Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 644 Galactic Black Hole

Huang Haojie, Song Guangzhi, David and others were studying the two-dimensional universe.

In the core of the Milky Way.

In an unknown area, a spaceship suddenly appeared here.

The stars here are densely packed, illuminating the surrounding void like daylight. LDZ-430 is the number of this spacecraft.

After the spacecraft stayed in place for a while, it opened the space door again. However, this space door was not only more stable than the previous first-generation space door, but also more concealed. Even the gravitational fluctuations seemed calm.

This is obviously beneficial to human civilization's in-depth understanding of space technology and promotes the improvement of human space jumping devices.

The LDZ-430 spacecraft once again passed through the space gate and disappeared into this dense area of ​​stars.

When the spacecraft appeared again, it had arrived in a death zone, with countless stars and planetary debris filling the void.

In the central area, a black hole that is so black that even light cannot escape is emitting an eternal and terrifying gravitational force.

The center of the Milky Way here, the miraculous black hole core, is the key factor in the birth of the galaxy. It is also the core full of destructive power, and the contradiction between life and death merges together.

The LDZ-430 spacecraft is slowly approaching this black hole. The LDZ-430 spacecraft, which possesses super-light speed and space jumping technology, is not afraid of this terrifying celestial body that is like an endless abyss.

This black hole is "Sagittarius A" 26,000 light-years away from the solar system. It is actually a super-massive black hole (about 4 million times that of the sun).

In addition, there is a medium-sized black hole surrounding "Sagittarius A". In other words, there are actually two black holes distributed in the center of the Milky Way.

In fact, black holes are not uncommon in the core region, because the stars in the core region of the Milky Way are very dense, and some massive stars may become black holes after going through the supernova stage.

Of course, the black hole Sagittarius A at the center of the Milky Way is not a black hole transformed from a star, or it evolved over a long period of time, such as constantly swallowing stars, planets, and merging other black holes, to achieve its current scale.

The huge mass of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way almost distorts the surrounding space.

But here, the LDZ-430 spacecraft is not the first guest.

The three major overlords, the Kronos Empire, the Ancient Blue Federation, and the Sabak Republic, as well as some medium-sized forces, also have observation stations or scientific research bases nearby.

The area where the LDZ-430 spacecraft appeared is between the spheres of influence of the Ancient Blue Federation and the Kronos Empire.

Obviously, both the Kronos Empire and the Ancient Blue Federation have detected the arrival of the LDZ-430 spacecraft.

However, neither side acted rashly. After all, LDZ-430, which has a space jumping device, is not that easy to mess with.

However, countless dark wave communications have returned to the base camp of these forces. The Predator, a spaceship that has disappeared in the core area for hundreds of ancient blue years, actually appeared in the core area, and it was near the black hole. This information was immediately obtained The attention of all forces.

After all, even the strength of the three overlords in the black hole area is not absolutely certain to defeat the Predator. As for support, it needs to pass through the dense belt of stars in the inner core area. In addition, the distance is far away, and there is no one that cannot survive for a hundred or two hundred years.

Just in case, the Kronos Empire and the Ancient Blue Federation chose to shrink their sphere of influence and temporarily avoid the LDZ-430 spacecraft.

"It seems that the Galaxy Overlord is not afraid of death." Chen Liang looked at the situation on the star map with a smile.

"They are not fools. If we keep attacking the observation stations and scientific research bases, I don't believe they can bear it." Goliu's reaction to the Kronos Empire and the Ancient Blue Federation was expected.

After all, the galactic black hole is not their homeland. With limited power, not provoking LDZ-430 is the most correct choice.

"Let's get to work!"

"Chen, you are responsible for setting up the observation station, and I will alert other forces."

"no problem."

The two of them divided the work and began to work according to the previous preparations.

The reason why they came to establish an observation station on the black hole in the center of the Milky Way is not that there are no black holes in the cantilever region. There is a black hole in the Orion cantilever region. The black hole is about 6,000 light-years away from the solar system. The specific location is in the fourth cantilever region of Orion. Near the border of the cluster.

However, small black holes formed by stars are obviously not on the same level as galactic center black holes. In many studies, the phenomenon of galactic center black holes is more obvious.

In addition, this time Chen Liang and others came to the galactic black hole. One of their tasks was to build an observation station. Another important task was to collect some data.

Alliance scientists' research on the evolution of the universe requires the use of black hole data. If part of the Big Bang theory is correct, then black holes are the key to uncovering this theory, especially massive black holes like the galactic center black hole.

A universe goes from singularity - critical explosion - red shift expansion - equilibrium midpoint - blue shift contraction - return to singularity. In this sequence, the state of singularity is a stage worth thinking about.

After all, does the singularity re-explode and evolve into a new universe at the moment it is formed? Or does it have a period of stable singularity after becoming a singularity?

In addition, is the singularity explosion spontaneous or passive? Where does the energy of the singularity explosion come from? These are questions worth pondering.

Why should we think about these questions? Because only by understanding the birth, aging, sickness and death of the universe can we transcend the universe and become an eternal civilization, which is the civilization of the transcendent.

Of course, the greater possibility is outside the universe, or in the universe (the five-dimensional universe).

Black holes are the closest objects to singularities. Studying black holes may be able to reverse the evolution of the universe.

Chen Liang chose a planetary debris as the location of the observation station.

The planet's debris, crust and mantle have disappeared, leaving only the cooled metallic core. The transformation project is proceeding very smoothly.

Although the Ancient Blue Federation and the stationed fleet of the Kronos Empire were very surprised, they did not dare to come over to find trouble in the face of the elusive LDZ-430.

However, regarding the fact that the Cosmic Dark Matter Pirates actually set up an observation station here, both the Kronos Empire and the Ancient Blue Federation read some information that they did not want to see.

The Black Hole in the Galactic Center - Tianyuan District of the Ancient Blue Federation.

The commander of the stationed fleet, Gu Ye, had a gloomy expression on his face and put down the report in his hand.

"Your Excellency, Commander, it seems that the Cosmic Dark Matter Pirates have developed very fast in recent years. Whether it is transition speed or dark wave technology, they have a tendency to catch up with us." Deputy Commander Zero Oak said with some worry. .

"Yes! The Federation underestimates the Cosmic Dark Matter Pirates too much, but the Predator is indeed difficult to deal with." Gu Ye was worried and helpless.

"Actually, if the Federation is willing to take action, there is no way we can deal with the Cosmic Dark Matter Pirates." Zero Oak said.

"You mean to join forces with Shabak and Kronos to completely clean up the cantilever area!"

"The commander is wise."

"Difficult!" Gu Ye didn't know that the home base of the Cosmic Dark Matter Pirates was most likely hidden in the cantilever area.

However, the four major cantilever areas of the ancient blue system are all about 60,000 to 70,000 light-years in length. At the current jump speed, at least half of the Federation's warships must be dispatched to clear them out by pulling nets for fishing.

The problem is that the three overlords are constantly at odds with each other. If they are wary of each other, no one can go to great lengths to clean the four cantilever areas for the sake of a cosmic dark matter pirate group.

What's more, as long as the Predator exists, the Cosmic Dark Matter Pirates will naturally be invincible.

For a moment, Gu Ye and Zero Oak were melancholy.

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