Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 521 Explorer (3)

"Report, an asteroid was discovered earlier, with a distance of 1.76 units, a radius of about 357 to 361 kilometers, ice-rock type..."

"Is it a new asteroid that has not been discovered?" Ma Wu, who was on duty in the cockpit, asked.

"It is a new asteroid that has not been discovered before. The system has automatically generated a number: Ice God 5736."

Ma Wu looked at the Explorer's logistics system, and then ordered: "Slow down and approach the Ice God 5736 asteroid. Let's replenish some water resources and usable materials."

"Copy that, start decelerating and braking."

At this time, the Explorer had been sailing in the cosmic void of the Polaris region for 94 days, and was more than 2,260 astronomical units away from the Helic planetary fortress at the edge of the solar system.

Not only is this place very unfamiliar, but they have encountered two troubles in the past few days. One is a stardust storm, which is an interstellar dust area that stretches for more than a dozen astronomical units. The density of matter in it is very high. What is even more terrifying is that these The material contains high concentrations of radiation. Fortunately, the condensed matter shield is powerful, otherwise the battleship's electronic system would suffer.

The second trouble was a gamma ray burst encountered during the 83-day voyage. Although the energy level was not very high, gamma rays could penetrate the condensed matter shield.

Although it did not endanger the lives of the astronauts, the gamma ray burst still caused damage to some electronic equipment, and Explorer lost a neutrino radar.

Therefore, Ma Wu plans to stay on the Bingshen 5736 asteroid for a day to repair and replenish some water resources and usable materials.

"Captain Ma, do you need supplies now? Haven't we reached the first cordon yet?" asked Zhang Handong, who had just come out of the rest cabin.

"I plan to repair it in advance. After all, we have been sailing continuously for more than three months, and we will replenish some materials on the asteroid by the way." Ma Wu explained.

"I see, it's really time to take a rest." Zhang Handong nodded.

He has discovered that many astronauts have some psychological problems these days. After long-term space voyages, some people are more psychologically sensitive and will have more or less negative psychological problems, such as anxiety, insomnia, depression, and cosmic phobia. Disease and so on.

If this issue is not taken seriously, sometimes the consequences will be very serious. This happened to the Soth people during the wandering era, and there was a wave of suicide because they could not bear the torture of mental illness.

The two of them discussed the issue of mental illness among the crew while looking at the holographic star map.

The alliance has long anticipated these mental illnesses, so it has prepared many specialized treatment cabins on the Explorer. Psychological correction treatment generally uses simulated environments and psychological counseling, combined with drug treatment.

Now that the human body is strong enough, mental illness has become the number one disease in human history. This has become a social problem. The Alliance has invested huge funds in this regard, specializing in the correction and treatment of mental illness.

Soon, the Explorer slowly approached Ice God 5736.

"What a beautiful planet." Zhang Handong said while looking at the round, gray-white asteroid.

Ma Wu, on the other hand, does not have that leisurely elegance. He is directing the crew to prepare for collecting minerals.

"Launch 6 exploration satellites."


A missile well cover popped open in the side cabin of the Explorer, and six exploration satellites orbited around Ice God 5736. This is a recyclable exploration satellite generally used to explore asteroids.

Soon six exploration satellites were orbiting the Ice God 5736 asteroid for comprehensive exploration. Among them, neutrino radar and spectrometer were the most common detection equipment, and countless data were uploaded to the battleship supercomputing center.

"The asteroid is of ice-rock type as a whole, has no metallic core, and has a water content of about 24.6%. The water-containing ice layer is mainly on the surface. Spectral feedback of the rare metals rhenium and palladium has been detected. The overall content is estimated to be 5,000 to 8,000 tons of rhenium and palladium. The content is 17,000 to 19,000 tons..."

“The terrain of Area B2 is flat and the water-bearing ice layer is dense, making it suitable as a water resources exploitation area.”

Ma Wu looked at the holographic simulation of the Ice God 5736 asteroid. More and more areas on it were marked with detailed exploration information. He quickly ordered:

"The resource collection team will immediately land in area B2 to collect water resources."


Huang Yaozu, the leader of the resource collection team in the Explorer's landing cabin, quickly replied, and quickly led the resource collection team to drive a small multi-functional mining spacecraft towards the Ice God 5736 asteroid.

"Captain, we're about to land."

"Okay, open the landing brace."

Since the gravity on the asteroid is negligible, the landing of the spacecraft was very smooth. After all, the Alliance has accumulated a lot of experience in space navigation and landing. This experience has made great progress in spacecraft design and technological improvements. Today's spacecraft are better than before. Much progress has been made.

puff! The slight collision sound between the landing bracket and the ice on the ground made Huang Yaozu and the other five people feel that their spacecraft had landed through solid conduction.

"Release the mining robot." Huang Yaozu ordered.


Some robots that looked like mechanical spiders were released, and with the assistance of supercomputers, they quickly crawled towards the vicinity.

Soon they were continuously collecting minerals from the nearby ice layer and sending these minerals into the mineral processing cabin. These ice layer soils contained not only water, but also solids such as carbon dioxide and methane. The mining spacecraft could Preliminary separation of these minerals.

The equipment of this mining spacecraft was designed by the Galaxy Mining Group, which has rich experience in planetary mining. The mining efficiency is very fast. In less than half an hour, 1,500 tons of pure water was extracted. This water is enough for the Explorer. After all, There is a water circulation system inside the battleship.

When Huang Yaozu saw that the fresh water had been collected, he began to collect other substances, such as nutrients and materials for the artificial meat and artificial vegetable factories on the battleship.

The collection work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

On the other side, in the cockpit of the battleship, Ma Wu looked at the asteroid 5736 Ice God that had been mapped, turned around and ordered: "Launch the boundary marker locator to the asteroid 5736 Ice God, the area is D6."


A ball with a diameter of 2.4 meters was driven into the rock formations of the Ice God 5736 asteroid from the Explorer. The boundary marker locator represents that the territory of the Human Revolutionary Alliance has expanded here.

One day later.

This is Galaxy Year 2, June 25th at 14:34.

After replenishing materials from the Ice God 5736 asteroid, the Explorers once again headed towards the unknown starry sky. They were like Columbus in the Age of Discovery, riding the wind and waves towards the unknown new world.

After a short rest on the Ice God 5736 asteroid, the psychological problems of many crew members have been initially alleviated.

The outer space communication center of the Helic Planetary Fortress is also in constant contact with the Explorer.

On the holographic star map of the Outer Universe Communication Center, the asteroid Ice God 5736 is flashing green light at this time, which means that this asteroid has been brought under the control of the alliance.

The advancing Explorer is a flashing red arrow. Although its navigation route is in the Polaris region, the Polaris region is a huge sector. The Explorer's specific navigation route is [solar north latitude] 64.73156 degrees, the west longitude of the sun is 134.67439 degrees], which is probably biased towards the direction of the Tianyuan Four Galaxy.

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