Game: Check In From Prison

Chapter 160: The Destruction Of Nobles [Third Update! Please Customize! 】

Several nobles in the conference room looked at the person with a gloomy look on their faces.

The few who came in have a high status in the China Federation.

The top leaders of the Department of Government Affairs, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Police and Arrest, the chairman of the four major federal companies, and world-renowned experts and scholars.

These people are the first echelon of alternate nobles.

But looking at the twinkling eyes in these people's eyes, they realized that things were not that simple.

That aggressive and aggressive posture is not at all like the flattery that comes in and asks them to join the nobility.

"Is there a problem?"

The old man with two stacks of grey-white sixties opened his mouth and asked.

The people who came in opened their chairs and sat down opposite the nobles.

That appearance, as if sitting on an equal footing with them, fighting against each other.

Several nobles were very annoyed, they felt that their noble status was offended.

The newly promoted young leader of the Patrol Division looked at everyone with a faint smile on his face.

"We are going to join the parliament and become the new nobles."

He then opened his mouth and clarified his intentions.

The tense expressions on the faces of several nobles in hospital gowns eased instantly.

His face became frivolous and arrogant again.

"Is this how you beg for help? Is there a place for you to sit here?"

The 847 60-year-olds spoke aggressively, with an air of aloofness.

The high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen who had just entered looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

These people are really used to being pampered, and their judgment of the situation is completely wrong.

He is still posing with the noble posture of a nobleman.


The head of the patrol department tapped lightly on the table.

"I said that you are probably old and didn't hear what I just said clearly.

"I'm saying we want, not that we want to.

"See the difference? Old stuff?"

Being scolded by the young man in front of him for being an old thing, the sixty-year-old man's blood surged up, his face flushed red.

When did a dog under his nobles dare to speak so presumptuously?

Just as he was about to explode, he thought about what the other party said just now.

This is an order, not a negotiation.

They did not come to solicit opinions and negotiate conditions to ask them.

But to announce and give orders to them.

Although nobles are stupid, fortunately they still have a little IQ.

After thinking about it, I understood (bibb) the meaning of the other party's words.

"You dare!"

The nobles who had a bad temper stood up immediately, pointed at the noses of these high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen and opened their mouths.

"The right to mobilize the army is still in our hands! Do you want to court death?"

The nobleman shouted at everyone with a cold face.

The reason why the nobles have been able to stand tall in the Chinese Federation for so many years.

On the one hand, it is because some of them are indeed the result of the painstaking efforts of some capable people.

But the biggest reason is that they have the right to mobilize the army.

Although the Chinese Federation stated to the outside world that the military department is an institutional department independent of the Chinese Federation system.

But this is just rhetoric used to fool the people.

Everyone present knew that the military department served the nobles.

The nobles have been operating in the military department for decades, and most of the high-ranking officials in the military department are their own people.

"Didn't I say, just you guys, how many troops can be mobilized in the army, do you have no idea?"

The head of the patrol department looked at the crowd as if they were idiots and chuckled.

Most of those nobles who had great voice in the military were killed by Lu Ze in this explosion.

As for the rest, they are already hovering on the verge of death, not far from dying.

Just the few in front of the nobles, how big a wave can they make?

And if they dared to force the palace like this, they naturally reached an agreement with the people in the military department.

"Try calling!"

A mobile phone was pushed in front of the nobles.

A nobleman picked up the phone with a nervous expression, and then dialed a number with trembling fingers.

All he heard was a busy tone, but the phone was not connected.

He hung up the phone and handed the phone to another nobleman next to him.

The nobleman also dialed a phone number, but it still didn't answer.

The rest of the people are also in the same situation.

They looked at each other, couldn't help swallowing, and cold sweat oozes from their foreheads.

"We very much welcome everyone to become a member of our nobles! You are all the pillars of the Chinese Federation, and you deserve this status!"

The noble old man who was over sixty years old reacted the fastest, and immediately put on a flattering face, and said to the people in front of him.


"That's right!"

"I think so too!"

When the other nobles heard the words, they all laughed and echoed.

These high-ranking officials and wealthy people, seeing the flattery and dark colors on the faces of these nobles, felt a deep disgust in their hearts.

"I am here to thank you for your approval."

The leader of the Patrol Department nodded his thanks to the nobles earnestly and sincerely.

"However, in the new federal power structure we have conceived, you pedantic old guys are not needed."

After he finished speaking, the flattering expressions on the faces of the nobles suddenly froze.

What does it mean?

They watched helplessly, and the people in front of them got up and left. Then, the door opened again, and several strangers in black clothes approached.

They drew their pistols with suppressors on their belts and pulled the triggers.

Blood spattered from the hearts of the nobles.

At the same time, those nobles who were seriously injured and were still being rescued, or lay in the ICU, and hadn't died yet, were all killed.

In the entire Chinese Federation, the aristocratic system that lasted for decades seemed to have finally collapsed, and all the nobles ceased to exist.

Now the people standing at the pinnacle of power have become these political and business figures who came to force the palace, and the military chiefs who participated in this matter behind the scenes.

The aristocratic system has not been disintegrated, and these people have become the new federal aristocrats with the greatest power!

After dealing with these remnants of the old era, everyone is obviously in a good mood.

They began to get together, planning and discussing a bright future.

At this time, one of them suddenly asked a question, which made everyone fall silent.

"What should Lu Ze do?"

[The third update is delivered, automatic subscription!

It is still the old rule that the fourth and fifth updates will be posted later, and readers can come and read again tomorrow.

The author wishes everyone a happy new year. ^_^].

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