Game: Check In From Prison

Chapter 174 Precise Marksmanship

Lu Ze stopped walking.

It was finally done, he breathed a sigh of relief.

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill: Gun Proficiency]

The sound of the system sounded again, and while a lot of firearms knowledge was poured into his mind, it also brought his shooting level to an exaggerated level.

At this moment, Lu Ze felt that he could hit an ant in the forehead with one shot.

Hearing the mechanical sound of the system, his slightly frowning brows suddenly relaxed.

The corners of his mouth turned up, and he laughed silently.

This ability is very useful, especially in the US Federation where guns are not allowed.

But its greatest usefulness is that he can make Lu Ze reverse the current situation at once.

He stopped directly, turned around, and stood on the corridor in a daze.

A pistol was clutched tightly in his hand.

On the one hand, it was because of his boundless self-confidence, on the other hand, he wanted to verify how powerful this new ability was.

The footsteps grew louder.

The people coming downstairs have already entered, and they are about to step through the door and walk into the corridor.

Lu Ze raised the gun in his hand.

Before the agents who came down had time to come out of the door, their forward swinging hands first exposed the door frame and appeared in Lu Ze's line of sight.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Ze has already pulled the trigger.


There was a shot.

The bullet is ejected.

It precisely hit the back of the hand that exposed the door frame.

The bullet made of rubber collided and squeezed with the back of the hand, causing exaggerated deformation.

A huge force came from the back of the hand, and the agent's hand couldn't be restrained from swinging exaggeratedly towards the other side.


Accompanied by a scream of pain, the detective collapsed to the ground, clutching his hands and twitching on the ground.

There was a large swollen bump on the back of his hand, and the folks had been interrupted by this shot.

The remaining agents immediately dragged the agent back into the corridor.

"It's Lu Ze々々!"

Jack said with a sullen face.

He looked at the injured detective and clenched his teeth angrily.

He was a little surprised that Lu Ze's exaggerated gunshots could accurately hit such a small target in such an instant.

Is this a coincidence? Or is it his job?

Jack's evaluation of Lu Ze has risen to a higher level.

Lu Ze didn't feel the slightest joy because of the shot.

On the contrary, his expression became a little anxious.

The gunshots are too loud!

The detective's wailing was too loud!

This is in a quiet building, enough to attract all the detectives upstairs!

He had only twenty-four rounds in two magazines.

When the lights were dark, he pretended to be the empty gun that the detectives fired when they caught Lu Ze.

And the shot just now.

There are now twenty-two rounds left.

The first team consisted of fifteen agents.

He took advantage of the dark to get rid of one, and now Jack has joined in, so there are still fifteen people.

Just one shot knocked out one of the agents.

The team of detectives was down to fourteen.

There are two detectives guarding the stairs on the first floor.

There are four agents guarding the gate of the building.

Moreover, Lu Ze speculated that the two detectives guarding the stairs on the second floor would come to support them as soon as possible.

In this way, there are twenty-two people.

Can't be empty!

And make sure that the opponent loses the ability to fight with one shot!

Lu Ze took a deep breath, feeling a little stressed.

The body trembled uncontrollably again.

He felt extremely excited again.

At this time, his spirit was highly concentrated and his eyes were fixed on the corridor entrance.

Directly opposite the corridor was the back door of a room, and the door was opened a crack.

"Inspector, I'm going out to attract his attention and enter the room!"

"Then you come out immediately and suppress him with firepower!"

The bold and skilled detective took the initiative to advise Jack.

Jack, who couldn't think of an idea, nodded and immediately approved.

Everyone got ready and waited for the agent to rush out to attract Lu Ze's attention.

The detective took a deep breath, pushed back a few steps, and then took a run-up and jumped directly at the door frame!

He was about to leap into the opposite room!

Lu Ze was naturally attracted by the rushing figure.

But he's quick to respond!

Lock on target! Aim! Pull the trigger!

After finishing a series of actions, the voice rushed into the room while still in mid-air!

Lu Ze's shot precisely hit the back of the opponent's hand, and the powerful impact directly interrupted the opponent's figure. The detective fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

At this time, those ambushing agents have not yet reacted.

According to the predetermined plan, they leaned out from the corridor one after another, and pointed their guns at Lu Ze in the corridor.

Lu Ze's muzzle immediately turned to them.

bang bang bang

One shot after another, pointing out at the speed of light.

Not a single shot missed, all hit.

Five bullets hit five hands holding guns, and five (winning) guns fell to the ground. Five detectives, Yuan Hao, shrank back.

The rest of the agents abruptly stopped their protruding bodies, and forcibly pulled them back.

Seeing the pained faces of his agents, Jack understood.

Lu Ze, this is not luck, it's all hard power!

Five people didn't have time to fire a single shot! He fired five shots in a row by himself!

And even when the people on his side attacked by surprise!

Everyone's shooting position is in the center of the back of the hand.

Jack's scalp tingled when he took a look.

This marksmanship! It's too accurate!

Everyone was shocked by Lu Ze's move, and no one dared to take a step forward.

Seeing this, Lu Ze walked over directly.

If the agents didn't come, so did he!

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