Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 116 That summer, the summer of 2016.

On October 20, the total sales of Cyberpunk overseas have exceeded 8 million, and in China, the total sales of Cyberpunk have exceeded 11 million copies.

The total number of copies at home and abroad is close to 20 million. This number also surprised Lin Yuan.

He thought that if he wanted to exceed 20 million copies, he would have to sell them for at least a month, or even two months, but now he has it in half a month?

You must know that in the previous life, Jackass announced the sales share of 2077. The total sales were around 25 million copies, but the Asian market only accounted for 23% (actually the number of players who played it must have exceeded 10 million), but 2077 made by Nanxing Woolen cloth?

The Asian market has reached 60%, and the domestic market has exceeded 50%!

This is really an astonishing number.

The current achievements of 2077 are inseparable from the strong support of the Chinese people.

In this regard, Li Lin's tense spirit finally relaxed, but next, a problem faced by 2077 was the problem of piracy.

Starting from October 10th, there has actually been piracy in China. Some Tieba and Hupu places have spread piracy. These people sell 2077 at low prices to make profits. Some even directly distribute resources. Benefit the people with one hand.

As for piracy, Lin Yuan did not intend to deal with it, because it was simply impossible to manage.

After all, not everyone can spend 300 yuan to buy a game. Even if the game is worth it, the value brought by the game far exceeds 300 yuan.

But, three hundred yuan is really not a small amount, especially for some high school students. They have to save 300 yuan for a long time before they can get it.

Adults also have a lot of things they must spend money on, and three hundred yuan is not a small number for some adults.

Therefore, it is not that Lin Yuan cannot accept that some players go to play piracy.

Regardless of the company's interests, Lin Yuan actually supports players without spending power to play piracy.

After all, he had played a lot of pirated games when he was young, so he was quite open-minded about this kind of thing.

But the problem is.

Can those who play piracy please stop making faces?

He just needs to hide and play by himself. He insists on shouting in the Nanxing Bar that there are pirated versions to play, and no one listens to him. He also despises those genuine players, saying that they have spent so much money, but there are free ones. Is it an idiot to have to pay to play?

Lin Yuan just made fun of DJ. How on earth could he say such a thing?

The genuine players didn't talk about the pirate players, but the pirate players made a fool of themselves and yelled at the genuine players. Is there any fucking way to do this?

This matter made Feng Shuyun angry, but she also understood that this kind of thing could not be caught. Even if she suppressed it forcefully, Nanxing's good reputation would be damaged, so she could only break the tooth and take it to her stomach. Swallow it, the result is that you will feel aggrieved.

Lin Yuan coaxed him about this for several days, and then Feng Shuyun selectively forgot about it.

It’s not that she doesn’t want players to play piracy, but she can’t understand why they would jump out when playing piracy.

If you don't support it, that's fine. Nanxing doesn't force everyone to support it, but you don't support it, and then you steal the fruits of Nanxing's hard work, and you still want to talk to those who support it. Isn't this too unreasonable? ?

If this is the case, then Nanxing can close tomorrow, but it really can’t be opened.

I don’t do this when doing charity.

In the end, Nanxing just went to the bar owner and asked them to block some irrational scoldings. As for the bar owner's specific question about whether piracy needs to be banned, Nanxing's reply was that after the release, Posts are deleted after half an hour.

Hmm. Half an hour, it depends on the player's luck whether he can find it or not.

This matter was originally planned to end like this, but who would have thought that Nanxing's bar revealed the matter, and the result was that Nanxing gained a good reputation again.

It is said that Nanxing is very considerate of players, and then it strongly supported Nanxing. Some players who played pirated games also ran to play first and pay later to make up for the original money.

Because this is probably the first domestic game manufacturer to support players in piracy?

Lin Yuan was actually a little worried about this.

What he was worried about was that he and Feng Shuyun were not saints. Nan Xing said that after all, it was a company, not a charity.

Lin Yuan was very worried because netizens praised him like this. In the end, they praised Nan Xing as a saint.

What will happen next is that if Nan Xing doesn't agree with them at all, then no matter how much they praised Nan Xing in the past, they will scold Nan Xing as much as they did.

Lin Yuan felt like he was being hung up, and there was no room for mistakes.

It feels a bit like being praised to death.

Therefore, Nanxing will never allow players to become victims of genuine games.

Lin Yuan felt very hard about this.

Alas, it’s so dangerous that Nan Xing has him here.

Early November,

Time flies really fast. In the blink of an eye, this year has come to an end. Lin Yuan has also been in Nanxing for three years. In these three years, Nanxing has grown from a small company to becoming a leader in the gaming industry in the eyes of domestic players. light.

It only took three years. In these three years, Nanxing Company has grown from only two people, to twenty people, to two hundred people, and now to four hundred people.

Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan gained a lot.

Let's not talk about money. As for money, as long as he doesn't gamble, with Lin Yuan's way of spending money, the money he makes now is enough to live in peace for hundreds of years.

In daily life, Lin Yuan is not a person who has any need for money. Until now, Lin Yuan still has not taken the driver's license test. The most valuable thing he has is a watch given to him by Feng Shuyun. Feng Shuyun said it was very expensive and wanted him to rare it. , but in fact, Lin Yuan didn’t even know the brand of this watch.

In his previous life, he was still interested in these things, but now, as he has been the chief planner for longer and longer, Lin Yuan has really slowly turned into a guy with no desires and no demands.

Of course, he still cherishes this watch. After all, this is the first time Lin Yuan has received a gift from his girlfriend, so of course he will cherish it.

And now, the guy with no desires and desires is getting on a plane to North America with his boss.

This is Lin Yuan's first time abroad, and it is also Feng Shuyun's first time abroad.

Also traveling with me were Li Lin and other team members from the company.

Fang Qingchan, the diplomatic ambassador of Nanxing, rarely stayed in the company and did not participate in this exotic trip.

The reason why Lin Yuan went abroad this time was to receive an award. Steam has already determined the award for the best game of the year, and no one in the circle would object to this award.

In the words of many current players, that is - you don't have to play 2077, but you absolutely cannot say that 2077 is not a good game.

This AAA masterpiece produced by Nan Xing has now become a phenomenon-level work, and it is a truly global phenomenon-level work.

Winning an award is normal. If you don't win, then Steam will have to reflect on it.

With hundreds of thousands of reviews and a favorable rating of 98%, can there be any problems?

Do you really think someone is getting better?

After getting off the plane, it was evening when they arrived at the airport. Under Steam's arrangement, Lin Yuan and others checked into a local hotel and prepared to visit the Steam Company tomorrow.

After getting up the next day, he arrived at the steam area and looked at this huge park. Lin Yuan felt a little emotional.

Industry giants are industry giants

This building, hey, it’s so majestic!

Lin Yuan, do we also have to buy land?

After a brief visit, Feng Shuyun made a comment.

You can think about it. Lin Yuan thought for a while and said.

Feng Shuyun nodded and immediately made up his mind: Then when I get back, I'll go ask and see if there is any land that I can buy.

Lin Yuan nodded.

Nanxing is not short of money now. The recovery speed of 2077 is very fast. It is estimated that it will be able to make money back in less than two months. But the copyright of 2077. Forget it, I guess this copyright cannot be sold. Small companies cannot afford it. , big companies won’t want it.

After all, big companies have hundreds of millions of money to buy the copyright of 2077, so they might as well develop their own products.

But buying land does have to be considered. Nanxing can't just keep renting other people's office buildings in the future, right?

After all, it’s a big game company now, so why don’t we have our own territory?

During this trip, Lin Yuan also met Fatty G.

This was something that Lin Yuan found interesting, but because of poor English, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun did not chat much with Fat G.

The main conversation was about work. The reason why Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun came to Steam in person was because after 2077 won the award, G Fat wanted to hold an event for 2077 and planned to reduce the price of 2077, have a winter craziness and sell it at a discount. .

The consistent style of steam is that manufacturers pay and steam enjoys the benefits.

It's really different from eNiang. eNiang distributes games after discussions with the manufacturers, and you pay for what you get.

The conditions given by Steam are - the best recommendation page and the Nanxing game bundle. All Nanxing has to do is reduce the price.

Finally, Feng Shuyun reached an agreement with G Fat, and 2077 will be sold at a 35% discount for one week.

How should I put this? It seems like a loss, but in fact it is not a loss.

Because most users on Steam will wait for the lowest price, which is the habit of users of the platform, and sell at a discount, then the sales growth rate will be considerable.

As for the platform's share, it is naturally the share after discount. Although Steam's share is higher than Tianyou's and there are various rules, it has to be said that Steam is actually the more conscientious one in the platform circle.

By comparison, you can see that PS is 44%, NS is 38%, Xbox is 30%, and Steam is also 30%.

As for why e-girl takes a 12% commission and gives away all kinds of games, it’s because the overseas platform of PC is almost monopolized by steam, and e-girl can only use this kind of meat-cutting method. Seize the user market.

Let’s just talk about Tianyou. Although Tianyou is rated as the number one platform in China, in fact, just talking about domestic users and not counting online games, Tianyou can’t even beat Steam in the stand-alone user market, let alone Overseas users.

If Tianyou is exported abroad, foreigners will not even know what this platform does.

After talking about this, Lin Yuan, Feng Shuyun, Li Lin and others started to stroll around the local area, planning to play for two days before going back.

After eating some local specialties and visiting the zoo, Lin Yuan and others got on the plane back to China on the morning of November 4.

In the business class, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun recalled the game companies they had visited in the past few days and started discussing.

Why do I feel that building a platform is more profitable than building a game?

Lin Yuan was a little happy: It's true, those who make games give money to the grandpa who makes the platform.

Well, Lin Yuan, why don't we also try to build a platform? Feng Shuyun turned his gaze from the window and looked at Lin Yuan and said.

Boss, don't think about it. Building a platform requires resources. And now the market has been completely occupied. If there are no users who want to be a platform? That's asking for a dead end.

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he added: But it will be different if it is an online game.

Online games are indeed different. The more typical one is Blizzard, which only has a few games, but can you say that Blizzard's game platform is not great? Can we say that Blizzard is not profitable?

Of course not, but if you want to be like Blizzard, the difficulty is sky-high.

Online games, that has nothing to do with us. Feng Shuyun asked casually.

After asking, this girl also felt that her question was a bit stupid.

If the platform was really that easy to build, then E-Niang wouldn’t be burning money every year but still not being able to build it.

Is it okay.

Actually, Nanshan Games can be considered a platform now. Lin Yuan's opinion is somewhat different.

Feng Shuyun listened, thought for a while, and then said with some surprise: Yes, isn't Nanshan Games a platform now?

The two games currently owned by Nanshan Games, Purcell and Moore Manor, are platform client games. Log in to your account and open the platform. There are only two games on it. The recharged star coins are also shared, and the electronic currencies of the two games are interoperable.

This is already the prototype of the platform.

Lin Ce, do we want to try this type of online game? Li Lin asked from behind.

In his mind, Lin Yuan was omnipotent.

2077 is actually made a bit like an online game. The attributes, professions, weapons, etc. are designed to be more complete than most online games.

Online games?

Lin Yuan hesitated.

This is the type of online games. It is not a one-time deal, and it seems to be more profitable than stand-alone games. But the difference is that online games require long-term maintenance and updates, and require a large number of manpower to operate. Unlike stand-alone games, you can recruit soldiers to form a team and develop them. After that, once it's released, you basically don't need to worry about it in the future.

The latter uses a lot of people in the early stage, but basically no people are needed in the later stage. Just prepare a few people to read player feedback, fix bugs, and occasionally update the content. But what about the former?

Ha. The number of manpower required after the game is completed may exceed the number of manpower the team had during the initial development.

Customer service, maintenance, research and development, programming, and art are updated every time, especially major updates. What is the difference between that and making a new game?

Operating online games requires a lot of manpower and money.

We don't have enough manpower. Lin Yuan shook his head.

Here we go. Feng Shuyun said.

I will ask the mayor's secretary when I get back to see if there is a ready-made building that I can buy, and then recruit a group of fresh college students. Wouldn't this be enough manpower? Feng Shuyun said matter-of-factly.

Really do it?

Yes, if the stand-alone platform cannot seize it, we will build an online game platform, and we really need a project that can continue to make profits. Feng Shuyun said seriously.

At present, Nanxing's profit is increasing year by year, but Nanxing's profit is very unstable. There will always be a day when game sales are saturated, right?

But online games are different

In online games, the money-making projects are endless!

The two games have completely different ways of making money!

Okay, let's try it.

After saying that, Lin Yuan closed his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Feng Shuyun and Li Lin stopped talking.

Those who knew Lin Yuan knew that Lin Yuan had another classic ten minutes of silence.

How does this person's head grow?


‘This one won’t work. What Nanxing needs now is a work that can make players’ eyes shine’

‘This. The profit direction is not clear enough. ’

‘Moba games are too old’

Lin Yuan opened the game treasure house and started looking for games.

The sentiment value is completely sufficient. Lin Yuan's sentiment value is now enough to buy four 2077s. As the number of users of Nanxing increases, the accumulation of sentiment value will only increase.

So, what kind should I buy?

Lin Yuan carefully selected.

Then, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Lin Yuan found a suitable game.

In the summer of 2016, it was hailed as the best game and the game that could replace LoL.

Thinking back to that summer, Warriors

Can you hear ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-an-epic sound?

When he opened his eyes, Lin Yuan's scalp was numb.

I felt horrified and speechless.

Damn this game, you will be dragged to death!

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