Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 140 Do you like me, Zelda?

It only took three days after The Wizard was uploaded, and Lin Yuan's Weibo received loving cheers from many fans.

Sitting in the office with a comfortable temperature, Lin Yuan looked at the comments on his phone and fell into deep thought for a while.

In Nanxing, it seems like he doesn't have to do anything, but he seems to have done everything.

At present, his crusade army on Weibo has been divided into several groups, and people in different groups have different things they want.

Fans who like games asked if Lin Yuannanxing’s new game is in production? Will Nanxing launch any new games this year?

People who like music asked Lin Yuan when he would release songs again. He hoped that there would be music with lyrics. He said that Lin Ce had done too many light music!

People who like anime ask when the second part of Edgewalker will be released. No, isn’t the second part of Edgewalker already released? Go look for it in 2077!

And now there are a group of people who like online articles under Lin Yuan's Weibo, clamoring for Lin Yuan to update at least 4,000 words every day, but where is Lin Yuan?

Hehe, writing 2,000 words a day is not bad, and you don’t make money from novels, so why do you write so diligently?

And time passed little by little on days like this. Soon, September passed, and the National Day came. Except for Li Lin's team, all employees of Nanxing were on vacation. During the seven-day vacation, Lin Yuan gave a rare update. The book has 40,000 words, which is obviously not a lot, but the wizard’s book friends opened the champagne and cheered, and there was a wave of clamoring for new chapters, and the methods of urging updates were even more diverse.

After the National Day, the geniuses in Los Angeles gradually changed. With the arrival of autumn, there seemed to be a hint of desolation in the air, but this did not affect the enthusiasm of Nanxing people for work.

In October, the Nanxing Chinese website that He Si was responsible for was a great success. The novel The Wizard written by Lin Yuan was loved by thousands of book lovers. But if He Si can say, the Wizard really attracted There are so many readers in the Internet literary circle, so that’s not true.

Although The Witcher is a very good Western fantasy novel, the subject matter of The Witcher is Western fantasy, and the Western fantasy market is already a niche in the current online literature circle. Secondly, the writing style of The Witcher is more inclined to physical literature. , although the story is very interesting, it is not as easy to read as online articles.

Generally speaking, The Witcher is a novel that is very suitable to be read carefully in the library or in a quiet place, rather than an online book that you can spend more than ten minutes having fun in a fragmented time.

The gap is very big. One is that you have to calm down and watch it slowly to enjoy it, while the other is the type that you can watch anytime and anywhere. It will feel weird if you watch it again after a few days.

So why do wizards have the results they have now?

That's because Lin Yuan's reputation is so great.

The Witcher started charging for 50,000 words, and He Si personally arranged for it to be put on the shelves. On the day it was put on the shelves, the number of subscriptions for the Wizard exceeded 40,000, which is close to the top authors of major websites.

Now, the average subscription has reached 60,000 yuan. With such results, He Si analyzed the data and found that many readers came because of Lin Yuan. They may not have read novels before. But because of the word Lin Yuan, he came over to join in the fun.


With fans and all, He Si can only say that it is simply not great!

There is only one book on the shelves of Nanxing Chinese website this month, but more than a thousand books will be on the shelves at the end of the month, arranged in order of days. Generally speaking, this is a proud start for a newly established novel website. .

As a result, He Si officially became a regular employee and removed the word agent in front of his manager, thus becoming more responsible for Nanxing.

As a result, Nanxing Chinese Network has suddenly emerged.

A game company built a novel website, which attracted a large number of authors in the circle and took away a lot of traffic in the circle. Naturally, some websites began to be unable to sit still.

Just when Nanxing was quietly doing his own thing, working in an orderly manner.

Well-known domestic websites such as Stone Literature and Jianwen Novel Network can no longer sit still.

Today, the presidents of several novel websites held a meeting about meeting.

Originally, the presidents of several novel websites didn't like each other. After all, they were all competitors, but the emergence of Nanxing caused a large number of their authors to change jobs and took away a lot of traffic.

If it was just the authors who changed jobs, they wouldn't actually be that worried, because those who changed jobs were all middle-level and below-level authors. Of course, there must have been some top authors who went to Nanxing Chinese website, but at least they were still writing the books on the website. no?

But the problem is, a lot of users also ran away!

The welfare of Nanxing Chinese website has lasted for more than a month. Like most websites, 1 yuan is equal to 100 Nanxing coins. However, the problem is that Nanxing will give away as much as you charge, and the coins given are not allowed to be rewarded. In addition, subscription will give the author profits. Therefore, many users now go to Nanxing Chinese website.

Each website is not afraid of having fewer dessert chefs, but it is afraid of having fewer customers!

Isn’t the most important thing about the Internet just traffic?

Therefore, when they saw that Nanxing was still maintaining benefits and burning money to attract users, they couldn't help it.

In the conference room, everyone sat opposite each other. After seeing that the time was almost up, one of them said, Is everyone here already?

Well, Tomato Novel Network didn't come.

Damn it, isn't it amazing to use free channels?

Shengda Literature didn't come either.

It's normal if they don't come. They are all going to be acquired by the Goose Factory. Why come?

The direction of the discussion was a little skewed, so Dai Mengrui, the president of Stone Literature, said: Okay, don't worry about those who didn't come.

Let the meeting officially begin, Zhou Chen, I remember. He Si was the editor-in-chief of your website before, right?

Yeah. Zhou Chen nodded, and then said with some displeasure: When he changed jobs, he also took away a group of editors from my website, so I am still training new editors.

Have you talked to He Si? They are completely destroying the market now. If this continues, users will be sucked into their mouths. What will they do when the time comes? And Nanxing Chinese Online lost more than 2,000 yuan last month. Is it 10,000? After their books are put on the shelves and payment is enabled, the losses will get bigger and bigger. By then, the monthly losses will be tens of millions. Will He Si not be criticized by Feng Shuyun?

People are not afraid of this at all. Feng Shuyun asked him to do this. Zhou Chen said speechlessly.

It is normal for a website to lose money in the early stages, especially for novel websites. It was basically at a loss in the first few months, but this was the first time Zhou Chen had seen such a huge loss.

How long are they prepared to do this?

Zhou Chen replied: He didn't say this. He is no longer an employee of mine. How can he tell me everything about operations and internal matters of the company?

Dai Mengrui had a headache after hearing this.

Don't count on it. I estimate that this event will last for three months. Qingchan Comics Network, which is launched simultaneously with Nanxing Chinese Network, has stated that 50 free reading volumes will be given to readers every month in the first three months, and they will sign in every day. You can get 3-7 reading papers. A person on the side interrupted.

Then what should we do? We can't possibly have such an event like Nanxing Chinese Network, right?

I think, how about we try to improve the welfare of authors? To be honest, the editor of Jian Kuang, the head author of our website, specifically told me that Jian Kuang has not been diligent in updating recently, and it is possible that he has changed jobs. idea.”

The president of another novel network said, and he continued: I'm sure the situation is the same on your side. The top authors of your website must also want to change jobs. They want to manage the copyright of their works too much. And Nanxing Comics now has a large number of cartoonists, and Nanxing Chinese website has comics copyright channels and animation copyright channels, not to mention that it is very likely to be made into a game.

How could they not want to go?

What do you mean by improving welfare? Should it be on par with Nanxing Chinese Network, or should it exceed Nanxing Chinese Network? someone asked.

Zhou Chen answered: Let's improve together, at least before the end of the welfare activities for new users of Nanxing Chinese website, we will improve the welfare of authors.

Before Zhou Chen could finish his words, Dai Mengrui interrupted him directly, What are you thinking about? It's easy to bring it up, but it's hard to take it back. Have you forgotten the turmoil in the Internet literary circle before?

Zhou Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded and remained silent.

Dai Mengrui is right. It is easy to put it forward but difficult to take it back. In order to respond to Nanxing Chinese Network's increase in author benefits, Nanxing Chinese Network has the money to dare to do this, but what about them? If we really bring it up, the website's profit will be reduced a lot.

You must know that if everyone boycotts the Nanxing Chinese website, it means that the welfare benefits of each website are the same, and there will be no situation of seizing users.

Don't even think about improving welfare. It's difficult to lose the end. If you do this, there will probably be problems.

What should we do?

Can you try to contact Feng Shuyun?

It's useless. It's not that she doesn't have her phone number, but since last year, her phone number can't be reached. She should have changed her phone number. Zhou Chen said immediately.

I guess you're bothered by the investment thing, right?

Then, let's launch a short-term reading month activity? During the activity, we will give some popular books to readers for free.

This is good, you can try it, but I first agreed to do it together, and we will do it together.

Finally, several websites unified their opinions and decided to hold an autumn reading month event this week. During the event, some books on the rankings will be selected and provided to readers for free viewing in a weekly rotation.

Then, the meeting ended.

Time soon came a week later, and netizens who often read novels discovered the activities on various platforms. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this activity was organized by various novel websites to stop Nanxing Chinese Network.

And for this activity.

Netizens almost unanimously agreed - Nanxing did a great job!

To put it bluntly, when platforms fight to compete for traffic, it is the users who enjoy the benefits, and the authors can also make money in the traffic wave. This is just like the war between the food delivery platforms in the past. Today, each one will save more than ten red envelopes. , one red envelope will save more than ten yuan tomorrow, don’t worry about what will happen afterwards, just enjoy it while you can!

When He Si knew this, he just shook his head and smiled.

Against us?

Targeting Nanxing Chinese Network?

Are you coming here specifically?

He Sidu felt speechless.

You must know that Feng Shuyun has never asked him about the situation since the event was launched. If Mr. Lin hadn't often asked about Nanxing Chinese Network and learned about the wizard's performance, then He Si even thought that the two bosses above had forgotten Go to Nanxing Chinese website

Anyway, during office hours, the two bosses are never seen on the first floor where Nanxing Chinese Network is located.

Even during breaks, in Nanxing's two-story activity area, where you can play games, eat snacks and watch movies, the two bosses were never seen.

It can only be said that Nanxing Chinese website is indeed a trivial thing for Mr. Feng.

The outside world thinks that Nanxing Chinese Network is burning money now to make the website bigger and grab users to be the first. But in fact, Nanxing Chinese Network is just a product of the two bosses for their own entertainment.

Zhou Chen, Dai Mengrui, if you like to burn money, just burn it.

Anyway, He Si had no intention of reminding them. After all, the relationship between everyone was not that good. If these guys were willing to jump into the pit, then just jump.


Recently, Nanxing Chinese Network did something very stupid.

He Si, who was about to go upstairs to report the company's situation to Mr. Feng, was walking in the office area, hearing the voices of editors on the phone.

Yes, yes, you go read that book. It happens to be free this week. You can learn from his ideas and don't be so rigid.

Well, you go to Stone Literature and check the list. You can read all the free fantasy novels during Reading Month. There must be a reason why those books are on the list.

The market for fantasy novels is not good right now, but it doesn't mean that you can't write it. Isn't the Wizard a good example? If you want to write it, read the Wizard first, and then go to Nongqu Literary, where the Western fantasy farming novels are written It’s pretty good. I recommend you to read a few books. Please pay attention. I gave you screenshots. These two books are free. That one should be on rotation next week. You should work hard to read and study this week.”

He Si listened to the discussion in his ears and pursed his lips silently.

What a dog.

Who did you learn this from? With him? That's impossible, he never does such a thing!

With this thought in mind, He Si got off the elevator and reached the top floor. When He Si saw the door open, he stepped forward and took a look. He saw that there were not only Mr. Lin and Mr. Feng in the office, but also Mr. Li and Director Xu.

Zelda's first promotional video has been prepared. I contacted Luoyang and asked the branch to prepare for the announcement. Besides, he happens to be in the Magic City. Let him look for advertisements. It's not good to bother Tianyou every time.

When will the trial demo be available?

He Si saw Mr. Li and replied: It will take another two months. Some details are being perfected.

Okay, then the promotional video will be released at the end of the month, and will be announced for two months, and then the demo will be released. The person who said this was Mr. Lin.

He stood in the center of the crowd and smiled confidently: I have received this year's Best Game Award. Everyone, we have been very successful this year. If it were not 2077, this year's Best Game Award should be yours.

Xu Xiao touched his head and said speechlessly: Oh, who made 2077 so perfect? ​​But it's good to be nominated.

That's right, Nan Xing has two nominations for the best game this year, and 2077 has received 9 nominations and 6 awards.

The Game of the Year Award has confirmed that 2077 is the most fun game this year.

And before it even started, Fang Qingchan had just received an award abroad as a diplomatic ambassador, and Lin Yuan had already guaranteed the best game award for next year!

Everyone, do you like me, Zelda?


He Si stood at the door, not going in, but waiting for the meeting inside to end.

He took a few more steps, keeping himself away from the office door and not listening to the conversation inside.

But even the content of the previous conversation made He Si feel speechless for a while.


Zhou Chen and Dai Mengrui still want to block the development of Nanxing Chinese Network, because if they join forces and engage in activities together, they can divert users.

Yes, it can be separated.

But the question is, what's the use?

Mr. Feng and Mr. Lin don’t care about Nanxing Chinese Network at all!

Our southern star

You make money by selling games!

Do you understand the value of the company that made its fortune in gaming?

He Si shook his head speechlessly, but he laughed again.

————Some people are going to be in bad luck!

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