The next day

, the strong sun shone on the land where people lived, and the hot and unbearable weather made people very irritable.

Ye Fanchen and the two were burned into carbon by the sun, and their faces were black, fortunately, none of them wore glasses, otherwise they would really become pandas.

Walking on the street, Ye Fanchen walked to the noodle shop that used to pit him, ready to teach the boss a lesson, and he also wanted the boss to eat the noodles he made!

As soon as he approached, he was informed that the store had been acquired, Ye Fanchen was stupid, was this the end of the pit and he ran away?

And Long Hua wants to go to Yinhai Pavilion to make up for his regrets and include the two women in the harem, after all, now his identity is not more than Xiaoyue Niu, and it must be easy to accept the two.

He has done so much hard work in the wind and rain, what is wrong with enjoying it?

This time I went to the noodle shop owner in a situation, the boss and the boss's sister disappeared Yinhai Pavilion was sold.

Long Hua Feifei's dream was shattered.


On the street

, Ye Fanchen looked at Long Hua, who was crying beside him, and frowned, isn't it a woman? How much to have after going out!

Although he had never seen the Silver Sea Pavilion lady.

But women should all look similar, is it necessary to be so sad?

When the two returned home, Wang Ke hurriedly ran to welcome them.

"Brother Ye, Uncle Long! What happened last night? Wang Ke's big eyes were full of curiosity and asked.

"Hmm.... Last night there was a big green humanoid toad, and the citizens barking wildly outside the city could not be peaceful!

"Uncle Long, what about me! Go out and slap him to death!

"Haha, awesome!" Long Hua said with a smile.

"Uh-huh!" Wang Ke's eyes were full of expectation, looking forward to when she could also protect others like her brother and uncle.

Ye Fanchen squatted down and touched Wang Ke's head and asked.

"Where are you, Avril sister?"

Wang Ke looked up and thought about it, and said uncertainly.

"It's like... Seems to go: What went to the Ford II base"


Ye Fanchen and Long Hua were stunned, and the emotional Ford was still alive?

"In this way, Wang Ke, you rest at home first, brother and uncle go to pick up the Avril sisters first, and they come back

" "But!"

"No, oh!" Ye Fanchen said seriously.

"Good!" Although Wang Ke also wanted to go, he didn't dare to speak, so he could only watch Ye Fanchen and them drift away, returning to the room alone.

The two came to the city gate.

Ye Fanchen took out the compass and located Avril their location, and the two followed the compass to hurry...


At 12.38 noon

in an unknown city

, although the bodies of the two are very strong, but the heat is still hot, although the endurance is strong, but being in the sun all the time will still make people irritable and unhappy.

The two came to a ruin, perhaps again a place where the military and the corpses were fighting before the end of the world.

Walking through the dilapidated street, all you can see are collapsed houses, bones and shrapnel, and the shells that fall here show how fierce the battle took place here.

The instructions of the compass came to an end, and Ye Fanchen nodded at Long Hua.

Long Hua clenched his fist, and the wind swirled in his hand to form a drill and began to dig the work.

The sun was getting bigger and bigger, and Ye Fanchen was sitting in the shade like a contract foreman overseer, watching Long Hua dig himself and taking out a cold drink and tasting it comfortably in the sun.

"Hah.... Ha.... Ha"

Long Hua in the deep pit wiped the sweat on his head.

If TNND hadn't been able to hit the grass snake, he would have punched down a long time ago, and it was really hard to dig slowly.

An hour later

, Long Hua's excavation career was over, and he managed to dig into the ceiling of the underground base.

The dragon looked at the condensed air drill in his hand, thinking that he had not dug in vain, so he had practiced a skill.

Ye Fanchen jumped into the pit after receiving Long Hua's news, Long Hua let the wind catch him, and the two quietly opened a hole and drilled in.

After careful observation, it is indeed a new base, yes, there are not even monitors.

The two swaggered through the passage, occasionally encountering a few miscellaneous soldiers who slapped them to death.

Long Hua was very disappointed, or he had this strength in the first place, Han Jiang would not die, let alone have an infection later.

The two followed the compass to find Avril and Allie in a storage room. Mary.

"What's going on?" Ye Fanchen asked.

Avril said a little embarrassed.

"That old yin said that he would pay me for his salary, and I was coming

" "Who knew that a trap was set up, saying that the salary was in the storage room, so I came in to find it" said Avril with a happy and disappointed expression.

"As soon as I came in, alas! I really found it! But I can't get out either," Avril said with a red face, it was too embarrassing.

"I was dragged by her," Allie. Mary spread her hands helplessly.

Ye Fanchen turned around and patted Long Hua's shoulder, his eyes showing relief.

"Long Hua is my fault to blame you, you are not a pig teammate, at most it is an SZ

" "I didn't expect that there are people who are more stupid than you, it's really worldly and rare, they are all geniuses"

Long Hua was quite happy to hear it before, but it was wrong when he listened to it later, how could he even scold him together?

"Let's go, find Ford," Long Hua shouted excitedly, following closely behind Ye Fanchen.

Could Ford really be that stupid? Ye Fanchen had to think that someone like Ford who could endure would be so stupid?

Kidnapping Avril Avril? What's the point? How powerful Longhua is, the family knows in his heart, but what kind of calculation is Ford doing.

"Not good, get out of here!" Ye Fanchen shouted, pulling them to run towards the previous entrance.

Ford refused to put himself in danger easily, but he couldn't beat Longhua.

Then there is only one way, with the explosion of the entire base of the bomb, then even if they cannot be killed, they will be severely damaged.

The final boss hasn't come out yet, how can they throw resurrection coins!

Although Long Hua didn't know what was going on, it was right to run with Ye Fanchen.

When they came to the previous entrance, they found that the entrance of the cave had already been blocked by many layers, and their brains were blank.

What to do, what to do, what to do! Ye Fanchen's brain turned wildly, trying to find a way to break the game.

(ps. Lao Yin will not give up any chance to survive, even if he has several resurrections)

The route they are not familiar with the exit can rely on the compass, but the time is not necessarily enough, maybe the bomb was set when they came in.

Open the backpack and finally lock a wallet in a piece of props.

After taking it out, I found that it was obviously a money bag, and I shook it quite a lot.

Need for Item: Old Master Life-saving Wallet

Effect: The plane linked to this currency summons the otherworldly people to get help, and the number of times depends on the internal currency remaining.

Currency: 10 million

(ps. You are the wallet only responsible for the money)

Ye Fanchen pulled open the wallet, the golden light flashed, and Longhua and Avril around him protected their eyes.

“WC! What is it! So dazzling! Long Hua squinted and shouted.

Ye Fanchen did not respond because a dialog box appeared in front of his eyes.

?? : Who are you? Why is it connected to my consciousness?

The situation was urgent, Ye Fanchen didn't care, and directly said the purpose.

Ye Er Dog: The old man helps!!

Ye Fanchen looked confused when he saw this name, what the hell?

?? :Help me? We don't know each other, so there's nothing I can do.

In a quaint coffin shop, a quaint young man with chestnut hair looked at the message in the chat box and calmly drank tea.

Ye Ergou: Old man, I will pay! I'll use you as a wallet to save my dog's life!"

The young man paused slightly, thinking of the tired little girl, although he didn't care about money, but after thinking for a moment, he also agreed.

?? : You can save you, but you need to make a contract!.

Ye Ergou: Make any contract!

?? : Those who eat words should be punished by eating rocks!

A golden light emanated in front of Ye Fanchen, and a young man in a suit slowly fell...

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