Game: Check In From Prison

Chapter 184 Help Me With This [Please Customize! 】

Originally, Lu Ze didn't intend to take care of this matter at all, because he is completely overwhelmed by his current situation.

But I didn't expect Liu Weida to be so concerned about his certificate, and arranged for him immediately.

In this way, Lu Ze's situation is not so urgent, and he can save some time to ask about it.

"It's okay, Brother Li!"

As soon as Li Ze Lu Ze asked this question, Liu Muqing's face changed slightly, and then forced a smile and spoke in relief.

"I can see it, and you still say it's all right."

Lu Ze's complexion was deliberately pulled, a little ugly.

"It's all right, Brother Li, our restaurant is very prosperous and has a bright future, you must work hard here!"

Looking at Lu Ze's expression, Liu Muqing was slightly anxious.

Lu Ze pondered over her words, and suddenly understood something.

It turned out that the girl was afraid that she would resign after knowing the truth.

Is there such a shortage of delivery people in the store?

Lu Ze thinks about it, probably not! The benefits are good, and the work is not too tiring, so it is absolutely no problem to find someone!


Lu Ze glanced at Liu Muqing again, the girl's dodging eyes and blushing cheeks made him understand the truth at once.

Could it be that girl Liu Muqing fell in love with her?!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the possibility was a bit high.

So, Liu Muqing didn't want to tell him the truth because he was afraid that he would resign after knowing the truth?

In other words, the crisis encountered by restaurants is indeed serious!

"rest assured!"

"No matter what happens, I will not leave my job"

"Many people are powerful, tell me and I will give you an idea!"

Lu Ze smiled and comforted Liu Muqing.

Liu Muqing took a serious look at Lu Ze, then hesitated for a while, and nodded.

A worried look appeared on Liu Muqing's face, and he told Lu Ze the whole thing from the beginning to the end.

It turned out that Liu Weida borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars from others to run the restaurant earlier, and later the business boomed, so he repaid the loan.

But unexpectedly, the other party tampered with the contract at that time, and the hundreds of thousands suddenly became millions, which became a big hole that couldn't be filled.

Now the frequency of debt collectors coming to the restaurant is getting higher and higher, and even the business has been affected.

"In that case, why not contact the Patrol Division?"

Lu Ze asked curiously.

He remembered that Liu Weida once told him that he had a good relationship with the agents of the nearby police department.


Liu Muqing shook his head.

"Although in our opinion this is indeed a fraud."

"But the other party deliberately left hands and feet when drafting the contract."

"So even if we make a complaint to the Patrol Department, we don't take it seriously."

Lu Ze nodded when he heard this, for Liu Weida really had troubles that he couldn't tell.

"What is the boss going to do?"

Lu Ze asked again.

"Father asked if we could extend the date, after all, we really can't come up with such a large amount.

While talking, Liu Muqing pressed the computer on the table to check today's accounts.

"But the other party only gave us a one-day deadline."

"If you can't get it all together, you have to pay for it with a restaurant."

When Liu Muqing said this, his voice was slightly choked up.

She quietly wiped the corners of her eyes, and when she raised her head to look at Lu Ze, her eyes sparkled, and she managed to squeeze out a smile.

"Don't worry, Brother Li! My dad will definitely figure out a way!"

Lu Ze and Liu Muqing looked at each other, then nodded with a smile.

"Most definitely."

After saying this, he returned to his room.

Lu Ze lay on his back on the bed and thought about it seriously.

To him, a few million is really just a small amount.

And Liu Weida really helped him solve the big problem of ID card.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally made up his mind.

He will help with this.

However, you must not help in vain.

the next day.

Lu Ze came out of the room and walked into the restaurant.

Liu Muqing greeted him obediently, and Lu Ze responded with a nod and a smile.

Lu Ze turned around twice inside and out, and found that the mood of the restaurant staff was abnormally low.

From the boss Liu Weida to the waiter at the bottom, everyone's face is not very good-looking.

It seems that the news has spread.

"."Xiao Li! You are here!"

Liu Weida watched Lu Ze approaching, with a stiff smile on his face.

I have already submitted the application form for you, and with my relationship, I can handle it for you this afternoon, and it will be very efficient!"

Liu Weida thought that Lu Ze was worrying about this, so he patted his shoulder (Wang Wang's) and said to him.

"thank you boss."

Lu Ze nodded and expressed his sincere thanks to him.

"If you can't find a job in the future, I'll introduce you to you!"

Liu Weida said to Lu Ze with a smile.

It's just that Lu Ze saw a little depression in his smile.

It seems that Liu Weida did not find any solution to solve it.

At the end of the night, Lu Ze also went to Liu Weida to get his ID card.

In this way, he can travel in places like the airport station, which is much more convenient.

The gloomy expression on Liu Weida's face became heavier, and after handing the things to Lu Ze, he turned and left without saying a word.

[I wish everyone a happy Spring Festival. ^_^].

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