Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun sat aside and watched the battle carefully.

Because of Feng Shuyun's clever little plan before, when Liu Yun spoke, Lu Ziming immediately put aside his words, stretched out his hands to plug his ears, and said - no matter what you say, eh, if you don't listen, you just won't listen!

If your ears are blocked, you won’t be able to feel anything!

This made Liu Yunqi's chin tremble.

After playing this game now, Liu Yun also understands what the core gameplay of the game is, which is language and logic, but how to play the logic?

Of course we find the answer from one person's speech, but what about now? Because Feng Shuyun exposed herself and dirty her, now she won't listen to anything she says to the good people on the field.

The result was that No. 7 died the next night, and starting from No. 8, everyone in the ranking stepped on her, and his two police teammates did not dare to openly come out to fish for her.

How is it possible to catch her?

There are only two situations where I can help her now.

The first is to appear as a team in the eyes of civilians and be considered by civilians to be real bandits.

Secondly, when the gangsters see that Liu Yun is like this and there are still people who dare to come out and speak for her, what is that if they are not a team?

There are only two types of teams in this game. We gangsters have never seen you at night, so what kind of team are you in?

Is this so fucking stupid? Even if I don't kill you, I'd be sorry for my trump card!

Because of this, Liu Yun ended the game with a look of helplessness. She sat there angrily and had a lot of things to say, but in the end she just said - I am really a civilian, how can you believe what a gangster says? ?

But what Liu Yun didn't know was that some civilians had indeed guessed that the bandits were playing a trick. However, it was their first time playing and they were not very familiar with the game. Even if they knew that this was the bandit's plan, they didn't know how to stop it. .

The language organization will also be poor.

Therefore, Liu Yun's elimination is destined.

This made Lin Yuan next to him amused.

2 fees - Southern Star boss Feng Shuyun.

Deathrattle: Take away an enemy team member randomly.


After finishing speaking, Liu Yun sat there angrily, but she didn't realize that all she could think about now was to quickly start the next game.

This game is really fun!

at the same time--

The comments in various live broadcast rooms were also watched with joy. Everyone was asking when the game would be launched and when they could play it.

And among this group of players, there are so many guys with different identities joining in.

In the Pig Farm's Fire and Thunder Studio, a team member was also watching the live broadcast. Because of the word Lin Ce, he deliberately took the time to get a shit shield and ran into the toilet to watch the live broadcast. The more he watched, the more he watched, this team member's The mood became more and more agitated.

By the time he got there, he had completely forgotten that he was in the toilet. He sat on the toilet seat and muttered, and his voice became louder and louder.

It wasn't until the team leader and two other members broke in through the door with unkind expressions that the team member came back to his senses.

What were you doing? Falling asleep while going to the toilet? When did you go to the toilet? How long has it been now? Did the company invite you here and pay you to go to the toilet? Did you want to go to the toilet and go home? Come on, there is no one in the toilet at home. The team leader came up and a small company level came over.

But instead of being nervous, this team member stood up with his pants raised and said loudly: Team leader, I have an idea!


Ten minutes later, in a conference room of Huolei Studio.

Guan Hao's expression became more and more serious as he listened to the explanations of the members of the Fire Thunder team in front of him.

He was still thinking before, how could he be asked to handle the matter of a team member touching fish and shit, but now, after listening to the team member's explanation,

When was this game launched? Why haven't I heard of it?

It was last night. I heard that Lin Yuan from Nanxing came up with it on the spot. Today is the first time this game has been released. Nanxing has made a simple APP and is preparing to use it on mobile devices. The team member replied seriously. .

He continued: I think this game has the potential to become a phenomenon. It perfectly solves the shortcomings of insufficient social interaction in most games today, and this game is very suitable for offline play. If the popularity is really high enough, then I believe this game will promote many new industries.

The question is, Nanxing has already produced an APP. Are you competing with Nanxing for users?

Guan Hao became confused.

Compete with Nanxing for users?

Oh, a year ago, okay, no problem, you can grab it.

The person standing behind me is a pig farm, a party with big capital. It has enough funds and traffic. It doesn’t matter whether a game is fun or not. First of all, it will not be bad in terms of popularity. It doesn’t matter how long it can be operated, but it is still easy to cut leeks online. loose.

But now competing with Nanxing for users?

Ha. If you ask Goose Factory to rob it, Goose Factory dares to say that it can rob it?

Although pigs and geese are incompatible, the pig farm must now say that in terms of size, the pig factory is no longer as good as the goose factory. Therefore, the goose factory has not been able to suppress the guys who have beaten them. The pig factory will fight?

Don't be fooled. Nan Xing is a god in the gaming field right now, a true god.

There is no such thing as robbing believers from God!

No, what I mean is that we can imitate the killing game and create a simple game that is more suitable for public entertainment. This team member said confidently.

He had just watched the live broadcast for nearly two hours in the toilet, which is why the team leader brought the team members to him.

A member disappeared inexplicably for two hours. Who wouldn't look for him instead?

Because of this, he watched three and a half live broadcasts in total. If the team leader hadn't broken in, he could have watched four.

In these four games, he saw the shortcomings of the killing game.

That is, the game experience for civilians is too poor, and the gameplay between good guys and bad guys is too simple.

This game puts too much effort into the competition of brain power and reasoning ability. As a result, some players will have a very inexperienced experience.

But what if we added more professions and simplified the game?

How about adding killers and good guys, adding more professions and professional skills to make the game more interesting and entertaining?

This was also the reason why he was excited and confident at the same time when he saw Guan Hao.

Killing games are too hardcore, but most of them don’t need hardcore, but fun.

This. Guan Hao was stunned for a moment, and then took a breath of air.


When did we dare not even think about creating or surpassing the Southern Star?

It’s the young employees who are brave and courageous!

Is Nan Xing necessarily right?

At least after listening to this employee's words, Guan Hao felt that it was very feasible.

Social games, of course, need to focus on entertainment, add more professions, and let players feel their weight in the game. This is very important!

Because of this, Guan Hao also became excited.

I can do it, I really can do it!

Guan Hao began to give instructions and said loudly: Call other departments, hold an impromptu meeting, and ask all the team leaders from each studio to come over. By the way, what is your name? Guan Hao asked the team member who had been shitting for two hours.

The team member was stunned and replied loudly: My name is Zhuang Qiang.

What a good name, Zhuang Qiang. You will be the one pulling the strings for our NetEase killing game. You dare to speak out your thoughts. Guan Hao nodded and looked at Zhuang Qiang with satisfaction.

The banker is strong, only the banker is strong!

In the evening, Huo Lei Studio held several meetings and learned from the killing game to create a new game.

And Huo Lei Studio named it - Werewolf.

It not only draws on the killing game, but also draws on the classic fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.

Also called full moon killing.

Hmm. The reason why he didn't dare to call Yue Yuan to kill directly was because Guan Hao was really afraid of being found by Nan Xing.

After all, Werewolf has the shadow of Nanxing in both the gameplay and the concept.

In fact, the pig factory does not think that it will lose when it comes to a lawsuit. If it is not on the right side, it will get a good and correct ending.

And even if it loses, the pig factory can still drag it out for several years. The pig farm is not afraid of the law. There are too many legal loopholes on the Internet that can be exploited. If you play this game in the circle, the goose factory is the first, then the pig factory will It can be said that it is second.

However, the pig factory is still quite afraid of the pressure from public opinion.

Because Nanxing's reputation is so good, Nanxing is the one who will be favored and favored unconditionally in the players' minds. If they have a legal dispute with Nanxing, even if they win, the players may not necessarily stand against Nanxing. of.

And this is the most infuriating thing!

With the players' unconditional preference, Nanxing is truly invincible.

Therefore, to avoid getting into a lawsuit with Nanxing or trying to gain popularity, it is better to just do it lightly.

The pig factory said: I'll just rub it in, I won't go in.

And the pig farm moves very quickly.

The direction was decided that evening, and the pig factory started implementation that night.

With the killing game leading the way, Pig Farm's reference was extremely smooth. On the third day, Guan Hao had already designed many professions for the Werewolf game that Pig Farm was going to make. The initial stages of the Werewolf killing game had been perfected very successfully. .

The prophet is a profession adapted from the role of a police officer in a killing game. He can open his eyes every night and has the ability to investigate a player's trump card. He is the most important role on the good side.

Villagers, civilians in the killing game, have no special abilities.

Hunter, a powerful profession in the good guy camp, can activate skills when dying to take away a surviving player.

Idiot: A special profession in the good guys camp. Its special ability is that it will not be voted out during the voting process to ensure the number of good guys.

Witch: A profession that starts with a bottle of antidote and poison. The antidote can save people, and the poison can poison people. It is a very powerful profession.

As for the werewolves, the pig farm has not undergone any major changes.

Because of the changes in professions and the positioning of the game, Pig Farm has also changed some minor rules.

If the gangster wants to win the game in a killing game, there are only two victory conditions, one is to kill all the people, and the other is to kill all the police.

The former condition is very harsh. You must know that there are 8 civilians in the killing game. One of them is solved every night. Even if one is killed during the day, it will take four nights to end the game.

Therefore, Zhuang Qiang thought about it and decided to imitate the killing game, but change the victory rules.

The werewolf's winning condition is changed to - all villagers die, or all special good people die.

This greatly reduces the difficulty for the werewolf to win, while also ensuring gameplay.

It was not until the fourth day that Guan Hao believed that werewolf killing was born out of a killing game.

He has really good eyesight!

The superiors heard about Huo Lei's new work, and after reviewing it, they also vigorously approved the funding and strongly requested Guan Hao to complete Werewolf. Whether he can beat Nan Xing depends on the Werewolf he has on hand!

And Guan Hao also became proud.

Although Werewolf is full of shadows of killing games and is a game created out of killing games, at this point, who can say that Werewolf is plagiarized?

Who dares to say that Werewolf is plagiarized?

Do you understand what we can learn from?

Do you understand the principle that a young person is better than a good person?

This type of game is not designated to be produced only by Nanxing!

Yes, yes, it is indeed Tuonanxing’s blessing. So when you see Lin Ce at the award ceremony, take the initiative to say hello to him and say hello to express your gratitude!

Guan Hao thought so.

This mentality was maintained until the official launch of a program before it began to change.

At the end of the month, the first episode of the variety show produced by Xing Le - Direction of Life was officially released.

Once the program was released, it aroused heated discussions across the Internet.

The personalities of the guests have also been finalized.

Teacher He is an understanding and gentle teacher.

The name of the road is sunny and handsome.

Bai Wan, the singer who looks cold and arrogant but a little cute.

There is a super contrast between the appearance and the humorous actor Son Yicheng.

The four guests formed the permanent members of Mushroom House,

And the flying guests in the first issue are even more important!

Not only are there two literary giants who are well-known to netizens and whose prose works were read in Chinese books when they were children, but there is also Lin Yuan, a game producer who is very famous among young people, and someone who has been praised by the country. Feng Shuyun is a role model for contemporary young people.

The first flight guests are surprisingly not from the entertainment industry, but they are all very well-known. As soon as they say their names, people will think - ah, is this person? I know him!

This flow of impressions also directly boosted the show's popularity, and in the first episode, the main focus was an entourage.

In the two-hour program, the killing game, a link that should not have appeared, was actually accepted by the program team!

Although only some clips were edited out, the viewers who watched the show were also curious, and in the extended version, the program crew even released them all.

If this were the case, Guan Hao's mentality would not change.

Because the more popular the killing game is, the more amazing Werewolf will be during the interview.

Because Werewolf is destined to defeat the killing game!

So what made Guan Hao's mentality change?

What? Werewolf killing is registered?

Why do we only know now? Didn't we register as soon as possible?

It's okay, let's go buy it!

What? It's Nanxing who registered the Werewolf name? They won't sell it?

How could they register this name! But it doesn't matter, we call it Pig Factory Original Werewolf!

What? Nanxing is going to launch a simplified version of the killing game?

What? The simple version is the Werewolf they registered?!

Wait, where is Zhuang Qiang? Where is my Zhuang Qiang? Let him come to me!

What? Zhuang Qiang ran away this afternoon after hearing the news?!!

It's okay, Zhuang Qiang is not here, I am here! Our werewolf killing skills have been polished very well, there is no reason for Nanxing to beat us!

What? There are more werewolf killing professions in South Star? Are there little girls, guards, white wolves, foxes, and cupids?

What? I'm getting fired?

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