
Chapter 445 Upstream

Two days later, Mengkha, in the office of the Eastern Corps.

Chen Chen sat upright behind the table, and opposite him was Jiya, who had just arrived in Monkha from Thailand.

The two of them were speechless. After a long time, Chen Chen finally spoke.

And when he opened his mouth, he was pointing to the core of the problem.

"You are not an ordinary reporter."

"Of course, you may indeed be a reporter, but what you do is completely different from those in mainstream Western media."

"You are Assange's man."

After the words fell, Jiya suddenly raised her head.

Her expression suddenly changed, and Chen Chen even saw a bit of panic in her eyes.

But Chen Chen did not give her time to react, but continued:

"You have sufficient intelligence sources, which allows you to obtain clues to various criminal transactions in the Golden Triangle and Pubei at the earliest possible time."

"However, you are not from the CIA, nor do you belong to any official intelligence agency in the world."

"You have undergone certain training - perhaps assault training, which allowed you to master a small amount of intelligence skills, but the way you work is too rough."

"Everything you do is to make big news."

"In other words, you are trying to use the information resources in your hands to make huge profits for yourself from another angle."

"Perhaps you tried to make a deal with some official agency, but you underestimated the other party's determination."

"So, you were forced to run away, forced to leave the United States."

"You want to use Pubei to make a comeback, but your experience in an 'ordered society' is completely useless."

“Everything after that, you’re being pushed.”

"You are lucky. The various information you have accumulated allows you to reach deals with various organizations, especially the King of Thailand."

"He was fooled by you and gave you a chance."

"And you took advantage of that opportunity and ended up getting where you are now."

"Your development path is almost exactly the same as Assange's."

"He uses technical means, you use social engineering means."

"You and he are in the same group, or at least, there is a strong connection between you."

"am I right?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Jiya's expression became more and more shocked.

She looked straight at Chen Chen, as if trying to find a flaw in his face.

But unfortunately, Chen Chen has no flaws.

All of this is the result of "reasonable speculation", and all of these "reasonable speculations" do not come from those illusory clues that are well hidden.

Rather, it comes from Chen Chen's memories of his previous life, from those things that have already happened!

Therefore, even if there is a deviation, it cannot be too far!

At this moment, Jiya's psychological defense was almost shattered.

She originally thought that her arrival in Mengka was the beginning of a new life, which meant that she had an overall upper hand in the confrontation with Chen Chen, but now it seems

Those trump cards that he was proud of seemed to still be worth mentioning in Chen Chen's eyes.

Jiya took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it.

She regained her composure, looked into Chen Chen's eyes, and said:

"It does not matter."

"It doesn't mean anything to you to figure out my identity, but what I have in my hands will definitely interest you."

"And by making this deal, you can trust me completely."

"I can't prove that I am your friend, but I can certainly prove that I am the enemy of your enemy."

Hearing this, Chen Chen suddenly wanted to laugh.

Isn't it the enemy of my enemy?

When Jia mentioned the name Dell, Chen Chen had already guessed what she was holding.

There is no doubt that what she got was the relevant documents of the Prism Project.

Project Prism was originally developed from the TSP project launched when George W. Bush was in office to deal with the threat of terrorism. It is continuously operated by the US Security Agency and is code-named US-984XN.

This project is not just a simple "social media monitoring plan" as the outside world thinks. In fact, the reason why it caused such a big disturbance is because of another branch of this project.

That is, the "Upstream" branch outside the "Prism" branch.

In this branch, the NSA directly installs spectroscopes on the backbone and core networks of telecommunications networks and copies communication content to achieve a true 100% monitoring effect.

And it is precisely because of this method that they lost the opportunity to block RMB's globalization strategy.

The impact of Prism Gate is far from being a simple "crisis of confidence". In a sense, it has even profoundly affected the subsequent world structure.

The subsequent advancement of oil RMB settlement, the weakening of SWIFT's hegemony, as well as chip wars and large-scale sanctions are all directly or indirectly related to the disclosure of this project.

Therefore, when Jiya said that she could prove that she was the enemy of her enemy, Chen Chen had no doubt at all.

If this thing can be given to Xiaoyu before Snowden exposes it,

The benefits that would bring are absolutely incalculable.

The only thing that needs to be considered now is how much real stuff she has in her hands.

According to subsequent investigation results, Snowden first came into contact with information about the Prism program in September 2010 and began downloading it in March 2011.

Theoretically, there won't be too much in her hands, nor will it go too deep.

Otherwise, Snowden would not have given such a fatal thing directly to Jiya's hands so easily.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said decisively:

"I can't negotiate this deal with you."

"I have to give in"

"I don't deal with people from the north. No national power can be trusted."

Chen Chen was stunned for a moment when he heard Jiya's words.

Indeed, no national power can be trusted.

Even in his previous life, Mao Zi's protection for Snowden was limited, and he even reached some transaction conditions with the United States.

If Jiya really wants to have no worries, her best strategy is to find a third party, and then hide it completely after she gets enough benefits.

Chen Chen frowned slightly and said:

"I don't have money, and I can't give you what you want."

"You can trade with me, but you have to talk to them first."

After the words fell, Jiya's expression became a little hesitant.

After a long time, she finally said:

"Okay, I can talk."

"But you have to be there."

"no problem."

Chen Chen nodded decisively. This time, he did not refuse.

Seeing the relieved smile on Jiya's face, Chen Chen also sighed slightly in his heart.

He didn't expect that there was such a complicated relationship behind Jiya.


But in a sense, this may be inevitable.

After all, no matter how you think about it, a "female reporter" who can appear in Pubei will not be that simple.

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