Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 527: Origin Conjecture

Li Heng and others were very interested in this discovery. After all, a planet with silicon-based organisms was discovered within a light-year area of ​​the solar system. This proved that the density of organisms in the universe is much higher than human expectations.

Judging from the current situation, there are three planets with life in the solar system and within two light years of it: Blue Star Civilization, ancient carbon-based organisms on Mars, and silicon-based organisms on Candle Yin Star. The density of this life planet is quite high. high.

The three of them studied for a long time and connected the correlation between the silicon-based organisms of Candle Yin Star and the silicon-based organisms of Soth Civilization.

It is proposed that in the vast interstellar void between the solar system and the Zi galaxy, there is a parent star of ancient silicon-based organisms, or that an ancient galaxy existed.

If it is in a state similar to that of a wandering planet, then the home star of the ancient silicon-based organisms is likely to continue to wander in this void; if it is an ancient galaxy, then the home star of the ancient silicon-based organisms is very likely to have been destroyed.

Li Heng and others once again contacted the Sothian scientist Reilly and told him their findings and conjectures.

After listening to this, Rayleigh tried hard to recall the history of Soth Civilization, then turned on the holographic computer and searched for relevant information in the historical database of Soth Civilization. After a while, a lot of information popped up.

[80.63 million years ago in the ancient era of Planet Zi, the evolution of life had reached the age of dinosaurs. However, a major change in life suddenly occurred on Planet Zi in 80.63 million years ago.

From the paleontological and paleogeological studies of Planet Zi, we know that the great change in life was most likely caused by the impact of an extraterrestrial asteroid on Planet Zi.

Now, the people of Zion are divided into two countries. They are from republican countries, and they call their country the Republic of Helic. Another country was the Senebasi Empire, which adopted a system of rule by nobles and slaves. The two countries faced each other with the mountain range as the boundary and fought countless wars - Ancient History of Soth (2)]

Reilly said while sending the information to Li Heng: "This is the ancient history of our Soth civilization. Now it seems that it has just verified Dr. Li's conjecture."

After analyzing the data, Li Heng continued: "It is very possible that the ancient silicon-based organisms came from a planet between the solar system and the Zi galaxy. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why the Zi star had been carbon 80.63 million years ago. Silicon-based organisms, and in less than 10,000 years of 80.63 million years, a complete ecological chain of silicon-based organisms appeared."

"I wonder if that ancient star is still there?" Rayleigh said with some regret.

After all, the current silicon-based biological species of the Sothian civilization have suffered heavy losses, and it is very difficult to maintain a complete silicon-based ecology. If samples of ancient silicon-based organisms can be obtained, they can supplement the silicon-based ecological chain of the Sothian civilization.

Toyoda Ashikaga spread his hands and replied: "We have no way to confirm the existence and location of ancient silicon-based biological planets for the time being. After all, the volume of the interstellar space between the solar system and the Zi galaxy is as high as about 100,000 cubic light-years. Such a large area is simply Looking for a needle in a haystack.”

"That can only wait until later." Rayleigh also knew that there was no way to force this matter.

"Dr. Leili, we have sent you the genetic sequences of the three silicon-based organisms. The next time we return to Candle Yin Star, we will consider conquering these silicon-based organisms!" Li Heng reminded.

"Are you leaving Zhu Yin Star?" Lei Li asked quickly.

Li Heng nodded: "Half an hour ago, Captain Ma Wu informed us that we will leave Zhuyin Star tomorrow."

"Oh... that's really a pity." Rayleigh thought the Explorer could stay on Candle Yin for a while, but he didn't expect them to leave so soon. He could only accept this. After all, the Explorer's itinerary was It's settled.

Galaxy February 24th, 3rd year.

When the Explorer is preparing to set off again, the Human Revolution Alliance's Mars leader is on top.

The magnificent Mars orbital ring, 16 connecting pillars, and the Mars equatorial ring have all been completed. The completion of the three main buildings makes the Mars community feel like it has been completely reborn.

Fang Ping, Sarah, Liao Qingsong and others took the mass projector into outer space on the equatorial pillar and came to Phobos City. Phobos City completely transformed Phobos. It was beyond recognition.

Standing on the observation tower of Phobos City, Fang Ping looked at a silver-gray ring. This silver-gray empty ring was surrounding the equator of Mars. He couldn't help but sigh: "It's so spectacular."

"This is also the first time I have seen a finished orbital ring." Although Sarah is a Sothian, he has only seen this kind of orbital ring in holographic images. They, the Sothians, have declined a lot.

"I heard that the Explorer discovered some new silicon-based organisms on an asteroid?" Fang Ping turned around and asked.

Sarah nodded: "The news just came back yesterday. A large asteroid called Candle Yin Star was discovered in the Polar Star region about 8,000 units away from the solar system. Three new silicon-based organisms were discovered on it."

"8000 units? This distance is too far. Our spaceship's fastest speed is only 16.8% of the speed of light, and it only takes two years to go back and forth." Fang Ping said regretfully.

"Commissioner Fang, in fact, the alliance's spacecraft technology is developing very fast. I heard that the Photon Engine Research Institute is already developing a sublight engine with gamma ray energy level, which is expected to increase the speed to about 30% of the speed of light." Masashi Kishimoto said with a smile. .

Fang Ping shook his head: "The energy level of gamma rays is not that fast. After all, the penetrating power and radiation dose of gamma rays are very terrifying. Even the condensed matter shield cannot do anything. There is no hope in a short time."

"Commissioner Fang is right. Every percentage point increase in sublight speed is a huge improvement. However, the Gravity Research Institute seems to have successfully achieved theoretical verification of low gravity fields recently. I think the curvature engine has more development potential." Sarah He also expressed his own opinions.

"The curvature engine is also quite difficult. Let's not get too distracted and discuss the future development of the Mars Territory!" Fang Ping quickly changed the topic.

"Now that the mass projector and space elevator are completed, we want to build Mars into the second blue star." Kishimoto Masashi is gearing up.

Sara thought for a while and suggested: "We can divide the empty ring and the ground ring corresponding to the 16 equatorial pillars into 16 areas, so that we can position each area according to different functions."

Fang Ping clicked on the holographic projection and brought up the current simulated planet of Mars. After touching his chin and thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "16 districts are too many. We need to streamline the organization instead of bloating it."

"Which committee member thinks it is appropriate to divide the area into several districts?" Sara asked.

"Divided into four areas, each area has four pillars, occupying exactly one quarter of the Mars air ring and the earth ring." Fang Ping said his plan.

"Four districts? That's okay." Sarah nodded.

The next few people discussed things like names and regional functions. The names were relatively simple. They named the four regions according to the southeast, northwest and northwest: Mars East Ring, Mars West Ring, Mars South Ring, and Mars North Ring.

After discussing these matters, Fang Ping compiled the results of their discussion and sent them to the Alliance Council. These matters need to be reviewed and approved by the Alliance Council before they can be implemented, especially the division and naming of administrative regions. Without the Alliance Council Nodding cannot be used.

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