Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 125 The pros and cons of Pokémon Go

The old man led the new team and successfully dragged the game into overtime. At this moment, the players on both sides simultaneously chose to switch to the hero who could rush to the battlefield the fastest! There were two DVAs on both sides! It can be said that , the experts have the same idea!

Lucio uses acceleration to lead the people at the back of the team to the front line. The off-tanks on both sides are trying their best to fight for the right to push the cart. So, which side will this cart belong to? It is the senior paid team who controls the rhythm. , regained control of the car, and won the victory with overwhelming force? Or did the Super Model team defend tenaciously, win the match point, and let the game enter the next picture?

In the university dormitory, the boys gathered around a laptop passionately. During the live broadcast, in a spacious venue that could accommodate nearly a thousand viewers, the man in the commentary box, wearing a suit and ties, pumped his fist excitedly.

On the stage, there were six computers placed in a soundproof room. The young people wearing headphones were blushing and shaking the mouse excitedly.

Under the stage, there were spectators waving official support sticks. Under the passionate voice of the commentators, coupled with the burning overtime zone, and the players on both sides who were constantly fighting for the last cart, the passion of the game filled the entire venue. They all burned.

No more chaos! Watch out for McCree, watch out for McCree!

Paopao, come back here! I can't breastfeed you in your position, hurry up, I can't get through!

How long until Angel's ultimate move? The last wave, pull me up, my big horse will be fine, just hold on!

Tinkerbell for 76, don't use Tracer! You're not proficient enough in Tracer!

McCree, turn it on! Dva, go hit it!

In the soundproof room, the old people lead the new team. In this team, where the average player age is 25 years old, a group of guys who are considered seniors in the e-sports circle, the excited voices can be called noise.

Especially YJJ, who was shouting at the top of his lungs, his voice was hoarse, and his whole body turned red.

Today, Overwatch advanced from eight to four. With this win, the senior team led the new team to the semi-finals. It can even be said that they have won the championship, because the other teams are not as strong as the Super Model team.

Although the team opposite has not yet appeared in the top 500, all the members on the opposite team are masters, and they are also the seeds of the top 500 in the future, no. The seeds of the top 50.

Therefore, this quarter-finals game is actually a battle for the championship and Asia. Today's game also received 20 million clicks on the entire network. It can be said that Overwatch is an explosion.

But on days like this, Nanxing is secretly doing something big!

It was not disclosed to the outside world, but digested internally.

Because Lin Yuan is not sure whether Pokémon Go can be put on the shelves after it is completed. After all, some aspects of this game can easily affect the personal safety of the people.

Today, during Overwatch's eighth season, Lin Yuan, Li Lin, and members of the Southern Star Legal Department, accompanied by the Secretary General of Los Angeles City, went to the capital to negotiate for Pokémon Go.

Because the gameplay of Pokémon Go is so novel.

Interacting with reality, collecting user information, and even requiring the help of radar. In this case, it certainly does not mean that you can successfully approve the game application process after completing the game application process. In the past, Tianyou could give you approval for Nanxing's games. If you pass it, if you encounter problems, it will be removed from the shelves, but Pokémon Go is different.

Nanxing must hand in a qualified answer sheet and let the people above agree, otherwise Pokémon Go cannot be released.

Let’s not talk about the collection of player information. After all, many games now collect player information. On the Internet, players’ personal information is no longer a secret, but just talking about real-life interaction can easily lead to danger.

For example, if a Pokémon hits the road and is at an intersection, what will happen?

Lin Yuan can't guarantee that every player can abide by traffic rules, let alone that players can catch Pokémon without taking risks.

So, what should you do if you run a red light? What should I do if I am in danger from catching a Pokémon?

If a player is really in danger because of Pokémon Go, will Nanxing be held responsible?

Therefore, the difficulty in making Pokémon Go is not the AR technology and gameplay of the game, nor the use of maps. Domestic map companies are very willing to cooperate with Nanxing.

As a genuine Pokémon Go, this game is made for fans and there will definitely be many users.

The gameplay does not have to be very novel and interesting. As long as the interactivity is fully maximized so that players can really feel that they are really being a Pokémon trainer in the three-dimensional world, then this game will not be popular. .

If the map can cooperate with the game, then of course they will be willing.

But what’s difficult to do with Pokémon is setting the spawn locations for Pokémon. These are the areas that give Nan Xinghui a headache and require careful study.

Moreover, the real-life interaction of Pokémon Go and the recording function in the game will cause a series of problems, such as calculating some confidential restricted areas by calculating places that ordinary people cannot go.

Don’t think this is impossible, this kind of data collection is not difficult to collect.

Therefore, if Pokémon Go wants to do well, Nanxing must hand in a satisfactory answer.

The bad news is that in his previous life, Lin Yuan remembered that Pokémon GO was banned in China. The country was locked and players were not allowed to play it. When Pokémon was the most popular and it could be said that the streets were empty, Chinese people could play it except in Hong Kong and Macao. Can't even play. The good news is that the reason for the ban is because Google is unwilling to follow the rules and refuses to comply with domestic laws.

And even better news, the Pokémon created by Nanxing do not require a damn Google account.

Therefore, after Nanxing made some compromises, Lin Yuan believed that Pokémon Go could be launched in China.


Lin Yuan and his party arrived in the capital at one o'clock in the afternoon. When they arrived at the general bureau, the leaders were in a meeting, so Lin Yuan and Li Lin sat in the lounge waiting for the leaders.

Lin Ce, regarding GPS positioning, I have contacted some map companies. They are very willing to provide data and cooperate with us, but the prerequisite is that the Pokémon must first pass the General Administration level.

I understand. Lin Yuan nodded.

Feng Shuyun didn't come. Logically speaking, the boss Feng Shuyun should have taken part in this matter, but Feng Shuyun couldn't resist Feng Shuyun's bad habit of being cowardly when seeing others, so he asked her to come. It's better to come to a place like this to discuss business. Ha, this girl can be cowardly enough to sneak into the forest. in a distant body.

Therefore, only Lin Yuan can do this.

Lin Yuan is also very nervous now. Although Nanxing is now one of the best game companies in the country, no game company can compare with Nanxing in terms of popularity.

Even the Internet is saying that if Nanxing is given a few more years, Nanxing will become the largest gaming company in the country. As long as Nanxing can maintain its position, everyone will believe that Nanxing will succeed.

But no matter how big a game company is, it is useless in the face of such a situation, right?

Is it just more chips or something?

Lin Yuan and Li Lin took advantage of the absence of the leader and simply imitated the conversation. Lin Yuan reviewed several issues that would arise in Pokémon one by one and made a very careful draft.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Lin Yuan and Li Lin were called up by the front desk lady, and then led by the bureau employees to an office.

There was only one person in the office. He didn't look too old. He looked like he was in his early forties. He was in his prime, tall and capable, with his hair slicked back and dressed in simple clothes, but neat and capable.

Seeing Lin Yuan and Li Lin come in, he stood up with a smile to say hello, walked out of the desk, and stretched out his hand to Lin Yuan.

Welcome, you two. Mayor He has already told me about your situation.

Hello, Luo Ju. Lin Yuan bent over and shook his hand gently, and then Li Lin stepped forward and shook his hand gently.

After pouring the tea and sitting down, Luobang looked at Lin Yuan with a smile and said: Little comrade, this matter of yours is not easy to handle. Mayor He said a lot of good things about you here, about Nan Xing. It has boosted the entire Los Angeles economy and provided many jobs. Yes, this is indeed a good thing.

Logically speaking, we must strongly support patriotic game companies like yours, but... this matter is indeed difficult to handle. It's not that the bureau deliberately blocked your approval, but if some places are not changed. , then it is impossible for this batch of documents to pass.

Bureau Luo did not wait for Lin Yuan to speak and said directly: I have reviewed the approval document you submitted in detail, and I will ask you a few questions.

Comrade, the first question is, what do you think about players taking risks to catch Pokémon? You set the map section of the game across the country. The comrade next to you told me on the phone , saying that you will label some dangerous places as restricted areas, but even we have not been able to implement how many dangerous places in the country are, so how can you do it?

And danger often arises from carelessness. A small ditch can even kill someone. I have also watched Pokémon. My children like this anime very much. I know how popular this anime is. , but because of this, when players are playing with their mobile phones, and danger arises due to accidents or out of mind, how do you deal with it?

Lin Yuan opened his mouth and wanted to speak.

At present, it seems that, just like what the city secretary said, Deputy Bureau Luo is a pragmatic person.

The bureau has indeed read the game's application for approval and identified problems.

Fortunately, this is what Lin Yuan had thought about.

As long as it's not stuck on purpose, it's okay. You're not afraid of problems, but you're afraid that your superiors won't tell you about them.

Luo Bureau waved his hand and continued: Don't worry, my second question is, after collecting user information, how do you ensure that Nanxing will not leak the user's personal information?

The leak I am talking about does not mean that you will deliberately sell player information, but can Nanxing's current network security prevent hacker attacks? The information collection of this game far exceeds that of other games on the market. It can be said that it records all aspects of a player's daily behavior. Lin Yuan, can you understand what I mean?

I understand, Luo Bureau. Lin Yuan nodded.

Then the third question, under the disorderly development, I think the development of Pokémon Go may bring inconvenience to the operation of the city and the daily life of residents. Let me give a typical example, such as scenic spots, the approval document states Yes, some rare elves will appear in the scenic area to increase the popularity, but the scenic area is too crowded, won't there be safety problems?

Luo Bureau took a sip of tea, looked at Lin Yuan with a chuckle, and continued: Pokémon Go has too many small problems, so it is not that the Bureau is deliberately blocking Pokémon Go.

Luo Bureau, we at Nanxing have also thought about the issues you mentioned, and we at Nanxing have also taken corresponding measures.

Lin Yuan said seriously: First of all, we will not launch Pokémon directly across the country. Instead, we will implement it in some areas first and conduct experiments on the first version of the game. We will determine the data of each section and combine each section. To make reasonable specifications for the time, place and range of activity of a Pokémon. In order to do this well, we have contacted Qiandu Map, and GPS has positioned every distance of the Pokémon's activities. We and Qiandu Map An agreement was also reached.

We guarantee that Pokémon will not appear in dangerous places, on the side of the road, in sparsely populated places, and there will never be Pokémon. We will focus the location refresh of Pokémon in parks, shopping malls, squares, and cities. The streets of Nakamura.

This is not enough. Luo Ju shook his head.

I understand what you said about Luo Bureau. Players will be injured because of Pokémon. Luo Bureau, the game interface of Pokémon Go, in the capture column and the search for Pokémon column, we will use With the rear camera and AR interaction, players will take pictures of the road conditions in real time, which will not affect the player's walking. What's more, wouldn't people use their mobile phones on the road without Pokémon Go?

Luo Ju took a sip of tea and said nothing.

And the promotion of Pokémon Go will bring a lot of benefits to local cities. First of all, players will act as human GPS and help upload many places. Qiandu will use these data to improve the map and Pokémon Dream Go will encourage players to exercise and strengthen their physical fitness.”

Luo Ju suddenly smiled and looked at Lin Yuan with a smile.

And Lin Yuan slapped the back of the head, and it broke. This promoted players to exercise, strengthened players' physical fitness, etc.

This doesn’t seem to be a benefit, does it?

But Luo Ju said: Keep talking.

“We will also provide help for public welfare. We will arrange some daily tasks and activities in the game, such as releasing elves, gym tasks, achievement tasks, and some tasks that can be collected in official scenes. We will also provide some tasks for the purpose of maintaining the city. The Lord’s task.”

Talk about it in detail.

For example, achievements, participating in charity activities to obtain special achievements, becoming a volunteer to receive rare medical elves. Lin Yuan said.

There are many places where Pokémon Go can interact with reality, and some rare Pokémon can be used as rewards for charity activities. Will this discourage players from playing the game?

Hard to say.

For some players, it can definitely be improved, but for most players, this is a restriction and restriction, but fortunately it is not forced. Achievements and rare elves are up to the player's choice.

When Lin Yuan made this proposal, the biggest consideration was to ensure that the game could pass the review.

While Lin Yuan was talking, the door suddenly opened.

Luo Bureau, it's time, we have to go there now.

Lin Yuan was stunned, and Li Lin also moved his lips.

Bureau Luo looked at his watch, stood up and said, Let's talk about this first.

Lin Yuan nodded, and when he was about to speak, Bureau Luo smiled slightly and asked: For the rest, do you have time in the evening? We can talk while eating.


We have it.

Lin Yuan and Li Lin said at the same time.

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