Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 159 The Legend of Zelda is released!

Since April, the situation in the gaming circle has changed into an era dominated by werewolf and killing games.

This is the strength of social games. It is easy to get started, has no restrictions, and spreads quickly. In addition, Nan Xing’s good reputation and the clips from Xing Le’s variety show life. The Werewolf produced by Nan Xing quickly became a phenomenon once it was released. level game.

Especially Werewolf. After Xiaopo Station launched the Werewolf program, many players discovered that the gameplay of Werewolf can be so diverse. In the game of high-end players, it is really a battle of wits and courage to see the wisdom of others. Fighting is really a fun thing.

The first episode of the werewolf killing program on Xiaopo Station received more than 3 million views on the first day, and by the second day, the number of views was approaching 10 million, making it a real hit.

Several uploaders who participated in the show also increased their number of fans rapidly because of this, from tens of thousands of fans to hundreds of thousands of fans overnight.

Damn it, even if you buy zombie fans, hundreds of thousands of fans are not a small amount of money, right?

Therefore, Xiaopo Station was originally worried that after the show was broadcast, it would cause controversy because the guests were not famous, which would affect Xingle and Nanxing. However, after the show was broadcast, Xiaopo Station was not worried at all.

They have even begun to screen guests. Within a controllable range, the first choice is the anchors of their own platform, and then they will consider anchors from other platforms. However, small and broken sites still have a sense of proportion, that is, the guests are famous. Nature is the best.

But if the guests don’t know how to play Werewolf, and don’t want to understand the rules and find it troublesome to come, the small website will simply reject it, even if you are an up owner with millions of fans, even if you are one of the top 100 last year.

If the official chooses a guy who knows nothing to play, it will not produce a good program effect, but will make most players feel sick because of him.

This is a high-end game, a brainstorming session where experts gather together. What everyone wants to see is the guests competing for wits and courage, not watching a guy who is trying to gain traffic come in and make a fool of himself.

Do you know about stupidity?

If you really do that, you can imagine what comments users will make when the time comes.

For example, is b crazy? Ah, do you not want to hang out anymore?

Xiaopozhan. I don’t want to hear netizens say this.

Therefore, recently in various circles on the Internet, especially Tieba and hacking software, you can basically see a lot of werewolf killing group news——

Werewolf 12 is short of 2, here are two quality players, sequence the mic, don't interrupt the mic, don't change what others say, play seriously, but don't get emotional——

“Werewolf Entertainment Bureau, feel free to come, just don’t curse.

A werewolf kills a girl with the voice of an uncle and a young man!!!

Is there anyone under the Wucheng line to kill? We have formed a bureau. If you want to come, sign up. The fee is AA!

A new Werewolf Killing store is built in Pengcheng. Players who live in Pengcheng and like Werewolf Killing are welcome to come and play! Happy opening, 40% off for one week!

Werewolf Killing is really fun, and the Southern Star officials are so awesome. I encountered a lackluster player in the morning and reported it. In the afternoon, the officials wrote back and said they would punish the player!

Indeed, the punishment is quite severe. Unlike Penguin, I don't know how useful the deduction of reputation points is.

I will never curse people again. They blocked me for 5 hours. I cried to death. My friends are all in Southern Star Werewolf. Going to the pig farm is boring.

All of the above are proof of the popularity of werewolf killing.

At the same time as it became popular, it also brought troubles to a large number of industry workers.

That is.

How did Nan Xing Lin Yuan's brain grow?

It's okay for him to come up with this kind of game, but it's not too much. He should come up with this kind of game!

But the problem is, it took ten minutes in the show to come up with it casually. Is this too much?

Does this allow other game companies to make games?

We are both game producers, so why is your painting style different from others?

This question appears in the mind of every game producer in the industry.

Similarly, it also officially established Lin Yuan's identity as the strongest game producer in China.

In the past, people would have thought that everyone could make a good game, but who hasn’t had a chance to shine?

But what now?

Hehe. Someone made a phenomenal game, and it’s as easy as eating and drinking!

In addition, with Nanxing's current strength, Nanxing's pace in the country will only get bigger and bigger in the future!

But what is interesting is that most small domestic factories will not have any objections to Nanxing because of this. They are not like the pigs and geese who were fighting for hegemony before. Goose two games.

Now the shadow of the Southern Star has covered the entire circle, but the small factories have begun to grow under the protection of the Southern Star's shadow. Because of Nanxing, domestic players and users have changed their demand for games from prioritizing popularity to prioritizing whether games are fun.

Even after playing multiple stand-alone games, different groups of users have developed.

Those who like funny things, those who like plots, those who like pictures, those who like astringent games, those who like farming, whatever. As long as small companies are willing to study hard and not treat players with an attitude of perfunctory, they can seriously make a game. , then basically users in this group will buy it.

I don’t say you can get rich overnight, but you will definitely earn a lot more than before.

Therefore, it is an irresistible trend for pigs and geese to compete for supremacy until one company becomes the dominant one.

And in this case

What is Nan Xing doing?

After Werewolf explodes in popularity, another phenomenal social mobile game appears. What is Nan Xing doing at this time?

This is the voice of most players——

Why has Nanxing lost her voice recently?

Isn't Nanxing like this often?

I must be working on The Legend of Zelda. Just get used to it. Nanxing may come back to life sometime and make a big one for everyone.

Damn it, I get angry when it comes to The Legend of Zelda, and I'm still playing the demo!

Ah, upstairs, is this demo so playable? I played it for more than 40 hours and couldn't play it anymore.

Hahaha, the previous one, are you listening to what you said in human language? Whose game demo can allow players to play for forty hours?

The thirty-second day of missing Nan Xing, Star Gate!

Same thought, Star Gate!


There are a lot of people on the Internet calling Stargate, but what about Nanxing?

What on earth is Nan Xing doing?


At the end of May, the end of midsummer and the arrival of summer, Nanxing’s electricity bill has become much higher.

After all, the entire building is in operation, and the central air conditioner is turned on day and night. In order to allow employees to work in a comfortable environment, Nanxing will definitely not skimp on this aspect.

It is said that the electricity bill has become higher, but how much is the electricity bill?

Is there anything more important than giving employees a sense of belonging and identification with the company?

Feng Shuyun has always been a very generous person.

Otherwise, guys in the industry wouldn't be so envious of Nanxing's employees.

Although Nanxing is getting bigger and bigger now, Nanxing's working hours are no longer nine to five, but at least Nanxing can definitely send all employees home before seven o'clock.


You can go home at seven o'clock!

Which programmer can go home at seven o'clock?

Not to mention bonuses are given out at every turn. There is also afternoon tea time every day. Snacks, tea, drinks and coffee are provided for free in the company. There is even a special rest area for employees to play games and kill time.

How can you not envy such a working environment?


Did Feng Shuyun suffer from these benefits?

No. If you say it's a loss, it's just like a beast to a beast.

Let's put it this way, even if Feng Shuyun can only get 5% of Nanxing's profits, Feng Shuyun can easily become a billionaire, not to mention that Feng Shuyun now has full control of Nanxing, and together with Lin Yuan, he can become a billionaire. The man behind Southern Star.

Feng Shuyun no longer counts how much money he has.

All she knew was that hundreds of millions were spent out of her account every day, but this scary-sounding figure was something that could not be found in Feng Shuyun's account without paying close attention.

Well. Now, Feng Shuyun is no longer a billionaire, but is on the road to making millions.

And the most terrifying thing is that Feng Shuyun’s money is liquid, not fixed assets. This is the horror of the Internet. Do you understand what cash flow is?

Because of this, employees at Nanxing receive salary increases every year.

Similarly, Nanxing currently only recruits people from colleges and universities. Those who have achieved good results in college and have works will be given priority in admission. In the past, Nanxing would also recruit people from junior colleges, but now, instead of those few outstanding domestic universities, Nanxing No more recruiting people.

After all, the current employee salary of Nanxing is basically around 2.5W, and the middle-level salary reaches 5-6.

And now, such an empress, who has a net worth of hundreds of billions, has become an Internet legend, and has built her own gaming empire before she was thirty years old, is sitting excitedly on the computer holding a carton of milk and chewing bread. forward.

I think it's ready to be released!

It's fun, it's really fun. By the way, Li Lin, if you don't save Zelda, won't it affect the content of the game?

Li Lin stood next to Feng Shuyun, shook his head and said, No, but boss, I think you should ask Lin Ce about this issue.

Lin Yuan touched his nose and said speechlessly: Ask me what to do? Didn't you make the game?

Well, what I did was right, but you designed the game. Li Lin rolled his eyes.

Xu Xiao was also in the office, joining in the fun and saying, Is this a good explanation? I think it's perfect. Do you have to release it in July?

It's not enough. There are still details that need to be improved. Lin Yuan shook his head and said.

The Legend of Zelda has almost been produced, and even if it is handed over now, players will praise it and call it awesome.

But for Lin Yuan, this is not enough.

Because The Legend of Zelda is set against last year’s 2077, which won the Best Game last year, this year’s Best Game of the Year can and only be The Legend of Zelda.

Lin Yuan does not believe that any other game can steal the best game award from The Legend of Zelda.

Unless the guy who suddenly jumped out is Baldur's Gate!

Well, would any company in this world make a game like Baldur's Gate?

Lin Yuan thinks there won't be any.

At least not right now.

Although the market has settled down now, and various producers have started to make games honestly, and the quality of the games is getting better and better now, but for a game like Baldur's Gate that can be described as great, it is basically It can't be made silently. If there is a game with the quality of Baldur's Gate, Lin Yuan would have heard about it by now.

It's like Nan Xing is playing games now, and everyone is watching from all directions. Small factories are hoping to learn from Nan Xing's games to make a living. Countless pairs of eyes are watching, and they want to secretly play games?


Let's fix it up again. By the way, in terms of dubbing, it's the same as before. Multi-language dubbing is ready, and it should be available for the whole story. Lin Yuan said to Li Lin.

Li Lin smiled, nodded and said, I understand.

When I was working on Fairy Sword before, Nanxing didn't castrate dubbing during the most difficult time, so now it's even more impossible to castrate dubbing.

Good dubbing can increase the player's emotional investment and allow the player to empathize with the character faster. Therefore, Nanxing's games, especially the plot elements, are basically dubbed all the way through.

Even the supporting characters on the street have to dub their voices.

2077 does just that, and Zelda's words

Well, dubbing is still a little troublesome.

Because many of the words in the game are onomatopoeia, imitating the sounds of monsters or animals.

But what does that have to do with me, Li Lin? That's all the dubbing department's business!

As a result, during the casual chat between Li Lin and Lin Yuan, the tasks of the dubbing department intensified.

After playing the official version of The Legend of Zelda for a few days, Feng Shuyun completely fell in love with this fantasy world.

Do I need to schedule the game first?

Before leaving, Xu Xiao suddenly asked.

Nanxing has been silent for almost three months. During this time, Nanxing has really made no sound at all.

Except for the stable updates and maintenance of several games, Nanxing's official accounts on various platforms have not posted any updates. In the words of players, Nanxing is dead again.

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: Release it, start announcing it, and tell players that in early July, The Legend of Zelda will be officially launched!

OK, let's make arrangements now. Xu Xiao gestured OK and said with a smile.

And in the evening, the southern star.

It’s a scam!

This time, as the players expected, Nanxing brought Zhongda news.

Just like pretending to die and suddenly turning over in the past, this time, Nanxing brings to the majority of players and users - The Legend of Zelda.

At the same time, companies with good relations with Nanxing also helped promote it.

Such as Tianyou and Ma Xiaofei, the two companies directly posted the news about the release of The Legend of Zelda in July to their official websites.

And Ma Xiaofei is even more desperate, and here comes one directly - in order to celebrate the upcoming launch of The Legend of Zelda, Ma Xiaofei will reduce the price of the Legend of Zelda series by 30 yuan in the next three months!

With this price reduction of 30 yuan, Ma Xiaofei is basically giving away the controller for nothing.

Controllers are not something that can be changed every year, and Ma Xiaofei's operation cannot be said to be a change in user traffic.

Can you only call it filial piety?

So filial!

This wave of operations by Ma Xiaofei made many peripheral manufacturers feel angry.

Damn it, you guys, Ma Xiaofei, licked Nan Xing, just lick it. Can you lick it without affecting my income?

If you do this, won’t all the users come to you?

No, why do guys related to Nanxing like to destroy the market?

No more money, right?

But what about Ma Xiaofei?

Hey, Ma Xiaofei didn’t pay attention at all!

In the future, if Ma Xiaofei and Nanxing can really be tied together and appear - play Nanxing games and use Ma Xiaofei's peripherals, will Ma Xiaofei still be afraid of not making money?

And soon, the time came to July.

Midsummer, the hottest days in summer.

At ten o'clock in the morning on July 5th.

The Legend of Zelda.

Officially launched!

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