Game: Check In From Prison

​Chapter 199 Clues Provided By Lu Ze 【Please Customize! 】

"Mr. Li, there is no need to teach today."

Director Chris came forward and said to Lu Ze.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Ze was a little surprised.

With a helpless expression, Chris pointed to the queue at the reporting office.

"There are too many reports today, and the raiders don't have time for training."

Lu Ze nodded, and he thought of this reason when Chris spoke.

"What kind of case are they here to report?"

Lu Ze looked at the crowd and asked.

"Person missing."

Chris replied.

"At present, dozens of cases have been accepted."


Lu Ze was slightly surprised.

He didn't expect so many people to go missing.

"And basically they all disappeared yesterday."

Chris added.

Dozens of missing ones a day?

And looking at the queue, Lu Ze estimated that there must be dozens more.

Chris nodded, and his face became ugly.

He has been sitting in this seat for so many years, and this is the first time this has happened.

Lu Ze frowned slightly, naturally thinking of the scene last night.

He concluded that what he saw had a great connection with this disappearance.

But this news, he will not tell Chris for free.

He wanted to use this key clue in exchange for something useful to him.

As for what to exchange for, he was still thinking silently.

"This case is too serious, I have to report it to the higher authorities, and ask agents from the Ministry of Security to assist in the investigation~" "

Chris said to himself, and immediately turned around to go back to make a call.

His words reached Lu Ze's ears, which immediately made Lu Ze a little nervous.

If it is reported, then everyone in the pursuit team will definitely know what happened this time.

When they come to handle the case in person, as the coach of the agents, it is inevitable that they will interact with them.

And in this way, it will greatly increase the chance of exposure.

Chris must be stopped!

"Director, I have a clue!"

Lu Ze stopped Chris immediately.

"What clue?"

Chris stopped, looked back at Lu Ze and asked.

"Yesterday when I came back from get off work, I saw a van parked on the side road, and two people were stuffing passers-by into it. w

Lu Ze recalled.

Chris' eyes lit up when he heard this, and he naturally connected what Lu Ze said with this disappearance case.

"Where's the license plate? Have you written it down?"

Chris asked anxiously.

What Lu Ze said is very likely to be the key point in the investigation of this case.

"It's covered, I don't see it."

Lu Ze shook his head, telling the truth.

Chris looked obviously a little frustrated, but he recovered immediately.

"What's the color and model of the car?"

Chris asked again.

Lu Ze thought about it. After all, they were far away from each other. He couldn't tell the model of the car, but he only remembered that the door was white.

Chris asked Lu Ze some more questions to find out when the car entered the road.

Then he dragged Lu Ze to a room, and asked the staff on duty to call out the monitoring at the intersection at that time.

Everyone clearly found the car Lu Ze mentioned on the screen. After locking on to the target, everyone began to monitor the car's itinerary and destination.

The car turned left and right, and drove into a road with little traffic.

This makes it easier for the detectives to track and lock the car.

The van followed a large truck towing a large container into a tunnel.

He also temporarily disappeared from the screen.

The agent immediately switched to the camera at the exit of the tunnel.

The van drove out of the tunnel in front of the big truck, and then drove all the way to a residential area in the Chinese district.

The screen ends here.

Chris wiped his fists, looking a little excited.

If Lu Ze is right, then this car is probably related to the disappearance case.

If he really solved the disappearance case of dozens of people, he would definitely get a medal and add a lot of color to his resume.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help becoming agitated, ready to set off to investigate.

At this time, the case at the front desk has been registered and accepted.

Chris took the information handed over by the agent, glanced at it, and put it aside.

All he has in mind now is the car, and as for other things, he will put them aside.

Lu Ze watched as Chris rushed out of the gate of the police department, and drove away with more than a dozen detectives at high speed.

He vaguely felt that the matter (Nuo De's) situation was not that simple.

"."show me!"

Lu Ze took the document from the agent.

It was filled with the names and capital information of the missing persons.

Lu Ze glanced at it, frowning tightly, and he made a discovery.

These people are all US federal black households without ID cards, that is to say, there is no data on these people in the Patrol Division.

So under normal circumstances, even if they are all dead, they are busy confirming their identities and filing a case for investigation.

Fortunately, these people are not alone, they have relatives and friends.

So there are so many people coming to report the scene.

Lu Ze rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought.

What is the suspect doing to catch these people?

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