Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 557: Goblin Zabi

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Before Shen Chen doubted, the goblin player with Zabi on his head threw the weapon in his hand on the ground and looked at Shen Chen carefully.

"Boss, don't kill me!"

Shen Chen was stunned by Zabi's behavior, but Zabi was only level 28, and he didn't even reach the top of the silver, so naturally there was no threat; therefore, Shen Chen didn't start immediately, drinking a bottle of medicine to replenish the blood line.

"You put out the flames outside first."

Zabi looked excited. He immediately extinguished the flames surrounding the helicopter according to Shen Chen's arrangement, and then licked the dog like, "That's it~~ Big brother, it’s not easy to do a trial, I I just want to get some basic points."

Shen Chen didn't find any traces of enemies around by making trouble with the robot. It shouldn't be a trap; he glanced at the nose of the aircraft, and the pilot, who was struggling more violently because of Zabi's behavior, filled the bullet and took the reward.

Tens of thousands of experience rewards, 4 skill points, 80 college contribution points for redemption points, 10 missions and kill points, several wastelands and a no-load driving guide.

Then, Shen Chen looked at Zabi with doubts in his eyes, this guy?

Seeing Shen Chen's reaction, Zabi immediately explained: "Big brother, don't get me wrong! I really surrender and have no other intentions!"


"That's it, you shouldn't be aware of it. You humans, elves, orcs, and dwarves have a prosperous population, prosperous economy, and geniuses;

And we are like our goblins, dwarfs, demihumans or underground races. It is very difficult to get a top academy in our country. We can’t find a complete list of candidates to participate in each trial. We can only find some from ordinary academies. Talented and willing to work hard, at any rate, there can be a team of 2 colleges. "

Shen Chen nodded. He naturally didn't know the information, but Minerva analyzed it and believed that Zabi was 90% credible.

Then it is easy to deduce that this selected team certainly does not have a commander, that is, it does not have a backbone, and it will be discriminated against by the real academy. I am afraid that it will be difficult to do anything in the wasteland.

"We came to the Wasteland World this time. We didn't want any talent points, technical documents, or faction contributions. We just wanted to keep going and get at least the 63 points that survived the most."

Shen Chen believed a little bit, so he asked: "Then why are you here again, ready to steal chicken?"

Zabi cried and looked sad: "But you know, the big guy, the corruption is slowly growing, and the chance of the depletion of barren resource points is too low; there is no way, the scene battle is the best chance to score, and it happens that the helicopter landed I got here, so I moved a little bit crookedly.

I thought, on the edge of the battlefield, players who are generally not strong enough, so I thought of such a crooked idea...Unexpectedly, you such a strong boss will also..."

"Humph." Shen Chen snorted, but he was shocked by Zabi, "Big brother, I'm really wrong, can this work? I tell you a secret, you let me go!"

"You tell me, to be honest, I really didn't care about your head. If the information is true, I will consider sparing you." Shen Chen did not expect such a surprise. Anyway, the jungler in front of him, the attack on his body The kill count is not very high, and he doesn't recognize himself, so it doesn't hurt to let him go.

Zabi hurriedly told Shen Chen what he had heard on the Pridwin. There was a team who had no interest in the scene battle and talent points, and they went south.

And Zabi also noticed that this team had already exchanged out two power armors just two days after the beginning of the wasteland, and gave up the battle with huge profits. There must be some hidden mission.

Shen Chen silently remembered this information in his heart. After all, he could not see anything wrong for a while, and then said to Zabi: "For safety, follow me during this time. If you have any changes, you It's all dead."

This is not that Shen Chen trusts Zabi, he is confident in the battle situation; and Zabi is also very curious, how could a guy who can easily kill his teammates appear in this position. Jiuzhou Chinese

Back to Nao Nao Robot, Zabi seemed to show a clear look, "So that's it, God, you are in conflict with this team, want to use our hands to yell at them?"

Obviously, Zabi only saw the academy camp above Shen Chen's head, but he didn't know the internal cause; of course, he guessed that he was inseparable from each other, and he also reminded Shen Chen.

"Shhh, don't talk! Just watch it quietly, don't force me to kill you!" Shen Chen half threatened.

"Yes, yes, just can you take me a few heads at the end?" Zabi drew in a low voice while observing Shen Chen's expression, unconsciously shortening the gap between his fingers to the length of his nails, "two, no , Even one!"

"Do you want skill points?" Shen Chen still focused on Qin Kun's team, but he also noticed the tiny details in Zabi's words.

"Huh?" Zabi was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say: "No, nothing, forget it..."

But Shen Chen whispered softly, and Zabi immediately changed his words: "In the science talent tree, the refuge technology navigation system, it seems useless, and it often takes the road farther; but this skill can be perfect. It can be used to find missions, track directions, and even dig treasures. It can have a certain effect!"

"How did you know."

"This... our goblins have also developed the wasteland world before, but some of the fragments were lost later, so... but we also have some research data preserved, and this time it was just easy to use. "Zabi explained hesitantly.

Shen Chen suddenly became interested, "Let's listen, maybe I can get you a few heads!"

"Really?" Zabi said excitedly.

Shen Chen nodded. The value of the information provided by Zabi is not low. It seems that the commanders must order the talent of the refuge technology navigation system. What's more, will this be related to the actions of those guys?

Zabi quickly organized the next language, "We have studied the college, the railway, the volunteer army, the fraternity, and even the Enclave even before the war; this world is more worthy of study than anyone thought, because it contains a The brand-new system connects all of our past engineering, machinery, wars, and partial corruption, and is the key to unlock this part of the power legend and even higher levels!"

"Continue!" Shen Chen was surprised.

Because what Zabi said is also Shen Chen's deep understanding. In many game worlds, all the technological skills, talents and items related to steam machinery, power equipment... etc. are based on his previous life. The world has changed, of course there are close connections.

If you want to go on, what Zabi said, the goblin family recognizes this and actively studies this knowledge; I am afraid their strength, the first main race, should be five instead of four!

So what is the situation with the missing fragments? It seems that the water in the Gaem World has become deeper and deeper since the disaster was blocked outside the defense line!

"Moreover, a group of goblin scholars discovered that the current strength of the Wasteland World is probably less than one percent of its heyday. 200 years ago, it should have been legendary, and the power system called'technology' was extremely developed. One or a few real transcendent level masters launched the battle of destruction!

Their power even produced what we are seeing now, what they call the horrible corruption of "nuclear radiation", even after 200 years, without any power to supplement, can be against platinum diamonds Even master-level masters have an impact! "

Shen Chen was a little bit ridiculous about Zabi's words, but it was probably because the goblins had different cognitions. Maybe their thoughts, under the world law of the Gaem world, were actually the correct interpretation, maybe it was.

But the next sentence really caught Shen Chen's attention and attention!

"There is a goblin named Mo'ao. He loves the power of the wasteland world. Once he was very interested in this kind of corruption throughout the wasteland; after researching, he found that this kind of corruption power can be used!"

When Zabi said this, he felt a little lingering, "My hometown, Zambia; it was almost ruined in one of his experiments. Later, the legend was furious, and he didn't know the fate of this Moao goblin, and With him disappeared, there was a piece of wasteland!"

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