Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 114 The most fun game this year

On that day, starting at one o'clock in the afternoon, some players with excellent network speeds began their own journey to play Cyberpunk: 2077.

Among them, many anchors are naturally at the forefront. This is not to say that anchors have any privileges, but as anchors, their home network must be better than most netizens.

After all, the quality of the network can determine the quality of their work. Therefore, the network speed of the anchor must be better than that of the players, otherwise the barrage will suddenly come to download a new game, or when other anchors invite them to play games together. , the download speed starts within a few hours, wouldn’t the opportunity fly by?

Yinzi is one of the people who played Cyberpunk at Yidian. As one of the 400 trial players, Yinzi became very fond of the game within three hours of playing it that day. He thinks it is a good game. It is very suitable for making a video game. As for the effect of live broadcast, Yinzi is not sure yet.

He was playing the trial version. Although he had a rough idea of ​​the mechanism, the gameplay was too simple, with only a combat system. But 2077 is a sandbox adventure. Why is sandbox so fun?

Fun lies in freedom, creativity, and spontaneity.

And sometimes, some games are particularly fun when you play them by yourself, but if you are talking to bystanders, they may not find them fun.

But now, Yinzi needs to try out what kind of game 2077 is.

After playing for an hour and completing the opening plot and officially entering Night City, Yinzi clenched his fists and the barrages in his live broadcast room became much less frequent.

But it doesn’t mean that the audience in the live broadcast room has exited the live broadcast room, but that the barrages in the live broadcast room have no time to send out barrages.

The sense of immersion is so strong that you feel like you are watching a movie!

And it’s a first-person perspective movie!

There is not much to say about Badlands. I can only say that the scene design and street design are very realistic. People will feel desolate and dilapidated when watching it, and will shrink their backs and feel a sense of loneliness. It has a sense of the old and shabby West. The smell of the road.

The windy sand that blows up from time to time, the oil fires burning in the wasteland, and even the criminal gangs running rampant in the bad land make people even more worried.

The good news is that there will be no conflict with the badlands guys in the first tutorial, just a glimpse. The bad news is that you will definitely have to fight these pseudo-crazy people in the later stages.

As for their combat power, Yinzi doesn’t think it’s easy to define because he has played many games. It’s not enough to say he is a top game expert. Therefore, judging from the information provided by the trial

Well, generally speaking, in a place known as a game restricted area, the monster's combat power must be very high, right?

However, the main plot of 2077 and the trial were all set in Night City. The main gangs, such as Yinzi, who has also watched Edgewalker, also know about the terrifying lunatics like the Scavengers and the Maelstrom Gang. They all gather together in the city, so it is exactly the opposite of the general game setting.

So in 2077, the powerful guys will not stay in the bad land. The capable guys should choose to go to Night City and pursue their dreams?

Anyway, that’s what Yinzi thought.

And when the game officially entered Night City, Yinzi and the barrage in the live broadcast room both had their mouths wide open, gaping at the grand scene that Nanxing carefully produced for them.

Entering the prosperous Night City from the ruined bad land, the contrast between extreme poverty and extreme wealth brought a huge shock, but soon, this feeling dissipated.

Because what Jack, the good brother, took Yinzi to was not the dazzling high-rise buildings in Night City, but a birdcage that was similar to being besieged and trapped by those tall buildings. Here, Street after street conveys a silent controversy.

Art, art!

The monkey excitedly began to take pictures of the table. Just this scene made Yinzi feel that it was worth 328, what an art!

This is really art!

What happened next made Yinzi praise 2077 to the sky.

There is an extreme contrast in the poor areas, which is different from the tall, simple and white people in the rich areas.

The poor areas in the slums are colorful and complex. In the limited space, the poor people of Night City have built a street circle that can project beautiful chaos like a kaleidoscope in all directions. It is small and complex, just like... The created ant ecological tank is the same.

And the food they eat is also artificially produced delicious and nutritious soil. Isn't this just like trapped ants?

Yinzi has not read any books, but it does not mean that he has no experience and culture.

As an old man who has been live streaming for a long time, one of Yinzi's biggest characteristics that attracts fans is his good eloquence and unique personality charm. This is also the reason why female couples admire him so much.

At this moment, the monkey kept shouting excitedly in the live broadcast room.

On that day, there were many anchors like Yinzi.

The most important thing about a game is whether it is fun or not, and the gameplay. But when the art of the game reaches the top level, the visual impact is also huge.

Humans are visual animals, and appreciating beauty is something humans do subconsciously.

And 2077 does this very well.

Nan Xing’s art team is so fucking awesome!

Heat Wave Studio, as a game studio under Goose Factory, Heat Wave has provided Goose Factory with many online game masterpieces. With the recovery of the stand-alone game market in the past two years, Chinese people have begun to pay attention to stand-alone games, and players have never refused to buy games. Now that they are willing to buy games, Goose Factory has also begun to covet the stand-alone game market.

Look at the Southern Star in the distance, family,

Now it has become a large company with an annual profit of more than one billion, and it only took Nanxing two years.

In two years, Feng Shuyun of Nanxing has grown from scratch. With this speed, and more and more domestic players starting to play stand-alone, it is natural that Goose Factory will also want to take a piece of the pie.

And Heat Wave did the same,

The most typical one is that Heat Wave imitated Nanxing and made two works of Nanxing. One is a mobile card development game that imitates Pokémon, and the other is imitating Stardew Valley. Penguin Town.

Although neither game became a hit, because of Goose Factory's own traffic, these two games were extremely popular when they were first released.

Although the two stand-alone machines produced by Heat Wave crashed with the subsequent updates of Stardew Valley and Pokémon, they also made a lot of money for Goose Factory.

Right now, Cheng Mi, the head of Heat Wave Studio, is playing 2077.

After playing for three hours, interacting with Jack to complete multiple tasks, and discovering many side tasks, Cheng Mi fell into silence.

The people above also want him to imitate 2077, because 2077’s previous pre-order sales were nearly 200,000, and a copy of the game costs 328 yuan. How much is 200,000? Escaped to 100 million yuan

The pre-sales were nearly 100 million, and the sales volume on that day was simply unimaginable!

The data department of Goose Factory estimates that the first-day sales volume in 2077 will be 500,000, or even 600,000.

This made more Penguin executives restless.


For the goose series, although the cute penguin is used as the logo, this goose actually drinks blood. There is even a rumor spread inside the goose factory.

The most uncomfortable thing in the world is not that I can't make money, but that I see others making money!

Goose·Black-Hearted Vampire·Should Hang Street Lamp·Home

Because of this, the game exhibition at Nanxing had just ended, and Goose Factory, which had a good reputation, asked Chengmi to imitate the production.

Chengmi was really fucking speechless about this.

Those fools don't understand the game at all. They only know how to put money from other people's pockets into their own pockets. They only know how to package a piece of shit, so that a piece of shit that looks disgusting turns into something that looks delicious but is still shit. of shit.

But shit is shit, players are not stupid, and good-looking shit is shit.

The practice of driving out good coins with bad money could still be used when there were no good games in the country, but now the emergence of Nanxing has caused earth-shaking changes in the domestic game market, and the appetite of domestic players has also been cultivated. Now they have long been People are no longer forced to accept shit from Goose Factory.

There is no choice but to eat, and after being able to make a choice, normal people will definitely choose the second option.

Would anyone be willing to take the initiative to eat shit?

Therefore, Goose Factory's consistent imitation during this period did not work.


Cheng Mi was also helpless about this. After joining Goose Factory, entering Heat Wave, and becoming the head of Heat Wave Studio, Cheng Mi was often scolded by her former friends.

Because Goose Factory has a monopoly on the domestic game market, it has aggressively acquired other game companies, and refused small game developers to enter the market, which has led to the concentration of the game market, reduced game innovation, and cut off the employment of many producers. dream.

But who can have trouble with money?

Even though his old friends scolded him happily, Chengmi knew that if he wrote an invitation letter to them, they would come to the interview in a hurry.

This is the power brought by money,

However, that was the year before last, and now, things have changed subtly.

Because of the rise of Nan Xing, there have been earth-shaking changes in the gaming industry.

Then Cheng Mi sighed and started playing 2077.

When Cheng Mi officially entered the main plot, the fast main line, the huge amount of information, and more and more parts of Night City were revealed in front of Cheng Mi, he finally let out a long sigh and felt a huge headache.

Imitation. If this game could be imitated, would I still be fucking working here?

What do the people above think?

Want him to imitate the game?

Let’s not talk about the fact that there are not many people in Heat Wave. Let’s just say that there are enough people in Heat Wave. But does Goose really dare to allocate more than one billion in funding? And even if it is approved, can Penguin accept that the game will not be produced at all within three or four years?

The more he played, the more terrifying Chengmi felt.

Lin Yuan from Nanxing, what kind of monster is the guy who won the Best Game Producer Award for two consecutive years?

Is this guy really human?

How come he is good at all types of games?

And can the game 2077 really be produced in two years?

If Cheng Mi were to do it, just this subject would have taken several years to conceive, right? It took several years to conceive and then start building, but in the end it took nearly ten years to produce it, right?

But what about Nanxing?

Two years!

It’s really two years!

Although they are enemies, Cheng Mi now sincerely admires Nan Xing's Lin Ce.

No wonder that as an Internet celebrity planner, he is obviously a game producer but has higher traffic than celebrities, but no one in the industry will look down on him and think he is vain.

Because he is really hard!

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun were having dinner at home. During the recent period, Feng Shuyun occasionally stayed and slept in Shu Shu's room.

After all, Shu Shu went to school to report some time ago and will live on campus in Shuimu in the future, so there are two free rooms at home. Shu Shu's room is fully equipped and very suitable for living.

Therefore, if Feng Shuyun sent Lin Yuan home after get off work, if it was too late, Lin Yuan would ask Feng Shuyun to stay, and Feng Shuyun did not refuse.

Anyway, I’ve stayed there once before, so what else is there to be afraid of?

Another thing is that the two of them are now in a legal relationship, so this is a big deal.

Because of this, the two guys are now eating takeout and watching TV boredly.

Until Feng Shuyun pressed the remote control to click on a station, and the news on the TV made the two of them stunned.

The next song is from V Point to Mr. Jack of Night City. He said, I will never forget the story that happened in Night City. Brother, you are a true legend.

The bald host spoke Cantonese and continued with a serious expression.

In the background, I Really Want to Stay At Your House also sounded.


Lin Yuan raised his hand to wipe his mouth, and then collected the rice sprayed on the table with a paper towel.

Feng Shuyun was also confused. He looked at Lin Yuan and said blankly: Can you still play like this?

It's really good. I'm a little impressed by this station. Lin Yuan said.

The world of love also has this platform, right?

Why didn't I notice it before?

Lin Yuan felt funny after saying this.

After a song was played, the two changed the channel, and the next one was Yangcheng Guardian, which also happened to be the evening news.

As you can see, Cyberpunk advertisements have appeared on many subway lines in Yangcheng. Host, can I briefly introduce this game and what happened?

you please.

This game is produced by Nanxing Company and is adapted from the animation Edgewalker. It has a very high popularity among young people.

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun watched carefully.

This is probably the first time they have watched the news so seriously?

Yes, that's right, I am also a gamer. Just two hours ago, I was playing Cyberpunk at home. Finally, the reporter smiled and said, Our reporter Wen Bo reports for you.

On the stage, the host also smiled and said loudly: To be honest with the audience, I am also a player of 2077 like the reporter.

Since the 1990s generation started to work, um, should I say that there have been some changes in the workplace?

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun looked at each other and smiled.

Then, the two raised their glasses and drank a glass of wine.

On the first day after the release of 2077, as of 10 p.m., the sales volume was 390,000 copies, and it continues to grow at a very fast rate.

As for the rating on Tianyou, 2077 is 9.9 points.

On Douban, it also has a horror score of 9.8.

You can see countless content about 2077 on Hupu, Tieba, nga and other channels.

In Tieba, the number of registered users of 2077 Bar has also successfully exceeded 600,000, and the number of posts is growing at a rate of more than a dozen every time it is refreshed.

There are a lot of posts asking where to buy prosthetics, asking if there are any good Mewtwos, and asking how to complete tasks.

In Hupu, most of the chat was about gossip, and most of them were discussing whether Nanxing was already the number one gaming company in the country. The answer with the most likes below was - in terms of strength and capital, Nanxing is not even in the top ten. We can't get in, but in terms of potential and player recognition, Nanxing is already number one, absolutely number one. In the past two years, is there any more dazzling game company than Nanxing?

As for nga

The ones in this post are high-end.

The game has only been released for about ten hours, and players in NGA have already started to work on it and engage in scientific research.

Some are studying the limits of the face-squeezing system, some are studying whether it is feasible to add extreme points, some are trying the life-saving style of ordinary people without prosthetics, and some are driving out of the bad land regardless of dissuasion and are speechless after encountering elite monsters and being killed.

In short

Today, if we ignore other circles and only look at the gaming circle, then all the topics revolve around one thing - that is Cyberpunk: 2077.

All the sounds, all kinds of words, summed up to mean——

Cyberpunk 2077 is so much fun!

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