Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 106 External Network: When can we play it?

At eight o'clock that night, Lin Yuan had not yet left Nanxing Company. Feng Shuyun was also paying attention to the public opinion on the Internet in the office. At eight o'clock that night, the entry Cyberpunk 2077 appeared on Weibo's hot search list. Finally, Feng Shuyun opened it at the speed of light and immediately performed a burst of quantum reading.

Lin Yuan Lin Yuan, the response to 2077 has been extremely good!

Feng Shuyun shouted to Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan also got up from his chair and walked behind Feng Shuyun. He lowered his head and looked at the computer.

Damn, it was so fun, but the process was too short. It ended before I even got the pleasure.

Nan Xing, I beg you, what is the official version for sale? I will buy it for 500 yuan!

Can Nanxing add some more content? I can add a few more monsters in the battle mode for me to fight. I've already played it three times!

Who is that man at the end? He's so handsome! Damn!

The silver arm can't be the Johnny Silverhand that Jack mentioned in the trailer, right?

Is Johnny Silverhand the predecessor of David before he became famous? Is he the old legend of Night City?

A large number of players who have tried Cyberpunk 2077 are discussing online, and Weibo and forums have become a place for them to discuss. Now on Weibo, a large number of stand-alone game users are targeting Weibo. Every time the website When refreshing, more than a dozen different comments pop up, which makes Feng Shuyun smile.

The Weibo posts of some big game Vs have also received numerous replies. Among them, a blogger named Lao Naughty Boy has received the most likes and replies. His Weibo post was posted at seven o'clock that night, which is a Posted hours ago.

In this Weibo post, Old Naughty Tong integrated the contents of the 2077 trial version and gave a bold interpretation of the game's plot.

For example, the old naughty boy said that the hippie man who appears at the end of the game is likely to be the legendary protagonist in the afterlife bar, the legendary character Johnny Silverhand Drinks pays homage to.

As for the meeting between V and Johnny Silverhand, the old naughty boy concluded that it must be related to the Arasaka Company. He believed that the main plot of 2077 was connected with the Arasaka Company. The eighth part of the main plot content was that V challenged the Arasaka Company, just like the Edgewalker. The content is the same.

The boss behind the scenes must be Arasaka Company.

Johnny's role in the game is likely to be V's teacher and leader.

Just like the domestic fantasy online game novels, it is a character like the grandfather in the ring.

As for how a dead person came back to life, the old naughty boy believes that this has something to do with Mewtwo technology. He believes that Johnny became a virus, invaded V's brain, and then parasitized in V's brain. Here, the old naughty boy interprets The basis given is - what Judy was going to say at that time was obviously a virus invasion, causing V to disconnect the link, but V was a step slower.

Moreover, the old naughty boy also believes that not only wasteful companies in the game, but also various companies and players will be involved. 2077 is a dictatorial world, and big companies represent the highest power, and Night City is a chaotic zone. It must be done with fists, and in a place without government, don’t expect any country to step in.

Silverhand must have a grudge against the Arasaka Company. The reason why he became a legend is related to the Arasaka Company. When Johnny told V at the end that he had burned the city, he probably meant burning the Arasaka Tower.

As for Judy, the old naughty boy also gave a high evaluation. She is a very beautiful and characterful female character who is very difficult to conquer.

Regarding Mewtwo, the old naughty boy believes that this is the best game idea in this century. The setting of Mewtwo can give birth to many possibilities in 2077. If Nanxing works hard on Mewtwo and is willing to do it seriously, then Mewtwo will definitely It will become the biggest selling point of 2077.

The old naughty boy posted thousands of words on this Weibo, giving a comprehensive interpretation of the 2077 demo. Such efforts and seriousness have naturally been recognized by a large number of players.

After Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun read the old naughty boy's interpretation, Lin Yuan even sighed: Since ancient times, there have been masters among the people.

In the case where the demo did not reveal any main plot, the old naughty boy was able to interpret so much content. Although some edge walkers revealed some background of Night City, it was still very strong, because there was no problem in the old naughty boy's interpretation. , he all makes reasonable and bold guesses.

And he really guessed a lot of things right.

But for demos and so on, please players should refer to the actual product when the time comes.

After all, Lin Yuan was not prepared to change the plot of V and Johnny's meeting.

In the demo of 2077, Lin Yuan really added a lot of his own ideas and added a lot of things. First of all, 2077 produced by Nanxing, Mewtwo will be a highlight. Lin Yuan plans to make several in the game. Little easter eggs, for example, merchants in a certain area will sell Mewtwo, and after players buy it and use it, they will find that this Mewtwo contains games made by Nanxing. Play some in Mewtwo in 2077. Simple but very interesting Fun little game?

This will definitely add a lot of fun, so for the 2077 demo, Lin Yuan asked Li Lin to start with Chaomeng.

Moreover, Lin Yuan also plans to get more Chaomeng and start some new side missions.

Anyway, players are very cheap, so they just pick it up from Chaomeng on the roadside and use it. Isn't this the best way to distribute tasks?

For example, if you do some Edgewalker side mission easter eggs and pick up Mewtwo, it turns out that Mewtwo contains content related to Edgewalker. This will definitely surprise players.

As for why Judy was asked to be the player mentor, it was because of Lin Yuan's selfishness.

Dear friends, in the original game, although Judy was the first female character to appear and had the most content, her character disgusted the players. You must know that Judy later had the title of King of Fairies.

It is completely incomparable with Panan, who only appears in the later plot, because Panan not only delivers cars and guns, but also becomes a good and caring girlfriend.

From an aesthetic point of view, Judy's appearance is more likely to be liked by everyone than Panan, who has experienced many hardships and is of Mexican descent. But the problem is that Panan has a butt! The most important thing is that Panan has a heart, but Judy has no heart!

Panan really cares about you!

And what about Judy?

When I need you, I keep looking for you. When I don’t need you, I don’t look for you at all. There are thousands of people with different faces, and even if I conquer the game, it’s hard to feel a sense of accomplishment.

You may even feel nauseous.

Because Judy is really a little fairy king.

In the game, Judy is a woman who is only emotional and irrational. As a high-end talent who can play Mewtwo, her IQ must be very high, but Judy will give people the feeling of having zero IQ in relationships. .

After trying to persuade Evelin to stop, V hurriedly cursed when talking to Brother Finger, and asked Maiko if she wanted to rebel in front of a group of people in Genting. Is it possible to ask Maiko in front of people like this?

Damn it, she was the one who asked V to kill someone, and she was the one who scolded V after killing him. In the end, she was afraid that V would be angry but even said thank you for tea. What the hell is this?

Beat a stick and give a sweet date?

Many players later complained about Judy in the forum, and the description given was straightforward - there is no reason why Judy can be with Evelyn. A vase with sheared pieces is really short-sighted. She and Evelyn Fulin was really unhappy and brainless. The reason why she didn't die was because she knew how to communicate with V and would not carry V on her back to die. She knew who was the thigh.

Because of this, some of Judy's actions really left many players speechless towards her.

Another one is the stupid ass disgusting player's operation.

If you want to conquer Judy, you must first be a female character, because Judy is a female copper. This has led to many players creating male characters at the beginning, but in order to conquer Judy, they specifically changed to female characters.

But because Judy was disgusted by Judy later, and she disliked Judy, and then Panan appeared. The best butt in Night City naturally attracted the players, and the players wanted to conquer Panan, but they were told that Panan Nan does not play Lily's tricks with players, you must be a male!

I'm going to mess with you, make a good-looking little fairy and disgust the player, and let the player open the game again, but then a woman with a good personality comes later, and she can't conquer it?

Player: Stupid donkey, I will burn your dreams!

Although in the end there are more female Vs, because the female Vs’ dubbing is really amazing.

Because of this, Lin Yuan was ready to make some changes to Judy.

First of all, we can't let her appear so brainless and stupid in the plot. At least in many places, Judy's plot can be deleted without affecting the main plot. In order to highlight her character and make her look real, the stupid ass Loyalty, but this loyalty and true nature appear to be reckless, impulsive and brainless.

There is a kind of beauty of being arrogant and arrogant even if you make a mistake!

Evelin cherishes her, doesn’t V not cherish her? It’s really unreasonable to only remember Evelin’s kindness but forget who was helping her all along.

Of course, Judy is not without her merits. She is indeed brainless, but she is also really good to the people around her.

But Lin Yuan still wants to remove Judy's reputation as a little fairy in the hearts of players. At least, Lin Yuan wants to make Judy less annoying.

And Judy can obviously give a love route. As for Sese, it depends on the intensity of the review.

It is for this reason that Judy will serve as the mentor of 2077. This is because Lin Yuan wants to make it easier for players to like Judy.

As for Panam, Panam doesn’t need to make too many changes, because Panam’s character is already very good, and we just need to add more interactions with Panam.

Add some side tasks, such as a little date with Panan or something?

I have been watching Weibo with Feng Shuyun for a long time, and occasionally I would see a few criticisms, but Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan ignored them. After all, they were basically compliments, and the occasional criticism would not have an impact.

The demo produced by Li Lin is really perfect. Lin Yuan doesn’t think the game that everyone at Nanxing worked hard to make is worse than Jackass. Even under his supervision and Feng Shuyun’s generous spending money, it is better than Jackass. .

But what makes Lin Yuan feel regretful is that Johnny’s appearance cannot surprise players more.

After all, there is no Keanu Reeves in this world, so it is really a pity that we cannot use this as a gimmick.

But there is no way, after all, Lin Yuan is not familiar with overseas stars, and even if he really finds an international star to endorse and puts his face on Johnny, Lin Yuan will feel awkward.

After all, in his mind, Johnny should look like Keanu Reeves, so a lot of gimmicks were lost.

Otherwise, the last clip of this demo will make the whole world excited?

But Lin Yuan, when can we upload the overseas demo? There are many players abroad waiting for it. Feng Shuyun asked.

Li Lin is working on the translation, and the overseas dubbing is basically complete. It should be uploaded in three days? Lin Yuan thought for a while and said.

Many people in China are waiting for 2077, and there are also a large number of players overseas who are waiting for 2077!

Moreover, it was exactly as Lin Yuan thought.


Evening in China, early morning in North America.

In the early morning, the YouTube channel had completely exploded, and accordingly, a group of live broadcasters appeared on Mouse Channel crying about injustice.

On YouTube, a video titled Cyberpunk 2077 Demo has now received tens of millions of views and millions of likes and comments.

In the comments——

Most people ask where to download this game and why we can’t play it? What game is 2077?

In the know, overseas Nanxing fans who know Nanxing will kindly comment and explain that this is a Nanxing game, made by a Chinese company, and the overseas trial version has not yet been launched.

But, this makes them look forward to it even more!

When can we play? Can anyone go to Nanxing and ask?

Is this game made by the same company that made the Edgewalker animation?

Can Chinese people also make such a game?

Everyone, is this really a game made by foreigners? Why are the characters in it all white?

Oh my god, I never thought that one day I would be so looking forward to a Chinese game!

Good luck, I know a little Chinese. Everyone, I'm going to try to play this game now!

Is there any anchor currently broadcasting 2077?

Overseas players cried out loud.

And these things have also been moved back to domestic video websites and forums by good-hearted Chinese people.

Until two o'clock in the afternoon, a video appeared on YouTube that taught foreigners how to enter Tianyou. This video taught them how to use the accelerator, then how to register a Tianyou account, and then download 2077 in Tianyou.

However, because Tianyou requires real-name registration, and Tianyou does not have an international version, registration is very troublesome.

But the blogger in the video went on to say that if there were international students from China around, it would be easy to solve the problem.

You can use their account to play, or you can ask them to help register an account and bind it with their mobile phone number.

Therefore, in just one morning, on a large number of foreign forums, there were posts about people looking for Chinese students around them, and some people were offering rewards with money.

This is an unexpected development!

Wu Yucheng is a Chinese international student studying in New York. Because of his thin body and weak personality, he was discriminated against by students in the same school not long after he entered school.

He was not hurt physically, but his mind was hurt. The eyes rolled by his classmates, the gossip behind his back, and the insults in person made Wu Yucheng almost unable to get out for a while.

It wasn't until Wu Yucheng dared to resist, told the teacher what happened, and joined the mutual aid group that the situation improved a lot.

For Americans, the more afraid you are of them, the more cowardly, and the more timid you are, the more they will bully you, but as long as you dare to resist, they will give in. After all, it is an institution of higher learning, and the campus values ​​freedom and equality, and teachers will Come forward to solve this kind of thing.

Today, after the morning class, Wu Yucheng was packing his things and preparing to leave the classroom alone, when several white men suddenly surrounded him.

Hey! The leading blond boy called Wu Yucheng.

What to do? Wu Yucheng frowned. He didn't know these people. These guys didn't seem to be from this college?

Looking at each other, Wu Yucheng became wary.

After all, he is already a bit pdst, and he will start to get nervous when he sees a few white people surrounding him.

And just when Wu Yucheng thought that the other party was looking for trouble and was about to have another quarrel, the other party suddenly put his arms around his shoulders and said loudly: Brother, you are Chinese, right?

Wu Yucheng was a little confused, but still nodded.

Awesome! I asked several yellow people, but none of them are Chinese, only you are. The blond boy's eyes lit up and he said with a raised voice: My name is John, nice to meet you.

My Chinese name is Wu Yucheng, and my English name is Mark. Nice to meet you, John. Wu Yucheng was a little confused.

At this time, several men from the same hospital who were acquainted with Wu and Cheng and had had conflicts with him also came over. However, when they saw John, they showed disappointed expressions.

Damn it, John actually beat me to it. He didn't even choose this class!

Hey, even if we find Wu first, he may not agree. Have you forgotten the unpleasantness between him and us? Don't think about it. Let's quickly look for Chinese people. We can get 100 US dollars. What an opportunity!”

Wu Yucheng heard their conversation and felt even stranger.

John loosened his grip on his shoulders, stood up in front of Wu Yucheng, rubbed his hands carefully and asked, What about that, Wu, do you know Tianyou?

God bless? Wu Yucheng didn't understand.

John, you should ask him if he knows about Pokémon and South Stars. The man wearing glasses said.

Ah, are you talking about Tianyou? After hearing Pokémon and Nanxing, Wu Yucheng suddenly realized that it was not Tianyou, but Tianyou.

Tianyou, of course he knows!

You know? That's great! Wu, please, please, can you lend us your Tianyou number for fun? John said immediately. As he spoke, he took out the money from his pocket and handed it to Wu Yucheng.

Wu Yucheng waved his hand and refused. At the same time, the other two Chinese female international students in the class were also approached by several boys. However, this time they were not chatting up for a date, but asking if they could help register a gaming platform account.

Wu Yucheng suddenly realized when he saw this scene.


It’s because of Nan Xing! ! ?

Because of Nanxing, these guys came here to beg me?

Wu Yucheng was a little confused.

And the same thing doesn't just happen in the United States.

Today, tomorrow, and even the day after tomorrow are all days when Chinese students studying abroad will be confused.

Of course, not every international student will be discriminated against abroad, but for those students with weak personalities who have not been able to integrate well into campus life, these days will be a life-changing few days.

The reason for this change is

just because.


game company.

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