Game: Check In From Prison

Chapter 178 Not Peaceful 【Please Customize! 】

Lu Ze went to the bank to withdraw a wave of money and put it in his pocket.

After all, if you are in a foreign country, it is still necessary to have some cash on you.

"Master, go to the Chinese district."

Lu Ze stopped a taxi, opened the door and said.

As the largest city in the United States, Xincheng is naturally the first choice for many Chinese people who go abroad to work or immigrate.

Because of the large number of people, they naturally formed a settlement.

This is what Lu Ze called the Chinese Quarter.

The reason why Lu Ze chose these places is because it is really difficult for foreigners like him without passports and identity documents to gain a foothold in the main city.

If the U.S. federal agents are ruthless and conduct a thorough search in all aspects, they will definitely be able to investigate his clues in a short time.

Second, although Xincheng is the largest city in the United States, with a prosperous economy and culture, there are also many dirty things behind the scenes.

He had known in advance that there were quite a few people here who robbed unidentified foreigners like them.

In order not to be missed, it would be safer for him to live in the Chinese district.

The driver snuffed out the half-burned cigarette in his hand and flicked it out of the window.

He stopped here for a long time, and had already seen the scene of Lu Ze coming out of the bank.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw the corner of the note protruding from Lu Ze's trouser pocket.

It looks like a lot of bulging.

"Yes sir!"

The driver nodded and answered, and Lu Ze took a seat in the back row.

The car started steadily and moved forward.

Inside the Security Department on the top floor of the Police Department Building.

Jack has prepared the IDs of the security department agents for everyone.

In this way, it will be more convenient for them to act in the United States.

As for the authority, they have been given relatively large authority and can mobilize a considerable number of agents to assist in the investigation.

The members of the pursuit team put away their documents, and then inquired carefully about the details of the arrest operation.

"How did he end up walking?"

Gu Shaonan asked.

"Drove in a police car."

Jack replied.

"Since it's a police car, have you found any clues about him?"

Police vehicles are more conspicuous and easier to check.


Jack blushed and was about to shake his head, obviously a little embarrassed.


Everyone was a little surprised.

It should have been nearly ten hours since Lu Ze escaped. In such a long time, logically, the location of the police car should have been found out long ago.

The efficiency of this case handling is too bad!

Jack coughed dryly and smiled awkwardly.

"As the commander-in-chief of the incident, I was sent to the hospital, and I didn't have time to give them an order to continue the search."

he explained.

Immediately after that, a call was broadcast, ordering federal agents to search for the missing police car.

In half an hour, the news came back.

The target vehicle was spotted in a hotel parking lot!


Lu Ze sat in the back of the taxi quietly watching the pedestrian scenery outside the window.

He remembered the approximate road from the pick-up location to the Chinese district in his mind.

When the driver turned the first intersection, Lu Ze looked at the signboard at the intersection, and already noticed something strange.

The direction is wrong.

He paid special attention to the eyes of the driver master in the rearview mirror.

Stealing glances at him from time to time, it seems that there is something wrong with him.

Lu Ze knew that he was being targeted as a fat sheep.

This United States Federation is really not peaceful!

"Is this the first time you come to Xincheng, sir?"

The driver turned a corner again and accosted Lu Ze.

"Yes, it's my first time here."

Lu Ze put on an honest look and nodded seriously.

The driver master was overjoyed after hearing this, and his courage grew again invisibly.

"Are you here for a trip or for work?"

The driver master asked again.


Lu Ze's eyes moved to the window, and replied.

The street outside the window has gradually become empty, sparsely populated with few people.

"Is it alone?"

The driver master asked again.

He saw Lu Ze's undisciplined and dull look in the rearview mirror, and he was already happy.

"That's right."

Lu Ze nodded.

Hearing Lu Ze's answer, the driver master has already made up his mind to do it.

The taxi turned all the way on the 783 street.

Turned from the street into a small road, and then sped on the small road.

Lu Ze looked out of the window without saying a word.

The master driver looked at Lu Ze's frown and thought he was wary.

Just about to speak to appease him, who lied to him that this is the way to the Chinese district.

Lu Ze spoke before him.

"The right-hand side ahead is a dead-end alley, there is no one there, you can turn into it.

"Hurry up if you want to do it, mine is tired.

Lu Ze's faint words sounded from his ears, and his head froze instantly.

He came back to his senses and took another serious look at Lu Ze in the rearview mirror.

Confident, calm, without the slightest fear.

Just one glance, the driver master felt scalp numb.

He suddenly began to hesitate whether to make a move.

But when his eyes moved to the storage box in front of him, he suddenly became firm in this idea.

Then decisively drove the car into an empty alley.

He opened the storage box, took out a gun inside, then turned around and aimed the gun at Lu Ze.

"Hand over your money!".

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