37 037| Excuses

As the two kingdoms fall under another dreaded siege, the young man can be found lurking within the flower patches with Virgo once more. Little does he know his friends Harold and Kingston are off to battle alongside with the princess. He is unaware of the argument he will be dealing with once he returns to the kingdom and once the princess finds out about his sudden disappearance.

Leaning on the tree, Quartz decides to ask the maiden a question, "Virgo. I've been wondering. From what species do you belong to? You have the looks of a common woman from Pureheart but much paler in terms of complexion."

"I'm sorry but my secrets are mine to keep." replies, the maiden.

"I-I just don't understand why you're trying to keep it a secret."

"You see, sometimes when one learns the truth, he or she might be frightened by it."

"Then, I will accept the truth no matter what it is. Please tell me." The young man begs earnestly.

"I'm sorry but by the way I see, you are not ready nor are you suppose to know my secrets. They are not called secrets just for nothing you know." Virgo says, chuckling softly afterwards.

"Sigh, fine. You can keep them as a secret if you wish to."

"Sire! Sire!" The bird calls from above, gliding down to the young man's shoulder.

"Endeavor? What is it this time? I see no necessary reasons for you to shriek loudly like that." teases, the young man.

"Well, it is the nature of a bird of prey to shriek loudly. Anyway, I bring you important news. The Kingdom of Pureheart has come in conflict with the Kingdom of Witherheart once more." The falcon reports.

"Good grief! I have to return right away." exclaims, the young man has he wears a surprised look on his face.

"The bad news is, they have left already. Which means you are to be scolded by the king, or worse, the maddening princess."

Hearing the words of his companion, Quartz breathes heavily, worried for what is to come once the whole kingdom knows about his sudden disappearance. He stands from the ground, circling the tree. Due to his worry, he walks like a man who has forgotten how to.

"If I were you, I'd accept the punishment instead. In that way, you will feel more peaceful rather than walking around in circles and plotting a scheme or an excuse. You can't use me as an excuse too, remember your promise?" watching Quartz walk around in circles, the maiden giggles as she lends some advises.

"I'm dead. I'm gonna be a dead meat if the princess finds out about this. I need an excuse. A well and profound excuse that the monarchs of Pureheart will believe me." says, Quartz, still under panic.

"Hmm, I can help you create an excuse if you would like."

"That would be an offer that I am willing to accept Virgo."

"Great! Why don't you tell the king that you participated in the siege but they didn't see you." Virgo suggests.

"Not quite." counters, Endeavor. He adds, "The kingdom usually counts the number of men participating before setting off to the battlefield. That is the reason why we're usually late when arriving to a siege."

"If that is the case then why don't say that your mother died so you had to attend her funeral. That seems reasonable right?" Virgo suggests again.

"Well, about that." says, the young man suspiciously after remembering he is not of Sacchi but rather of Earth. He makes an excuse for Virgo not to know his true reason why he is here, "I was born without a family so I was raised by the kingdom."

"That is entirely false-"

Quartz immediately cuts Endeavor's words by pinching its mouth tightly before telling the whole truth to the woman he is very attracted to.

"Such a pity, we both have the same pasts. About an excuse that one of your friend died instead?"

"Quartz is lonely with merely three friends. Both of his friends are in the siege and the last one is you." counters, the talkative parrot.

"Seriously Endeavor? Whose side are you on?" sighs, the young man.

"Not much of a talker like me? No wonder why you have three friends. If that is the case then why not tell them you were busy fighting a monster! Or a necromancer."

"We all know that is unrealistic. Based on how weak Quartz is when it comes to battling, I believe he won't stand a chance against a necromancer. Not even a single second after the commencement of the match." Endeavor teases again.

"We all know that ain't true! I've taken down a plethora of trolls."

"With pure luck." Endeavor teases again, forming an argument between it and him.

"Sigh, I no longer have any ideas. Just go and tell the truth, that will be better."

"If I tell the truth then I would be punished!"

"It is better to accept the punishment for your wrong deeds rather than sleeping with guilt behind your back. Trust me, I was once a liar but now I have realized that by telling the truth, your life will be in ease." the maiden quotes.

With enough persuasion, the young man finally concurs with the decision of the maiden. He know returns to the kingdom to tell truth, that's if, they've already arrived from the siege. A part of him was scared as he thought of other excuses but then he remembered the words of the maiden. He dearly hopes that whatever the punishment is, it would only be a simple and not a grave one.

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