Game: Check In From Prison

Chapter 127: The Truth Behind The Noble Council [Fourth Update! Please Customize! 】

When these two orders came from the phone, Lin Duankang was numb as if struck by lightning.

He knew it was a big deal, but he didn't expect it to be this big.

It is necessary for him, the chief director, to go to the top to appease public anger.

Lin Duankang cut off the phone, looking like a teenager all of a sudden.

He sighed and scanned the faces of several members of the pursuit team.

"You guys will not be under my control in the future, and will be directly managed by the superiors.

"A press conference will be held tomorrow to give the masses an explanation."

"The meeting is over."

After saying these two words, she suddenly collapsed on the chair, staring at the white chandelier on the ceiling with empty eyes.

After working so hard to get to the current position, he thought he was in power, but unexpectedly, with the first sentence, he took off his black hat, not only that, but also took the blame for that.

This federation is still the federation of the nobles, and it is still their voice.

The people in 967 in the conference room dispersed, leaving only Lin Duankang sitting on a chair.

Everyone in the pursuit team returned to the office and began to pack their things.

They are now under the direct jurisdiction of their superiors, and their office will also be transferred from the Patrol Division to the Federal Building.

The meaning above is to let them prepare immediately and go to work immediately.

Such an urgent order also made the members of the pursuit team understand that these nobles are really anxious, and they should try their best to capture Lu Ze!

After sorting out their own information and personal belongings, the members of the pursuit team drove to the Federal Building in a hurry.

A guide led them into the new office on the ground floor.

In the new office, someone has already greeted them there in advance.

A refined elder in an old robe was standing at the door, looking at them with a smile.

Everyone in the pursuit team saw the elder standing in front of him at a glance.

Everyone recognized who he was at a glance.

The current chairman of the Federal Council of Nobility.

Among the nobles of the Chinese Federation, the oldest noble.

Mr. Wei Jingqing, a world-famous thinker and writer!

"Old Wei!"

"Old Wei!"

Everyone in the pursuit team greeted Wei Jingqing one after another.

For this highly respected senior in front of them, everyone bent down and bowed their hands, and performed a disciple salute.

Even Gu Shaonan, who has always been rebellious, bowed his hands in a serious salute.

"Come in and sit down."

Wei Jingqing nodded, smiled at the crowd, and welcomed them in.

"The purpose of calling everyone here, I think you already know."

"I hope that everyone can find Lu Ze from Jingping City as soon as possible.

"No matter what method is used, Ri must find him for me as soon as possible."

"With the backing of our aristocratic council, almost all the manpower and material resources of the Chinese Federation can be mobilized by you."

Speaking of this, Wei Jingqing paused for a while, and carefully examined everyone present.

"I'll give you three days. Once the three days are up, if you still can't find him, you can (bibi) disband on the spot."

His smiling face suddenly became serious, and he looked at everyone coldly.

Courtesy first and soldiers later.

Everyone in the pursuit team nodded, and immediately got busy.

Lu Ze, who was resting in the hotel, was not idle either.

After a whole night of searching and checking, he finally discovered the common secret of the entire Chinese Federation, and even the entire Blue Star country, from some subtle clues.

In the eyes of everyone in the world, those so-called federal nobles are nothing more than an organization formed by some remnants of the ancient feudalism.

The original great empire was desolate and split into small federations.

And these small federations, in order to be able to get rid of the control of the empire and be independent from the blue star, they have gathered the noble families in the empire before and formed a noble council as a symbol of the federation.

Although they have the power to propose and observe major matters in the Federation, they have no right to make decisions at all.

Most of the federations are composed of different institutional departments that check and balance each other, are responsible for many domestic matters, and maintain the normal operation of the federation.

Those federal nobles on the surface are just a symbol of each federation.

Although this is the case on the surface, in fact, it is not the case.

The nobles of the federation are the biggest talkers in the entire federation.

All major matters in the federation need to be discussed and decided by the nobles.

These federal systems that flaunt freedom and democracy are actually covered in such empty shells.

The real power is still in the hands of these small groups of allied nobles.

From the very beginning, Lu Ze noticed something strange when a death row prisoner like him could be released from prison.

During this more than a month of fleeing, he has increasingly discovered that there is something wrong with it.

After careful investigation and analysis, he came to this conclusion.

This news undoubtedly came as a bolt from the blue to everyone in the entire Blue Star.

Lu Ze frowned, and then laughed silently.

Such a big news can definitely become his trump card. .

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