wave Engine Research Institute is on the planet Helic. Many Sothian scientists and Blue Star scientists are developing this thing. This thing is the only way to travel faster than the speed of light. Of course, if a natural wormhole is discovered, Or artificial wormholes, which can also travel faster than light.

However, gravity technology is the prerequisite technology for artificial wormholes. Without gravity technology, artificial wormholes are nothing more than moonlight in the mirror.

When Sarah thought of this, she knew what the Soth people had missed. Once they mastered the gravitational wave engine, the Soth civilization could even directly advance from the second-level civilization to the fourth-level civilization. But there is no use regretting it now. The civilization can be passed on. It is already Fortunately among misfortunes.

Suddenly, the holographic projection in front of Sara jumped out. It was a quantum live broadcast of the entire solar system, and Huang Junjie's figure appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Today is a day to abandon the old and welcome the new. It is also the second year of the Galactic Era. I wish all citizens of the Alliance and the entire solar system a happy new year and all the best."

"I hope that in the new year, we can be in the same boat and overcome difficulties together. Let us move forward to the stars and the sea, seek knowledge and truth, and leave footprints to the end of time and space." Huang Haojie clenched his fist with one hand and declared loudly to the entire solar system.

Suddenly all the citizens of the alliance were excited, and applause and cheers seemed to resound throughout the entire solar system.

Siberian taiga;

Arctic ice and sea storm;

The Western Pacific is our aquamarine.

Tibetan antelope on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau;

Sperm whales from the Southeast Asian islands;

Oceania is our green emerald.

On the moon, the toad palace won the title;

Desert Archeology on Mars;

The asteroid belt is our string of pearls.

I once chased the light of the Golden Crow;

Also drifting in the void and darkness;

The Oort Cloud is our starry frontier.

Our journey is the stars and the sea.

Our footprint is billions of light years.

Our destination is the end of time and space.

"March of the Stars, it's so exciting!" Sara regarded herself as an Alliance citizen for the first time, a true Alliance citizen. From this song, he could see the ambition and momentum of the People's Revolutionary Alliance.

He walked out of the office and took the initiative to greet the Tang people in Equator City. Fang Zheng, who was doing condolences, was also very surprised. However, Sara was willing to take the initiative, which would also help the Helic Republic integrate into the alliance.

Fang Ping, who was in Utopia City, hurriedly got into work after calling his family. As the temporary commander of the Mars Territory, his work was very busy.

In particular, the laying of the equatorial ring of Mars was completed on January 28, but the work is not finished yet. The empty orbital ring and sixteen pillars of Mars are the focus.

After all, the equatorial ring of Mars can be sourced from local materials, while the orbital ring is above the equator, about 1,200 kilometers away from the ground of Mars. The raw materials need to be transported from the asteroid belt, which is obviously a big project.

Transporting asteroids is a delicate job. If you are not careful, the asteroids may directly hit Mars. The Martian atmosphere is very thin and cannot destroy the asteroids. Otherwise, the craters on Mars would not appear, like the Helic Republic's Iraq. The Greek Plain and the Hellenic Plain in the New Hellenic area are typical ancient crater relics.

Mars close to the asteroid belt is prone to disasters. Many asteroids in the asteroid belt will occasionally rush out of the asteroid belt to date other planets.

It happened that Mars was close to the water and the moon came first, and countless asteroids threw themselves into Mars' arms like moths to a flame. This hot and heavy love deeply hurt Mars.

There are currently about 97,000 Alliance citizens on Mars, coupled with the huge infrastructure, countless mining sites, smelters, farms, etc., once an asteroid hits Mars, it is very likely to cause serious economic losses.

Therefore, Fang Ping had to be careful. He had given repeated orders to Masashi Kishimoto, who was responsible for transporting the asteroid, to make as many preparations as possible. He would rather be redundant and wasteful than to prevent the asteroid from hitting Mars.

In addition, the 16 pillars are also a troublesome matter. Although the alliance's materials science has made rapid progress after absorbing the Anluo civilization and the Soth civilization, the 1,200 kilometers of pillars are still a big test for the alliance.

Among them, the pillars near the Equator City of the Republic of Helic are already under construction, and they still rely on ring-shaped tree seeds to grow segment by segment.

Inside the asteroid belt near Mars.

The Haitian Company's mining spacecraft fleet did not have a holiday during the Spring Festival. Chang Dashan looked at the star map and detection news, and carefully looked at each asteroid. These days, they have mined 17 asteroids, large and small, which brought great benefits to the company. A net profit of 360 million was achieved.

Suddenly his system sounded an early warning [Alert, a large-scale spacecraft is approaching, please avoid possible collision routes in time,...]. Looking at the 12 large spaceships displayed on the star map, which were quickly approaching their spacecraft formation, Chang Dashan quickly gave instructions. His company's spaceship took the initiative to avoid it.

After all, with such a large spaceship fleet, it is either a large company or an official one. Small companies cannot afford to offend each other, so it is better to take the initiative to avoid them.

[Ding dong, there is an interstellar broadcast: We are the mining spacecraft formation of the Alliance Mars Territory, and we are carrying out asteroid transportation work. Please pay attention to the mining spacecraft that are operating to avoid the route...]

It turned out to be a mining spacecraft from the Mars Territory, Chang Dashan suddenly realized.

The mining spacecraft of the Mars Territory took action quickly. They did not refuse the asteroids around them. Whether they were ice-earth type, rock-iron type, or iron-nickel type asteroids, they were all attacked by these Mars Territory mining spacecraft. Towed away.

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