Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 131 When happiness knocks on the door (1)

Sure enough, Lin Ce, your decision is right. If the Elf Trading Center uses a one percent handling fee model as I thought before, then there must be someone on the Internet in the past two days taking the lead. Then there will be a lot of scolding, and I still have a lot to learn.

A few days after the Pokémon Go trading center went online, Li Lin went to Lin Yuan specifically and said this.

There is no other reason. Pokémon Go has been on the shelves for ten days. As a free game, Pokémon Go has gained nearly 50 million users in just ten days, and the number of daily active users has remained at 30 million.

And the number of daily users is growing steadily.

This has made some mobile game manufacturers who originally thought they would only be popular for a while and then immediately go silent, feel desperate. No, Nanxing is so fucking unreasonable!

The good news is that Pokémon Go does not currently have any paid content. Mobile game manufacturers like them do not have to worry about users who play their games having no money in their pockets.

The current payment channels for Nanxing are to purchase Poke Balls and gold coins. The bad news is that even with only sporadic paid props, Pokémon Go's monthly revenue exceeded 2 billion in ten days.

This does not include the Elf Trading Center. The Elf Trading Center has sold more than 17 million orders in just three days. If the handling fee is 1% or 5%, then They dare not think about how much money Nanxing can make.

However, the handling fee used by Nanxing is 0.1%, which makes many game manufacturers speechless. Isn’t it true that Nanxing doesn’t even make money?

Can this be achieved at 0.1%?

If it were them who were loud and greedy, then it would be possible to charge a 10% handling fee. Anyway, offline trading has forced most players to trade on the platform, so what kind of handling fee would they charge? Do they have the final say?

What does Nan Xing want to do? !

And they charge such a low handling fee that they can’t even find a scammer now!

Damn it, right now I think there is no place to be black even in Nanxing!

If you want to set the pace with the 0.1 handling fee, you can go hacking. Hey, if you give money to the navy, they won’t even dare to accept it. Do you believe it? 0.1 How else do you want to hype it up and let passers-by follow suit and scold Nan Xing? I'm afraid that if Hei Nanxing's words hadn't just been spoken here, there would have been tens of thousands of players chasing you and scolding you immediately, right?

I'm not afraid of being scolded, but I'm afraid of encountering someone extreme and giving you human flesh.

Box weapons are terrifying!

At present, Nanxing is a god-like existence in the minds of players. Pokémon Go's super gameplay, fair game environment, and perfect official operations have made players love Pokémon Go so much.

In this regard, some users in Tieba said this - Nanxing? Nan Xing is indeed my father, but this father is different from other game manufacturers. They really recognize me as their son, and they are still thinking about me! So I really want to be this dutiful son! From today on, I am a dutiful son!

This kind of comments appear endlessly in the forum. Players are not heartless people. After seeing the money-making methods of domestic online game manufacturers and idiots running various activities to extract money, Nanxing's long-term operating model has made countless players feel... The feeling of being cared for.

Isn't it better to give money to a game company that is willing to work towards you than to give money to a game company that only wants to make money out of your own pocket, and then turns its back and refuses to acknowledge you?

What's more, the most important thing is that Nanxing's games are so fun!

Can any company now dare to say that its games are more fun than those of Nanxing? I’m afraid all game companies nowadays are afraid of Nanxing! Do you know how afraid Pig Farm is now that Nan Xing will suddenly run into a turn-based online game?

An Overwatch has broken the backbone of Goose Factory!

About half of the FPS games from Steam and Goose Factory have gone to Overwatch. Is the hottest summer just for you?

Therefore, if you don’t praise Nanxing or love Nanxing, who do the players love? love you? Love you mom!

Faced with Li Lin's awakening and emotion, Lin Yuan just touched his nose and smiled lightly.

It's not that Lin Yuan has much foresight, but that Lin Yuan was very clear from the beginning.

When he was born in Pokémon GO's Pokémon Trading Center, he knew that the Pokémon Trading Center could make money, and it was the kind that made a lot of money, but Nanxing couldn't eat this money with evil intentions.

The Pokémon market in Pokémon Go will be huge because the game mechanism of Pokémon Go drives interaction between players. The emergence of the Pokémon market is a matter of course. This is Pokémon Go. The necessary needs of Go players are that there are always people who have money and want to buy elves that cannot be caught, and there are always people who are willing to catch elves and sell them to make some pocket money.

In order to prevent elves and black traders from appearing in the game, Lin Yuan set up a mechanism to meet trading elves offline. At the same time, in order to prevent the black market from appearing in the game, Lin Yuan set a handling fee of 0.1.

After all, some expensive Pokémon, such as some lucky players who caught a rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go, the only one in the country, can definitely be sold for tens of thousands of dollars. Tens of thousands of dollars, with a handling fee of 5 % would cost one or two thousand. Players would definitely be more willing to earn more and take risks on the black market.

Once these players go to the black market, it will encourage the rise of the black market. Lin Yuan has seen too many games brought down by studios and black businessmen. Therefore, the 0.1 handling fee setting is that Nanxing wants to create a good The game environment allows the market environment to present a healthy state, rather than a black market such as distortion, price speculation, and hoarding!

Nanxing is not short of money. Really, Nanxing is really not short of money. Everyone, Feng Shuyun’s current net worth has completely surpassed that of Old Fengtou. He has become the number one member of the Feng family. At this point, Feng Shuyun has long been satisfied. .

In other words, Feng Shuyun was satisfied the moment she came out of Stardew Valley. Instead of making more money, what she wants more is the praise of the players, and what she wants more is to have more fun playing Lin Yuan. game.

So there is no need to destroy the reputation of Nanxing and the game Pokémon Go just for the money.

Pokémon GO is not a one-time deal, Lin Yuan wants to continue Pokémon in the long run.

We must know that in future generations, even if Pokémon Go is not released on the Chinese server, even if Pokémon Go is operated in subsequent generations and players flock to attack it, this game will still be among the top ten in the world in terms of monthly revenue after operating for several years. mobile games.

The IP of Pokémon is destined that this game will never end.

As for what is said online

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun actually sounded a little shy.

Nowadays, people on the Internet describe Nanxing as a charity company. Most players who only play games, after experiencing Pokémon Go, think that Nanxing will lose money because it brings happiness to players. But in fact, Nanxing has already made money.

The development cost of Pokémon Go has long been earned back. After this month, Nanxing has made about 3 billion in profits from just one game of Pokémon Go.

In this regard, I can only say that it is too early for players to feel distressed.

And after making money, Nan Xing did not stop.

Lin Yuan and Luo Bureau said that they would build Pokémon business districts in various cities and build theme parks in first-tier cities. Nanxing has also officially started the project. As for this plan, it can only be said that it is the result of the three projects of Nanxing. The boldest plan in recent years is even bolder than when Nanxing went all out to create 2077.

Because what Nanxing needs to do now is to create a Disney that belongs to Nanxing.

Just for a few first-tier cities, the team has produced data. If we want to build it perfectly, it is estimated that it will cost

In short, I can't imagine it, but I can't rush this matter, so what Nanxing wants to do now is the Pokémon League Gym.

Pokémon gyms will be built in various locations across the country, and at the same time, the overseas Pokémon GO limit will be officially reached. Of course, Nanxing will not take care of overseas venues or anything like that. We simply don’t have the energy right now.

Therefore, what Lin Yuan has to do now is

Make special effects!

When the time comes for the competition, we can’t just have players compete with their mobile phones, right? Even if it can be like this in the ordinary game, in the finals or something, there has to be something cool, right?

For example, AR Charizard flies across the sky, Mewtwo appears, etc., so that the battle Pokémon really appears on the scene. This is what Nanxing wants to do now.

Therefore, even if the upper limit of Pokémon Go is perfect, the follow-up work is too much.

There are so many that Lin Yuan has no time to formulate a new game plan at the moment.


Anyue, a small place selling lemons in Sichuan, Gaocun Township, is a poor and impoverished small village. There are many left-behind children and old people here. The young people have gone to work outside or in the county, leaving only the old people. at home with children.

There is only one school in Gaocun. Together with the middle school and primary school, the total number of students in the school is only a few hundred. However, although the place is poor and small, the children still have mobile phones to play with.

Li Xiao is a second-year junior high school student in Gaocun School. His grades are not good and he is considered a poor student in the class. The poorer the place, the fewer educational resources there are, and teachers do not pay attention to Li Xiao.

Because rather than trying to get the prodigal Li to turn around and get into a better high school, the teachers are more willing to spend time on students who are good at studying, and strive to let more students get into key high schools in the county and let more children go. go out.

And Xiao Li was happy to have some leisure time in such an environment. After school, he would play mobile games with his classmates. After returning home and cooking dinner, he would also run outside alone, in the dark with good signal. A place where a person plays with his mobile phone.

But recently, Li Xiao played another game called Pokémon Go.

And he is also the only student in the class who is playing. The other male students are still playing King of Glory and are not very interested in Pokémon Go.

In this regard, Xiao Li could only say that he didn't understand that the handsome guys with Charizard were in trouble!

At 5:30 in the afternoon, school ended, and several boys sat at the shabby wooden tables again, picked up their mobile phones and started to play King of Glory.

Two of the male students even shouted at Li Xiao.

Li Xiao, come on, we need a jungler!

I won't play, you can play, I'm going to catch the elves! Li Xiao replied, and then walked out of the school alone with his mobile phone.

Carrying a dusty schoolbag, he happily ran towards the mountains.

Gaosheng is a small place, but Pokémon Go has also set up an elf refresh point here. The local basic elf is Nidoran, a cute, mouse-like creature.

Li Xiao would look for elf balls in Gaosheng every day. After finding the upper limit, he would catch the elf balls and sell them to the trading center. Although each one could only be sold for four or five yuan, there were so many of them that Li could not stand it. .

And because Nidoland was refreshed in several villages and counties in the Shu region, the resulting situation was that demand exceeded supply in the trading center, and many people wanted Nidoland.

After all, who doesn’t like a cute big blue mouse?

Not to mention that Nidoran is super handsome after evolution. Nidoqueen is so powerful and handsome that many boys like it. Although Nidoran is more popular than Nidoran because Nidoran is a male and is cute in pink. This extreme contrast makes it very popular among girls, a bit like raising a son?

But it is a pity that Li Xiao's basic refresh point does not refresh Nidoro.

Otherwise, Li Xiaoneng would always sell Nidoran for seven yuan each!

He is not stupid, he knows that this is the time when the basic Pokémon Go Pokémon can be sold at a good price. When everyone has basic Pokémon in the future, the price of the basic Pokémon will plummet.

Hmm. From four or five yuan to four or five cents?

In short, he must catch more elves and save more money now!

Walking to the hill behind the school, Li Xiao took out his mobile phone. He didn't dare to play with his mobile phone at noon, for fear that the battery would be insufficient after school. After all, his mobile phone was just an obsolete mobile phone that cost a few hundred yuan.

Recently, I have saved a lot of money. I originally wanted to change my mobile phone, but in the end, Xiao Li chose to buy a gift for his grandma on his birthday, a bracelet and a cake. The total cost was more than 300 yuan, which made Li a gift for his grandma. All the savings I had saved in the past few days were used up.

Looking at the prompts on his phone, Li Xiaoyou walked in the mountains and looked at the signal points on his phone.

Well, it’s refreshing!

Li Xiao ran towards the Nidolan refresh point. When he arrived, he picked up his phone and pointed it in the direction, and sure enough he saw a group of bouncing Nidolan.

Li Xiao stepped forward to capture, but he suddenly froze after taking two steps.

Because another beacon suddenly appeared on the phone, and it was an independent beacon? !

Li Xiao, who has visited the forum, knows that this means rare elf!

Independent beacon, randomly refreshed, a rare elf with a lower probability than Pikachu!

Li Xiao hurriedly picked up his mobile phone and walked towards the beacon. After walking for about a few hundred meters, he was in a pile of trees in the back mountain. After picking up his mobile phone, he saw an exaggeratedly fat guy on the screen. In the real scene, This fat blue guy was at least as tall as a tree. He was sitting slumped against the tree, with a pair of small eyes open or squinted. He was grabbing food with his big paws and putting it in his mouth.

Li Xiao opened the Elf Illustrated Book, and after meeting this elf, the corresponding information also appeared in his Elf Illustrated Book.

The elf's information was displayed on the phone.



[Information: Maybe it’s a sleeping Pokémon? As long as it is full, you can play with it, because at this time it will be so lazy that it will not even move its fingers. Do you want to try sitting on its soft and fat belly? 】


Li Xiao, who had only seen a few Pokémon, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva. He, at least he had never seen this Pokémon in the anime.

Huh. No, I think I’ve seen it before? I remember that Xiaozhi seemed to have encountered him in a big city?

No, no, now is not the time to worry about this!

This elf, if this elf is caught!

How much money can be sold?

Li Xiao opened the Elf Trading Center and screened the rare elves page.

There is information on only six rare elves that have been sold.

The lowest price was a toucan, which was not good-looking, but it was sold for 7,000 yuan!

The most expensive one is a Big Rock Snake, which is the Pokémon elf used by Team Rocket. It has anime buffs. The price of this rare elf is 21,000 yuan.

What about Kirby?

Moving forward, Li Xiao felt his body trembling.

Emotions such as tension, excitement, and uneasiness appear.


Gotta catch this elf!

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