Game: Check In From Prison

Chapter 124 Public Opinion Turns Again [First Update! Please Subscribe! 】

The audience was silent.

Lu Ze's face seemed to have a huge magical power that attracted everyone's attention.

After a period of extreme silence, it was followed by boiling noise.

"What's the situation?"

"Fuck, is it really Lu Ze himself?"

"I said, how can there be such a strong acting skill, it turns out that he is acting in his true colors!

"This is too awesome! Acting opposite the detective!?"

"God Lu deserves to be God Lu!"

Discussions sounded one after another, and the words got into the ears of Gu Shaonan who was sitting in the front row, and the pursuit team members who were scattered in various positions in the field.

The faces of the six members of the pursuit team were ugly.

Gu Shaonan snorted, then turned his head to look at the small window of the projection room behind him.

Why does this non-existent easter egg appear at the end of the movie?

Obviously easy to see! One "three six three" must be the ghost of Lu Ze!

Something must have happened in the screening room up there!

Gu Shaonan got up and left his seat, and then walked out the door of the theater.

The other people who were chasing watched Gu Shaonan go out, and followed immediately.

The six people's footsteps sounded up and down in the aisle, and they knocked heavily on the door of the projection room.

But there was silence and no one responded.

On the big screen in the theater, Lu Ze's appearance seemed to be frozen.

It was also as if he had guessed the noisy discussion scene in the hall and kept silent on purpose.

Li Chenxu's eyes were full of shock and surprise, and he murmured.

"No wonder! No wonder you have such exaggerated acting skills!"

"No wonder you can get everyone into the show in an instant!"

No wonder you said that no one can play you!"

After he summed up these words, his face became mad again.

This is big news. If it is used for hype, it will definitely make the popularity of this movie skyrocket by a large amount!

Li Chenxu disregarded the movie hall's regulations and took out his mobile phone to shoot on the big screen.

The main creators around obviously also thought of this, and imitated Li Chenxu's appearance.

Lin Miaomiao, who was sitting next to Li Chenxu, smiled happily.

The tears in the corners of laughing eyes slipped down without even noticing.

Although she already knew that the leading man who played with her in the movie was Lu Ze himself.

But now seeing him admitting all this on the screen, it still made her heart tremble.

After this farewell, when will we meet again?

She knew that her heart was already full of the shadow of this man.

After the noise in the hall gradually calmed down, Lu Ze on the screen spoke again.

"The second thing I want to talk about is the serial murders that have been rampant in the city recently."

"The next screen clips, everyone can shoot and spread by themselves."

As soon as Lu Ze's voice fell on the screen, the screen turned and the scene came to an elevator.

A man holding a scalpel leaned against the wall of the elevator car, and a woman bound by ropes collapsed to the ground.

Those were Hua Dongjun and Zhang Xiaohua.

The next easter egg is the video shot by Lu Ze that day.

Using his own reasoning, he perfectly identified Hua Dongjun as the suspect, and analyzed his modus operandi.

In the end, Hua Dongjun's motive for committing the crime, which was not stated at the press conference of the Patrol Division, was also revealed by Lu Ze.

Nothing influenced by Lu Ze at all!

It's because of the distorted character caused by Hua Dongjun's own experience!

Even at the last critical moment when Hua Dongjun was about to kill his brother, it was Lu Ze who kicked away the scalpel in the opponent's hand, and killed that weak woman.

What kind of person is this?

Not only has a bright mind and quick thinking, but also the courage and strength to fight against bandits with knives with bare hands. In the end, the unrestrained demeanor of hiding merit and fame directly won the hearts of everyone present. .

Lu Ze's image in everyone's hearts once again became glorious and majestic.

The original title of God Lu was just to praise Lu Ze's miraculous deeds.

Now the title of Lu Ze is more admiration for Lu Ze's divinity.

"God Lu! You deserve it!"

Someone shouted loudly in the movie hall, and instantly got everyone's affirmation.

In contrast, at the beginning of this video, Hua Dongjun's ruthless mockery of the detectives seems more harsh and real.

These detectives are really a bunch of useless things. Not only did they fail to solve the case, but they wronged the good people in the end and poured dirty water on the heroes!

What is this for?

Thinking of this, everyone was instantly filled with righteous indignation.

Everyone gritted their teeth in anger, as if they were Lu Ze himself.

"These guys from the Patrol Division don't have any good stuff!"

"You must return my Lu Shen's innocence!"

"That's right! We have to pour this dirty water back!"

Shouts rang out in the auditorium, everyone took out their phones one after another, and frantically forwarded this recorded video on various social platforms...

One spread ten, ten spread hundreds, the exaggerated spread speed of this video made the officers of the Patrol Division completely lack the confidence and ability to suppress the news.

The people of the pursuit team were waiting at the door of the screening room. They had already notified the management of the theater, and the spare key came to open the door.

The door was opened, and the projectionist inside had fainted to the ground.

"Run away again?"

Gu Shaonan said with a light sigh.

Apparently ran away.

Everyone in the pursuit team fell silent.

They also saw the second part of the whole easter egg just now while the manager brought the key.

So they understood how much damage this shocking news would bring to the image of the Patrol Division. Not only the entire Jingping City, but also the entire Chinese Federation of Patrol Divisions would experience an unprecedented earthquake.

But so what?

Their task is to arrest Lu Ze, not to wipe the ass of the patrol department.

Moreover, such despicable and obscene methods of the patrolling department are indeed despised by the arrogant geniuses of the pursuit team.

One hour after the Easter eggs have been relaxed.

Lu Ze glanced at the time and took out his mobile phone 4.6.

The front-page headlines of major browsers and news software, without exception, all reported the amazing easter eggs in the movie premiere.

The fishing boats on the Internet were one-sided, and the netizens who had criticized Lu Ze instantly turned back and joined the camp of supporting Lu Tu.

The hot comments below the news are all "I'm sorry Lu Shen."

Those so-called opinion leaders holding the banner of "anti-Lu Ze" are now eager to find a hole to drill down.

Some people have even been threatened with death by certain fanatical Lu Ze fans.

The fishing boat turned around again, and now the Patrol Division has once again been pushed to the forefront!

At the same time, the Police Department of Jingping City and the federal nobles held emergency meetings again!

[The first update arrives, please customize!].

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