Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 109 Attack 2077 with all strength, one hundred people are not enough, just three hundred!

On April 9th, all day long, Weibo was dominated by fireworks, and the three words Chen Qingsui also established a topic. A group of players who had played or played online were on the hot search list. Discussions were going on online, and the people in the discussion were divided into two groups. One group believed that Teacher Chen was dead and drowned in the river, so there would always be red umbrellas with water in them, and finally wet envelopes.

Another group of people believe that the photo post and Zhao Xiaojuan's travel ticket can prove that Teacher Chen is not dead. Teacher Chen has the same ability as Lin Lizun. He faked his death to escape the pursuit of those big shots and left by boat at the end. town, and the envelope was intercepted.

But no matter which faction you belong to, they all have their own logic. For a moment, people on the road were unable to blindly stand in line. Players from the rational faction thought that Teacher Chen was dead. Can you please stop being so naive?

The emotional ones don’t believe it! If you act like a rationalist, I will fuck you.

As a result, more and more bloggers rushed to take advantage of the fireworks traffic. As a result, any topic related to fireworks would attract a large number of players throughout the day.

# Pyrotechnics was a huge success, with sales exceeding 150,000 on the first day. It will become the most popular domestic horror game!

# Chen Qingsui, Shen Qingshui, maybe everything is already doomed.

# Do you think Teacher Chen survived or was killed?

# Nan Xing successfully mastered the traffic password, and the fireworks told why plot is king!

# Feudal superstition is not advisable, please abandon this bad habit!

# My heart has been taken away by Teacher Chen, and I will never be happy or sad again in this life.

# Lin Yuan, born!

# I am the captain. Teacher Chen left on my boat. You can rest assured.

# It’s okay even if Teacher Chen dies. Xiao Lin can see dead people anyway. Maybe there will be a legend of a red umbrella police officer in the police world in the future?


Well, Mr. Chief Planner, what do you think of the online evaluation of you now?

Boss, those are all sarcastic words from fans, and the more they scold me, the more they criticize me, the more it represents the quality of the fireworks, right? Fireworks are already deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Lin Yuan said seriously.

Feng Shuyun nodded, I think fireworks are good, and they won't prevent them from thinking you are a newborn.


It's boring to talk like this. Lin Yuan said quietly.

Lin Yuan, the Internet is now hoping that you can come forward and give an explanation, so that you can stop hiding and pretending to be dead. If you pretend to be dead again, they will gather to reveal you offline. Feng Shuyun looked at his phone and said while reading.

Fans of Nanxing have now found the correct way to deal with Lin Yuan.

That is. Play offline!

This idiot is really ungrateful when he plays online. No matter how much Nanxing fans shout about it on the Internet, it pokes holes in the Internet. However, Lin Yuan doesn’t take any sense either, but when he plays offline It was different. Playing offline, Lin Yuan was the first to surrender!

Because of this, a group of die-hard Nanxing fans are now clamoring for Lin Ce to come out and explain what happened to Teacher Chen.

Generally speaking, for a plot game like this, even if it has an open ending, it would take a month or two months before the planner would come out and give an answer, but Nanxing was different.

Fireworks is a game that has become extremely popular since its launch. The anchors who broadcast fireworks last night, at least, started in four figures. It can be said that on any live broadcast platform, you can find a large number of anchors broadcasting fireworks.

The spread is fast, and the fermentation speed is naturally fierce.

In addition, in the early morning on Weibo, there was a battle between rationalists and emotionalists, and there were also divergent opinions in the Tieba forum. As a result, the debate is now at a fever pitch.

Lin Yuan shuddered when he heard Feng Shuyun say that fans wanted to be real to him offline.

Thinking of the scene of fans pulling banners, Lin Yuan was really scared. He rubbed his nose. He approached Feng Shuyun and put his face on Feng Shuyun's shoulder. Lend me your computer.


It's true. These people are unreasonable. If the game is good, it must be real. If the game is bad, it must be real. Lin Yuan said.

Feng Shuyun stood up, and then she leaned on Lin Yuan's shoulder.

But after a moment, Feng Shuyun straightened up. Nothing else. When Lin Yuan was typing, his shoulder would always hit her chin. At most, it would hurt if it hit her head.

Lin Yuan was logging into Weibo and typing.

At noon, Lin Yuan posted a Weibo message using his Weibo account——

Nanxing Lin Yuan: Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Lin Yuan. I have seen everything discussed online recently.

How could he not see it?

Lin Ce, come out and speak! This related word on Weibo is now among the top five most searched on Weibo!

At first glance, passers-by who don’t play games might think they are people from the entertainment industry, but they have committed another crime.

Who would have thought that it was because of a game circle planner?

[Regarding everyone’s discussion, I have read both sides. I can only say that what everyone said is right. The public is right, and the mother-in-law is right. This makes me, as the chief pyrotechnics planner, very happy. I am very happy. I can see how much everyone loves fireworks. But at the same time, as a producer of fireworks, I also want to reserve my opinion, because the ending of Teacher Chen is not decided by me, but by everyone.

The game has been completed, and there will be no second edition or DLC. Some of the hidden clues and foreshadowings in the game were deliberately planted by me, while others were unintentional. Therefore, I cannot give an accurate answer now. The answer is given to everyone, and this may be a question that can never get a clear answer, just like many things in reality cannot be finalized due to the disappearance or death of the person involved.

However, if you keep thinking about it, there will be repercussions. 】

Floor 1: Wow, Lin Ce really replied!

Floor 2: Lin Ce seemed to have said something, but it seemed like he didn't say anything?

Floor 3: Why do I feel that Lin Ce is biased towards Mr. Chen's death? The last sentence proves Lin Ce's position.

Floor 5: It's true, if you keep thinking about it, there will be repercussions. This sentence alone proves Lin Ce's thoughts.

Floor 12: Lin Ce, how did you come up with this farewell song? Teacher Gu Shu said this song is really amazing!

Floor 16: Teacher Gu Shu said that if he had written the farewell, he would have died on the spot.

Floor 21: Teacher Chen is definitely not dead. Taking the boat ticket proves that Teacher Chen wants to live!

Floor 24: Believe in science and reject feudal superstition! Then Lin Lizun entered the ghost world and started to solve the case.

Floor 26: Nan Xing Niu actually made people like Xuan Gou sigh with emotion.

Weibo has just been posted. After refreshing, dozens of replies immediately popped up. After refreshing again, you can see that the number of floors has exceeded 100.

This reply speed made Feng Shuyun on the side jealous.

You must know that the Nanxing official account does not have such strong appeal now.

Damn it, thinking about it this way, she and Lin Yuan are tied together. Otherwise, if Lin Yuan leaves Nanxing, 80% of the fans of Nanxing's official blog will also run away with Lin Yuan.

It can be seen that Nan Xing said that Feng Shuyun rules the world, but in fact she is just an emperor who is controlled!

Queen Mother Lin is listening to politics behind the curtain!

The small office slowly turned into the look of Queen Mother Lin, woo woo

Baby, what do you think?

You've already lost your hair, and you still ask me what I'm doing? Feng Shuyun has gradually gotten used to Lin Yuan's name. Human beings are very adaptable animals.

The baby will be shy after hearing the first sentence, irritable after hearing the tenth sentence, but there will be no more mood swings after hearing the hundredth sentence!

Isn't this quick, but after dealing with them, we will get serious next.

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, Feng Shuyun's eyes lit up: 2077?

Well, let everyone prepare for a meeting. Lin Yuan stood up and said.

Originally, Lin Yuan was not planning to release 2077 this year, because Lin Yuan did not want to be like a jackass. For the game 2077, he would rather delay the ticket and make players angry than sacrifice quality and release it early. This is Lin Yuan's only choice. idea.

He, before making games, was a player.

After all, games are stolen and absorbing them is like playing them all over again.

So Lin Yuan will be in the fireworks, facing the player regarding Chen Qingsui.

Doesn't Lin Yuan understand that if Teacher Chen is sacrificed, the quality of the fireworks will be improved and players will remember the character Chen Qingsui even more?

Although sending a knife is a very clumsy way, I have to admit that if the knife is used well, it will really impress the audience and make it unforgettable.

He understands this truth, but Lin Yuan is also a player. After playing with fireworks, Lin Yuan, as a player, must hope that Teacher Chen can survive.

It was also because of this that Lin Yuan spoke out towards the sentimental fireworks players, and posted that Weibo post from a seemingly neutral position, but in fact his butt was already tilted towards the side of Chen Qingsui's survival.

The same is true for 2077. As a player, Lin Yuan hopes that 2077 will delay the ticket. Although he will scold the stupid donkey for delaying the ticket, he does not want to play 2077 where you buy bugs and get free games.

But why did Lin Yuan change his mind again?

Because the progress on Li Lin's side is getting faster and faster.

After all, Lin Yuan gave Li Lin details about the plot, gameplay, and even the art, scenery, etc. of 2077. All Li Lin needed to do was to continue to study the technology and then fill it in.

It was difficult at the beginning, but as the team became more technical and proficient, 2077 progressed faster and faster.

Before the demo appeared, the progress of 2077 was not even a quarter, but in 123 months of this year, 2077 has already achieved half of it. This is the power of money!

Just throw money at it, and even the poorest technology will become better!

The backbone of Li Lin's team are all fresh graduates with strong learning ability, and this group of people have followed Li Lin to burn money without fear of making mistakes. They have absorbed a lot of experience and have now become veterans.


This year, Nanxing will not launch any new games.

Pick Love, Fireworks, and Pokémon 2 are all the games in Nanxing in the first half of this year.

The result of choosing love may not be very good, but it will definitely win the prize, and fireworks?

Haha, even next year, fireworks will become the god of domestic horror games!

Therefore, in the second half of the year, Nanxing has only one mission - to break through 2077!

Lin Yuan said that this year, the gaming industry should become the Year of the South Star. This Year of the South Star is not only domestic, but also overseas.

He wants players all over the world to know Nanxing, and he wants players all over the world to know 2077.

And 2077 will make Nanxing the king of the gaming industry this year!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Nanxing's senior executives held a meeting in the conference room on the seventh floor.

In addition to the backbone of Nanxing, some team leaders also came to the conference room, making the conference room look unusually crowded.

Many people can only stand and listen, but there is no other way. This problem can be solved when Nanxing expands again.

“In the first half of this year, we have already produced four games: Pick Love, Fireworks, Moore Manor, and Seer. Pokémon is almost complete and will be released by then. However, Nanxing will not produce any new games in the future. So everyone, right now, our Southern Star only has one goal to accomplish.”

The main seat was naturally Feng Shuyun's, while Lin Yuan was standing next to the projection screen.

That's 2077.

Li Lin clenched his fists underneath and took a deep breath.

Luoyang Xu Xiao also became serious, sat up straight and looked at Lin Yuan.

They originally thought that this would be because the fireworks were finished, and a large number of people in Nanxing were idle, and Lin Ce would throw a few more projects to them as before and let them continue to work on it.

did not expect.

We are now halfway through 2077. Judging from the speed, it will be difficult to complete this year. It will be completed in March next year at the earliest. However, this is not possible. We have been working on 2077 for almost two years. We at Nanxing have always been The style is not to keep players waiting, so we must complete 2077 this year!

Li Lin, as the team leader of 2077, please tell us what problems 2077 is facing now.

Li Lin stood up and said loudly: Artists, programmers, and actors, these are what 2077 needs most now!

The team has not encountered technical problems now. The huge workload is the only problem, so if we can increase the number of people, I am confident that we can complete 2077 this year!

Okay, then how many people are needed? Lin Yuan asked again.

After asking this question, all the departments below understood what Lin Yuan meant.

Looking at Feng Shuyun, he saw that Feng Shuyun's eyes were blazing, and he was holding his chest and saying nothing.

Okay, it seems the boss means the same thing.

Lin Ce and the boss plan to let all employees join the 2077 team.

100 people, add another hundred people, and outsource part of the work, then I can confidently complete it before the end of this year. Li Lin responded.

After Li Lin finished speaking, Lin Yuan nodded, and then Li Lin sat down.

Lin Yuan immediately said: From today on, Luoyang, Xu Xiao, Fang Yun, Zhou Cheng, and employees from various departments will all join Li Lin's team. Animal Pie will stay in Stardew Valley on a full moon night. Two or three people will guard, and the rest will all join in!”

The original team of 100 people is not enough?

Then, all employees will go. If one hundred people are not enough, I will start with three hundred people!

Although when Jackass made 2077, it was a team of three to four hundred people.

Nan Xing now has 300 people to do it. It’s a bit late, but it’s okay. The stupid donkey is just feeling the line to find the end point bit by bit, but Nan Xing knows where the end point is from the beginning!

Lin Yuan gave the order, Starting today, each of Li Lin's team members will lead two to three people, with the old leading the new, and everyone will be integrated into the work as soon as possible within two days.

I hope in a month I'll be able to see some results.

Lin Yuan leaned over and said seriously.

Everyone below agreed.

On that day, except for the animation department, music department, and members of Nanshan Games, the entire Nanxing was in motion. People could be seen running around with boxes in their arms. Looking up from outside the Science and Technology Building, anyone with good eyesight could see it. To the office workers rushing back and forth on the sixth and seventh floors.

In April, Pokémon from the Southern Star was released, with sales of Fireworks exceeding 900,000, and Pokémon 2’s first-day sales exceeding 400,000 in a single day.

In the following months, there was no more movement in Nanxing.

Stardew Valley, Full Moon Night, Animal Party and other games that need to be updated have not seen an update announcement in the past few months.

Even on Weibo, Nanxing Guan Bo Niang, who used to occasionally move around, disappeared without a trace.

This has caused doubts among domestic players.

Why did Nanxing go?

Didn’t Nanxing finish one game and then immediately make a second game?

It's already June, why hasn't there been any movement from Nanxing? Even if there is no game released, at least there is a game trailer!

But until July and August, the Southern Star remained silent.

This game company, which has been shining brightly in the domestic gaming industry for two years and making its peers fearful every month, has actually been silent since March.


One day in September.

Nanxing is back.

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