Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 168 Return, what big move is going to be made?

The user growth of Shining Nuannuan is explosive, but this is not surprising, because when there are enough female players in a game, the number of male users will also grow accordingly.

Although Shining Nuannuan is not very social, it can't resist the curiosity of male players. After playing the game to learn more, it will also have something to talk about with other girls, right?

Facing the sudden popularity of Flash Nuan Nuan, Qiu Yu was excited and scared.

Excitingly, Flash Nuannuan is really popular, Changshui is saved, and he can finally generously distribute year-end bonuses to his employees, a term that has never appeared in Changshui before.

What's scary is that the results of Shining Nuannuan are so good that Qiu Yu is afraid that the building will suddenly collapse.

Changshui is very small, really very small, and Qiu Yu has no talents who can handle online public opinion. And the current popularity of Flash Nuannuan, once it causes a backlash, Changshui cannot resist it.

But fortunately, with Tianyou's help, Changshui stabilized.

And Qiu Yu also has one thought - to treat players as human beings and as their parents.

Steal players' money?

Not advisable! This is absolutely not advisable!

Although it is easy for female gamers to make money, what Changshui needs to do now is not to take advantage of the popularity to make a fortune quickly, but to work steadily and build a niche in the gaming industry by leveraging the momentum of Nanxing and Tianyou. gain a foothold.

Therefore, in the face of the sudden popularity, Qiu Yu did not expand, but carefully ran his company bit by bit, as if walking on a knife's edge.

Similarly, Gong Chengshan, although his games did not become as popular as Changshui's Shining Nuannuan, he also achieved good results.

Ranking 32nd in monthly sales, this is enough to make Gong Chengshan happy. In the past, none of the games he had on hand were even in the top 200, but now, it takes four months to make one. The game ranked among the top 50. Isn’t this worth being happy about?

You must know that as the market becomes bigger, the money that the current 32nd place can earn is the same as the previous top ten!

Because of this, Gong Chengshan also made a lot of money!

Not only did the five companies that Lin Yuan recruited to teach make money, but also the many game manufacturers of the National Star Association made money. They bundled their old games and games that had not been released for a long time but with poor results with Nanxing Games. , and thus made a lot of money.

It’s just that there’s no way to compare with these five.

And those who also made money were Tianyou and Nanxing.

Tianyou and Nanxing took part of the profits. The two companies together took 15% of the profit share. This is completely acceptable to the five companies. Even if it goes up, they will not have it. Any advice.

However, neither Nanxing nor Tianyou will rise. Once the agreement is written, then we will do it according to the agreement. It is impossible to say that the results are good, it is really popular, and the flow of Shining Nuan Nuan Yue has a tendency to exceed 10 million. Then go and change the agreement, right?

Because of this, seeing the success of Nationstar's five worst companies, outside game manufacturers can't sit still.

Damn it!

Didn't you say at the beginning that this was just a joke of Nanxing? Doesn’t it mean that National Star, Provincial Games and Local Games Associations are the same?

Doesn’t it mean that there will be no actual benefits?

It’s only been half a year!

All the game manufacturers participating in Nationstar have benefited, not to mention the five game companies that were originally at the bottom. Now they have really turned around. Changshui Company has jumped directly to the top mobile game company. This is what the hell is called, No, there is, practical, benefit, benefit? !

Goose Factory is next door to you!

For a moment, I had the opportunity to join Nationstar, but because of my relationship with Goose Factory and after listening to Goose Factory, I didn’t choose to join Nationstar’s game company. At this moment, I really regretted it.

Think about it, Lin Yuan was able to push these five companies to the top, and successfully transformed the five companies that were at the bottom, no one cared about them, and could not even be described as garbage. What does this mean? This means that Lin Yuan has the ability to turn stone into gold!

This time it’s these five companies, but what about next time? Which five companies will it be next time?

To say that my intestines have turned green is really an understatement!

People outside the world don't know much about these things. They only know that in the association founded by Nanxing, several game companies suddenly made good games. Hey, it's really fun to play them.

But in the circle, colleagues are completely numb.

Nan Xing is really a person who sticks to his word and covers the sky with one hand, and this is still the case when Lin Yuan is not in the country. If he returns to the country, he will make a 3A work.

Well, no one in the industry dared to think about it.

Simply change the surname in the domestic game market to Lin from now on!

And time passed little by little in days like this. A large number of members of the National Star Game Association also submitted applications to Tianyou, hoping to become the next batch of members of the Lin Ce Experimental Project.

Lin Yuan:? ? ?

How come I didn't know I had an experimental plan?

And the time has come in November.

At a certain airport in China, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun got off the plane lightly packed, each carrying a small bag and not even a suitcase.

Feng Shuyun was wearing a dark sweater, jeans, and sneakers, looking like a high school girl, while Lin Yuan was wearing sportswear, looking very elegant.

November in the south is not too cold, with temperatures around 20 degrees.

Let's go, we have to change planes later. Feng Shuyun pulled Lin Yuan and planned to go have something to eat quickly.

Lin Yuan rolled his eyes and had a headache thinking about having to fly again later.

He has been flying for a whole day and will be flying for more than two hours.

Damn it!

I will never go out to play again!

Well, Lin Yuan is such a person.

I was very happy when I went out to play. It was a two-person world with Feng Shuyun. It was really good to relax in a place with pleasant scenery where no one knew me, but it was still too tiring to travel long distances.

The two found a chicken nugget in the airport, and after a quick bite, they arrived at the waiting area to wait for the plane. During this period, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun were also recognized by some young people at the airport.

The two also signed autographs for fans who came over to say hello.

Subsequently, the news that Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun appeared at the airport also caused some noise on Weibo.

For example

A certain bored young man who was guarding Nanxing noticed the news of the two returning home.

Li Lin looked at the news, puffed out his nose, then stood up and slapped the table.

Finally back!

Who, who's back? Fang Qingchan, who was sorting out documents, asked curiously.

Li Lin looked at Fang Qingchan and said loudly: Who else can it be? Our boss who has been missing for several months!

After hearing this, Fang Qingchan pushed the document in her hand forward without saying a word and said angrily: Where is she?

Still at the airport, I should be able to arrive at the company in the afternoon. Li Lin said immediately.

Look, Li Lin is not the only one who is angry about his boss's disappearance!

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun finally returned to Nanxing.

As soon as they came back, the whole company was in an uproar. From top to bottom of Nanxing Building, employees came out to see Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun.

When Feng Shuyun saw this, he frowned and said angrily: What are you doing? Don't you have any work at hand? You don't have anything to do of your own, right?

As the boss spoke, the employees dispersed in a hurry.

But then, Fang Qingchan and Li Lin walked out of the elevator.

The two of them walked to the left and right, one arrived in front of Lin Yuan and the other arrived in front of Feng Shuyun. Without saying a word, they led the two people into the elevator.

Hey, what are you doing?

What are you doing? Look how many months it is now?!

Well, it's almost December, what's wrong? Feng Shuyun whispered.

Ah! Fang Qingchan stopped and turned to look at Feng Shuyun, whose face was rounder and cuter after being added to her. She looked at Feng Shuyun who was obviously fatter and cuter. She said with an angry smile: Can you ask me what? You asked me what happened? Tell me yourself, how long did you say you went out to play?

Isn't this because the plan can't keep up with changes? Feng Shuyun said resistingly.

Boss, it's okay if the plan can't keep up with the changes, but you can't disappear for three or four months without giving us any news? Just upload the sweet photos of you and Lin Ce in your circle of friends. The message we sent you is Didn't look at it at all! Li Lin also said beside him.

Feng Shuyun immediately stopped talking.

But I still feel that I am being reasonable.

Now, when you go out to play, how can you read company news?

If you go out to work or something, what else are you going to do? !

Lin Yuan, on the other hand, remained silent and didn't say a word.

He and Feng Shuyun suddenly ran out and stayed away for several months. It was indeed not good for the company.

Just let Feng Shuyun be punished.

Then, Fang Qingchan and Li Lin took Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan upstairs. After entering the office, Fang Qingchan locked the door.

Then, the two people turned their attention to Lin Yuan at the same time.

Lin Yuan: ???

The one who talked back was Feng Shuyun!

See what I do? !

And what about Feng Shuyun?

Seeing that Fang Qingchan and Li Lin were not bothering her, this girl moved her little feet and ran away without saying a word. She moved to the side bit by bit, and then slowly sat in her familiar position.

Her exclusive boss chair costing tens of thousands of dollars.

Look what I do? Lin Yuan pointed at himself.

Lin Yuan, the animation department has had no works for two months. The adaptation pipeline you mentioned has no works suitable for comic adaptations at the moment. Qingchan has only released Pokémon for two consecutive months. I need one. It’s up to you to decide the works and anime series.” Fang Qingchan spread her hands and said directly to Lin Yuan.



Your animation department is short of works, why don't you go find professionals? What do you want from me? !

Lin Ce, I've been idle for a long time. I haven't played games for a few months and my hands are very itchy. So are the members of my team. Have you rested long enough? Shouldn't you give me some rest? Has the project been approved? My requirements for the new project are not high, as long as it can be comparable to 2077 and The Legend of Zelda. Li Lin also spread his hands and said to Lin Yuan.


Is this not too demanding?

Lin Yuan really wanted to express contempt directly to Li Lin.

A game that is comparable to The Legend of Zelda and 2077 is not very demanding?

No, looking at Lin Yuan's game treasure house, how many games can compete with these two games?

Li Lin, has he gone crazy?

Or am I out of touch with the times?

With the way you, Li Lin, play games, I should take the initiative to retire in ten years!

Because by then, I really won’t be able to come up with a game and make it for you!

Lin Yuan was so angry that Li Lin laughed!

Don't look at us like this, give us your work. Fang Qingchan raised an eyebrow, waved and continued.

Li Lin was also waving from the side, and the two of them were facing Lin Yuan as if asking for trouble.

Lin Yuan was silent for a long time, then nodded and said, Let me sit down first.

You're sitting down, but I'm not letting you stand.

Lin Yuan sat down and looked at Fang Qingchan first.

In terms of movies, actually, the Pokémon movie is about to be released. You know anime better than I do. Can't we just follow the big movies and family fun?

Fang Qingchan blinked.

Yes, of course the Pokémon Movie can be made.

But without the approval of Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun, who would dare to actually touch this IP?

Lin Yuan thought about the Pokémon movies he had watched, and was about to talk to Fang Qingchan about it, but Lin Yuan just said: I think.

Okay, I'm leaving. Fang Qingchan interrupted Lin Yuan and was about to leave.

Lin Yuan was left stunned.

I haven't said anything yet!

That's enough. Your verbal approval for the production of a Pokémon movie is enough! Fang Qingchan said with a smile.

Lin Yuan: .

Lin Ce, she's fine, it's my turn. Li Lin said from the side.

Let's think about it, what kind of works have we done now. Lin Yuan began to think deeply.

During this period, Lin Yuan asked Li Lin tentatively: What do you think of the wizard making it?

That novel you wrote?

Forget it. Lin Yuan suddenly changed his mind, shook his head and said, Although The Wizard is also a very good work, it doesn't seem to be enough as a heavyweight of the year.

Is The Witcher a good work?

Of course, The Witcher 3 can be said to be the masterpiece of the Polish Jackass, especially after adding dic, it can be said to be full of plot and gameplay, but the problem is. If it is compared with the perfect 2077 and The Legend of Zelda, The Witcher seems It really can't be beat.

So, is there any game that can beat 2077 and The Legend of Zelda?

Hmm. Borg Gate?

Hiss, that’s not good. The Borg Gate is super powerful, but the problem is that the Borg Gate is used to suppress the Tears of the Kingdom.

In Lin Yuan's year, Kingdom Tears and Borg Gate collided, and the result was that Wang Tears lost the Game of the Year award that year. This was something that Lin Yuan felt was a pity.

If these two games were separated, they would definitely win awards.

So Lin Yuan wants to release Tears of the Kingdom first, and then make Borg Gate 3 the year after winning the award.

Therefore, although the Borg Gate is super powerful, I can't mess with the order!


After taking many breaths of air conditioning, Li Lin began to feel speechless.


Lin Ce wants to eat up all the air around me and then suffocate me to death. Doesn’t he need to play games for me?

Lin Ce, are you really such a childish Lin Ce?

And just when Li Lin thought he wanted to say something.

Lin Yuan suddenly clapped his hands and said with a smile: Li Lin, do you like watching movies?

Li Lin: ?

Forget it, that's not important, come on,

let's do it,

Make the greatest game ever.

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