Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 669 Difficulty Upgrading

Inside the dimension laboratory.

Huang Junjie was looking through some papers and scientific research materials while waiting for the experimental materials department to transport the monkeys he needed.

This time, he not only chose monkeys, but also some chimpanzees and primates from other planets.

The Experimental Materials Management Office acted very quickly. In less than ten minutes, a batch of experimental animals was delivered.

Huang Haojie waved his hand and asked the administrator to leave.

He improved the previous experimental plan by not extracting the quantum soul, but directly implanting it in the experimental subject.

The micron robot was activated and instantly controlled a macaque to step onto the experimental platform. The quantum soul implantation device automatically determined the quantum soul in the macaque's body.

"Inject receiver encoding."

[Yes, Master. ]

Zhong did not hesitate to implant the piece of receiver code into the quantum soul of the macaque.

"Gah..." the macaque screamed and struggled.

[Brain information overload...]

[Start the information diversion system...]

[Activate the brain protection system...]

As each auxiliary maintenance system was activated, the macaque's screams and struggles weakened a lot, and then gradually calmed down.

"Successful?" Huang Junjie stared at the macaque and muttered to himself.

Ten hours later, he was disappointed. Although the receiver code was successfully implanted into the macaque's quantum soul, no parallel time and space information appeared in the macaque's brain memory.

Of course, this may be because the time is too short, and the macaques have not had time to receive information from parallel time and space.

Using this method, Huang Haojie and Zhong Ru created twelve primate experimental subjects, but like the first macaque, they did not receive any information from parallel time and space.

"Zhong, monitor the memories of these experimental subjects around the clock. Once abnormal data is read, record it immediately." Huang Junjie ordered.

[Yes, Master. ]

Huang Junjie knew that even if it was possible for these experimental subjects to receive information from parallel time and space, it would not be possible to determine it in a short time.

It takes at least a year of observation before we can get the specific situation.

He recorded the experimental data in his brain, and then ordered Zhong again: "Zhong, clear all the experimental data this time."

[All cleared. ]

"Very good, how about Song Guangzhi's dimension-enhancement experiment?"

[16 experiments on dimensionality enhancement of three-dimensional creatures were conducted, but without exception, these three-dimensional creatures were immediately cleared by the rules of four-dimensional space and time as soon as they entered four-dimensional space and time. ]

Huang Junjie frowned: "Bring out their experimental logs."

[Called out. ]

A large holographic projection appeared in front of Huang Junjie, and he browsed it at a glance. The more he looked at it, the more helpless he became.

Song Guangzhi and the others have implemented safe dimensionality reduction technology, successfully allowing humans to transform into three-dimensional creatures, and then transforming humans into three-dimensional creatures back into dimension again.

This so-called safe dimensionality increase is actually opportunistic, because after human beings reduce their dimensions, they still retain part of their bodies to maintain four-dimensional time and space. In this way, they can use this part of their four-dimensional bodies to become four-dimensional creatures again.

But three-dimensional aborigines like the Sir people have never existed in four-dimensional space and time, and they lack the rules of four-dimensional space and time. This is why they cannot complete the dimensionality upgrade.

The four-dimensional bodies created by Song Guangzhi and others for the Sir people are also difficult to be compatible with the Sir people. Those Sir people who volunteered to become guinea pigs were directly eliminated by the rules of four-dimensional time and space.

Huang Junjie turned off the holographic projection, closed his eyes and instantly transformed his entire body into a quantum state, and then appeared directly on a planet 4.1 units away.

Human beings have evolved to this point today and are close to the legendary gods. They can achieve quantum teleportation without borrowing equipment, which is equivalent to instantaneous movement.

The planet he came to was the Singularity Star.

In the laboratory, the No. 8 microuniverse is still in an unfolded state, and Song Guangzhi, David, Mochizuki Shigeliang and others are discussing the issue of dimensionality.

They did not find Huang Junjie entering the laboratory.

"Are you still worried about dimension promotion?"

"Mr. Yuan first, it is indeed more difficult to increase dimensions than to reduce them, especially when low-dimensional creatures enter high dimensions." David said helplessly.

"I've read your experiment log, and I have some suggestions." Huang Junjie said.

"Mr. Head of State, please speak." David knew that Huang Junjie was the most comprehensive and unpredictable group of scientists in the alliance, so he naturally attached great importance to the opinions of the Head of State.

"First, have you ever tried to reduce the four-dimensional body of the Sir people to three-dimensional space-time?"

"Huh? We haven't thought about this." Song Guangzhi's eyes lit up.

"Mr. Yuan Xiang's proposal is very good. It is indeed a way of thinking to reduce the four-dimensional body of the Sir to a three-dimensional space-time, and then test whether the Sir can integrate with this body on this body." Mochizuki Shigeryo also agreed.

The three people quickly wrote down this suggestion.

Huang Junjie continued: "Second, I think your dimension upgrades are all semi-finished products. If you really want to complete the dimension upgrade, you need to consider the integrity."

"Wholeness?" David asked puzzledly.

"Have you ever heard of the ancient Chinese theory of the unity of nature and man?" Huang Junjie asked rhetorically.

Song Guangzhi immediately reacted: "What does the head of state mean to complete the true dimensionality increase and integrate three-dimensional creatures with three-dimensional time and space?"

"Yes, and no." Huang Junjie gave up.


"What is the essence of three-dimensional space-time? It is a part of four-dimensional space-time. In other words, three-dimensional space-time itself is an incomplete four-dimensional space-time. If three-dimensional creatures and three-dimensional space-time can be integrated, it will be equivalent to this small universe being a living body. .”

"Three-body magic eye civilization?" Song Guangzhi said metaphorically.

"It's almost like turning the small universe into a living body. In this way, they may be able to survive in the four-dimensional space and time." Huang Haojie said.

When everyone thought about it, they realized that this plan was indeed a bit similar to the human completion plan, or the other side of the door of truth, gathering the power of the universe to achieve a comprehensive sublimation of civilization.

However, this kind of thing sounds simple but is absolutely very difficult to do. It is equivalent to an artificial god. After all, it is integrated with the universe and is equivalent to an omniscient and omnipotent god.

The uncontrollable factors are daunting. Who knows whether the created life form is a god or a demon? Or the two are originally one entity with two sides.

"Are you worried that the artificial cosmic life forms are out of control?"

"Exactly, after all, it's better to be cautious about this matter." David suggested.

Huang Haojie also agreed with their caution: "In fact, it doesn't have to be completely integrated with the small universe. Have you heard of the concept of body and Tao?"

Song Guangzhi thought for a while and replied: "What the head of state means is that we first transform the small universe and turn it into the way of heaven that we control, and then let the three-dimensional creatures rest on the way of heaven. In this way, we can control the three-dimensional creatures and complete the ascension." dimension."

Huang Junjie nodded: "What Guangzhi said is what I think. If this method is successful, we might be able to draw parallels and study ways to enter the five-dimensional space and time."

Everyone also began to think about this plan. After all, the alliance could already initially transform some small universes.

If we study it in depth, we might actually be able to complete the programmed control of the rules of the small universe, thereby completing the dimensionality increase.

Thank you all for your support (ω`).

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