Lin Ce's Favorite Fan

What is a real-machine demonstration? Nanxing gives you a realistic demonstration! 》

The latest trailer of South Star's new game has been released, it will be a western crime game theme! 》

South Star Li Lin announced that the new game will be an open world game that is not inferior to The Legend of Zelda. 》

The Mascot King spoke about the new game. She doesn't understand it. Players who want to know please @Weibo Nanxing Lin Yuan and ask Lin Ce. 》

Is Lin Ce here? Look at your chest hair? ! 》

Most of the topics in the gaming circle revolve around Nan Xing, and when Nan Xing's fake corpse was resurrected, all the traffic in this circle naturally tilted towards Nan Xing.

This is not surprising. If the gaming industry is compared to the entertainment industry, then Nan Xing is the most popular and powerful actor and movie star at the moment.

It will naturally attract everyone's attention.

As for what the Internet said - Lin Ce, look at the chest hair.

Lin Yuan just ignored it and pretended he didn't see it!

Damn it, in order to be more consistent with the prototype of the character, Lin Yuan specially put on fake chest hair when shooting. That's why there are so many photos of Kang Kang Linyuan's chest hair on the Internet.

Well, never mind the chest hair thing.

In short, the result of the trailer is pretty much what Lin Yuan thought.

If he actually appears in the trailer, the amount of online traffic he can get is really huge.

Now even those users outside the circle who don't play games very much have gone to watch the trailer after learning that Nan Xing Lin Yuan himself appeared in the trailer, just to join in the fun.

This is normal, because most people on the Internet will follow the trend, fearing that they will not keep up with a certain trend on the Internet, and then there will be fewer topics with netizens.

Hmm. It feels like if you lose this idea, you will become old-fashioned?

For example, this is like the first cup of milk tea in autumn. It is obviously a big deal, but it can attract most people online to follow the trend and buy milk tea.

However, can you say that this group of people running to buy milk tea because of a slogan is strange?

They are really not surprised, because they themselves do not reject milk tea as a drink. But when they see the slogan The first cup of milk tea in autumn, they would want to buy a cup of milk tea. Is this strange?

Not surprising.

But is it weird for people who don’t follow the trend?

It’s not surprising, because even if they see this slogan, they don’t like drinking milk tea, so even if they see everyone buying it, they won’t follow the trend and buy it.

Because I don’t like milk tea.

The same goes for the trailer for Red Dead Redemption.

This trailer successfully planted an impression in the minds of a group of users who don’t play games very much. This trailer can be viewed as a cool, realistic, and cool live video.

At least 20% to 30% of the users at Station B do not play games, but after watching it, they will find it very cool. This trailer has a pretentious aesthetic!

Just like many people like to watch gangster movies and gangster comics, do they really like gangster culture? No, they just like violence and show off.

After this group of people watched the trailer, Lin Yuan believed that although it cannot be said that Nanxing has directly captured this group, it will give them an impression of the game Red Dead Redemption to some extent.

In this way, when the game is officially released, when they hear the words Red Dead Redemption, they will have an impression in their minds.

When I think back, I will think of - ah, this game, I have seen the trailer before, I feel xxxx.

And when their friends, netizens, and classmates all buy games and talk about how good the games are in their circle of friends and social circles, they don’t play games very much, which doesn’t mean they reject playing games. There are more or less people in this group who can convert into users of Nanxing.

And that’s how marketing works.

Publicity has always been an aspect that game companies must pay attention to.

Some game companies use money to buy traffic and news, while other companies use scandals to grab hot searches and attract topics.

And Nanxing’s announcement


Hu Guangzhi from the pig farm watched the trailer of Nanxing's new game three times, and then he had a question mark on his face.

Hu Guangzhi is really confused now.

Because he really didn't understand what the trailer was about.

So can anyone tell him what this trailer is about? Is this really a game trailer?

This kind of crime, violence, and movie-like clips are released as a trailer for the game?

No, what on earth is Nanxing doing for this step?

And is this really not going to be in harmony with being fucked?

Isn’t violence prohibited in our country?

No, reviewers, please fucking look at this trailer!

People were hung up and burned!

Aren't you going to seal this for them?

Can this be sent out? Did Nanxing give money to each platform? Why didn't I report this to the higher authorities? Aren’t the settings of 16+ games just a decoration? Didn’t it say that it would still be blocked if it should be blocked?

Hu Guangzhi flexed his index finger and tapped his back molar gently on the table.

It’s not like we haven’t used live-action trailers before, but the problem is that they all invite celebrities to endorse, increase traffic, use their celebrity status, and organize activities and benefits to attract users. The main theme is definitely based on game content.

But what about this live-action trailer for Nanxing?

To be honest, Hu Guangzhi didn't see any game content in the whole process!

Throughout the whole process, the cowboy played by Lin Yuan was causing trouble, causing trouble, and killing people everywhere.

Are you sure this isn't a movie trailer? !

What kind of game trailer is this? !

However, Hu Guangzhi did not directly deny Nanxing's trailer, because the trailer has been viewed over 100 million times across the entire network, and the combined click-through rate across all platforms has exceeded 100 million times, proving that a large number of users have watched the trailer. .

Although after watching the trailer, a large number of users will be as depressed as Hu Guangzhi, not knowing what Nan Xing is going to say.

But don’t worry, over 100 million Chinese have already seen this trailer!

And Nanxing must have a reason for doing this, because this is Nanxing!

If another company had done this, Hu Guangzhi would have been slapped with a death sentence.

Death penalty, definitely death penalty!

Isn't this behavior just like holding a knife to your head?

It’s brave enough for an online game to use real celebrities to shoot trailers, because doing so is a double-edged sword.

Everyone, there will be people in the circle who like this star, so naturally there will be people who hate this star. If you attract a group that likes this star, then correspondingly, the group that hates this star will reject this game. , even these people will hack this game because they don’t like this star, and call on everyone not to play this game.

Not to mention that it is difficult for users who come because of celebrities to become loyal users of the game. They can only increase the initial popularity of the game and make the game show a prosperous situation in the early stage, with full users and hot profits.

But what about behind? If you want users to retain and the game to survive, it doesn't depend on the nature of the game - whether it's fun!

Not to mention that because the star's appearance takes up the time of the trailer, the game's content preview is incomplete and loses the attention of some player groups.

Using this double-edged sword is already a very stupid act.

And what about Nanxing?

damn it!

If the company that made this trailer wasn't Nanxing, then Hu Guangzhi would have just called him stupid!

You are a single-player gamer!

You use real people to make a trailer for a stand-alone game, and there is no game content or gameplay at all. If you are not mentally retarded, then what are you? !

So, what is the reason why Nanxing does this?

Hu Guangzhi was really confused.

After thinking about it for a long time, Hu Guangzhi still couldn't figure out the reason why Nan Xing did this, until Hu Guangzhi saw other people speaking in the WeChat group.

Hu Guangzhi suddenly realized this.

Nanxing's promotional video is awesome. Don't worry about whether the game content is there or not. Just tell the players whether they can watch it or not, right?

Indeed, I was thinking about a question after reading it, that is, what is the content of the game? We all think this way, so what will the players think? They must also want to know what the game is about.

It's a bit Riddler, but it's true. Use violence to attract users' attention. After watching this trailer, there is only one word, cool, and it also uses Lin Yuan's fame as traffic, letting Lin Yuan play the protagonist. This wave, this wave is operational.

Where's Brother Guangzhi? Brother Guangzhi, what do you think after reading it?

When Hu Guangzhi saw someone mentioning himself, he thought about it and typed:

Everyone, I have just been thinking about why Nan Xing did this, and now I think clearly.

In fact, Nanxing doesn't need any reason at all to do things. Because this is a game made by Nanxing, so they act like a Riddler and don't reveal any game content, and it won't arouse players' disgust. If they think the trailer is trash, they will This arouses the curiosity of players.

Because Nanxing’s games cannot be bad. Nanxing has never disappointed players from the beginning to now. So I have to say that Lin Ce is not only great at making games, but he is also a genius when it comes to promotions!

After Hu Guangzhi finished typing this sentence and sent it out, he sighed with emotion.

With Lin Yuan in a domestic game, it would be really hard to die!

If you don’t reform, don’t adapt, and don’t pay attention to players, then you will die. There is no place for you to survive in this market.

But as long as we can keep up with Nanxing and make better games for players, we can survive in the market.

It doesn’t matter how much money you make, but at least you can survive and not go bankrupt.

Nanxing has corrected the market, and players have been trained to be like Nanxing. The current increase in paying players is the best proof.

Now, it is no longer the era when people who played pirated games dared to jump out and ridicule genuine players. Nowadays, those who play pirated games do so secretly and do not dare to jump out and ridicule people for spending money to play games.

In fact, it is impossible to completely boycott piracy, and it is not shameful to play piracy, but if you want to play piracy and ridicule genuine players, then it is really not a thing.

Although Hu Guangzhi is in a pig farm, he is still in a high position.

But he was just a worker in a pig farm. As a game planner, how could he not admire Lin Yuan?

The more you understand the game and Nanxing, the more you will admire Lin Yuan.

Thinking about the future, Hu Guangzhi didn't think about it anymore.

Simply start bragging and spanking with these guys in the group.

During this period, some people talked about how much money they made from their games, and Hu Guangzhi looked at these contents with a little envy.

Zhuchang is an online game company, and there are basically no stand-alone games. However, the current domestic game market is geared towards stand-alone games, because it is more affordable to play stand-alone, and you will not be scolded for cheating.

No, if I play a stand-alone game and open Wind Spirit Moon Shadow, will it still affect you?

It can't be affected, right?

Therefore, there is indeed one thing about stand-alone games that is better than online games, and that is that it is more enjoyable.

Although there is a lack of sociability, if the plot and gameplay are full, sociability is really not that important.

Thinking of this, Hu Guangzhi secretly opened Tianyou, logged into his Tianyou account, and then paid a lot of attention to the publisher Nanxing.


Get ready to play South Star’s new game!


time flies.

In a blink of an eye, July is here.

Another summer is coming, and Nanxing is also hiring this year. In other words, in March of this year, Nanxing hired a large number of people, and the number of employees at the Nanxing headquarters in Los Angeles officially reached 2,000.

In this recruitment, Nanxing directly recruited nearly a thousand people, almost monopolizing the market of game workers Mengxin. As for the Nanxing branch in Magic City, it also expanded its staff and hired hundreds of people.

The good news is that there must be more than a thousand people graduating from gaming every year. The bad news is that all the talented and well-educated talents have been snatched away by Nanxing.

It cannot be said that it was Nanxing Lao, but that these people went to Nanxing themselves.

Maybe after joining the Pig and Goose Factory, the salary of the regular employees will be higher than that of Nanxing, but the problem is... it is also harder than Nanxing!

Last year, after an employee of Nanxing posted his work diary on the forum with permission from his superiors, game workers across the country became jealous, okay!

Eat snacks, drink drinks, play games at work, and still get paid!

And this is not just a day or two, but several months!

Is there anyone who is willing to go without a fucking salary?

No, yes, you want to get in even if you pay for it, okay? !

Isn’t this a paid friendship vacation? !

Therefore, Nanxing's current employee wages are not the highest, but employee benefits and company atmosphere are definitely the best in the country.

In mid-July, the expanded Nanxing also officially handed over an answer sheet to the players.

The official promotional video for Red Dead Redemption was also officially released this month.

As soon as this trailer was released, not to mention the players, even the senior employees of various game companies nodded with satisfaction.

Well, it is indeed the basic operation of Nanxing!

Haha, look at the rain!

On this rainy day, ordinary companies can't do it!

What's wrong is that even if you could do it, you wouldn't spend the money on something like this!

Rainy day scenes are random. Let’s not talk about whether players really value rainy days. If players do, what about ordinary rainy days? Will it cause resentment among players?

of course not!

Only Nanxing can strive for excellence like this.

Look at the grass, the mountains, and the special effects again

Damn, it’s really Nan Xing’s style!

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