The Pokémon World is on fire, and this fire is different from other games.

What's the difference?

The difference is that Pokémon World is a game that can truly break out of the game circle. It is not only limited to the game circle, providing players with topics to talk about, but also making people outside the circle raise their feet curiously. , took a step forward and peeked in to see what was going on.

Because Pokémon World really has no threshold, it does not require learning costs, and the game’s fool-proof teaching allows players to immediately understand what they should do, why they should do it, and what the meaning of it is after they get started.

Therefore, since the day the game was released, the highest number of online users of the game has been rising linearly. From the average online time of ten hours, it can be seen that Pokémon World is really popular!

The fire is out of the circle!

Of course, this is also inseparable from the release time of Pokémon World.

The release time of the game coincides with the three-day Tomb Sweeping Day holiday in China, and it is not put on sale on the day of Tomb Sweeping Day, so it avoids the time when most players need to go up and down the mountain to worship their ancestors on Tomb Sweeping Day. The game The release date was moved to the next day, which allowed most students and class dogs on that day to have time to play the game.

Therefore, the average online time of domestic players far exceeds the average online time of overseas players.

Everyone, what does the average player's ten hours of online time mean? It shows that the player stickiness and activity level of this game has reached full, which shows that this game is really poisonous and addictive to play.

The last game released by Nanxing that made so many players addicted was Overwatch, but even Overwatch was online for an average of seven hours. This alone has defeated all domestic game manufacturers.

A game that allows users to stay online for an average of three hours is enough to be proud of.

If it can keep users online for five hours, it is already ahead of most domestic game manufacturers and ranked at the forefront.

You have to know that a survey was conducted on the Chinese and American game markets, and this survey was also very interesting.

One thing is fully proven, that is, domestic players of different ages have no time to play games because of different times.

According to data surveys, the average weekly gaming time of Chinese players is 47 hours, while the average weekly gaming time of American players is more than 70 hours.

You must know that this statistics is based on the online time of players, so the group has been limited. So what causes the Chinese people to not play as well as foreigners in terms of game time? Hmm. This issue cannot be discussed in detail.

But when you think about it, it’s nothing more than pressure from studies and work. Especially after adulthood, there are too many things that you can’t control.

Therefore, although Nanxing cleverly chose to release the game during the holidays, even so, the online time of more than ten hours also proved the gold content of Nanxing.

The explosive success of Pokémon World has also spawned all kinds of memes.

On the day of April 6th, some comments about the Pokémon World appeared on various platforms. The discussion was extremely heated, and later it even became a phenomenon-level meme.

And about this.

Nanxing, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun were originally playing Pokémon World together, but after learning about this joke from Xu Xiao in the afternoon, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun couldn't play anymore.

Looking at the Pikachu standing on the small wooden platform in the camp, facing a motor that exploded and electrified, Lin Yuan really couldn't imagine how the players could bear to exploit these cute creatures.

Well, what Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun saw was a post called - Pokémon World Code, also known as the Pokémon Bible.

Article 1: The most indispensable thing in the Pokémon world is Pokémon. If you don’t do it, Pokémon will do it!

Article 2: Even if you have a Pokémon with Level 3 Expertise, but you have a red habit, you are not as good as a Level 1 Pokémon with a yellow entry.

Article 3: The cost of a Pokémon depends on how many Pokémon balls are spent, and the cost of an ordinary Pokémon ball is, so if a Pokémon cannot work to produce several times as many supplies, then increase the Pokémon Intensity of dream work.

Article 4: Let a Pokémon work at high intensity around the clock. After it becomes tired and falls ill, it will be more efficient to sell it and replace it with a new Pokémon.

Article 5: Pokémon don’t need a good living environment or food, so we just need to put a straw bed casually and feed some fruits. If a Pokémon gets upset because of this, it’s because it doesn’t understand. Anyway, sold it.

Article 6: Pokémon are born to work for our trainers. Pokémon that cannot work for our trainers have no value in existence. Let them refresh themselves.

Article 7: If Pokémon can endure hardship, they can endure more hardship. Since they can endure high-intensity work and maintain their mood, they must be able to withstand higher-intensity work.

Article 8: If the Pokémon opposes the trainer, then it means that the trainer has done the right thing. If it agrees with the trainer, then it also means that the trainer has done the right thing.

Article 9.

Article 10.

There was a long row filled with rules and regulations called the Pokémon Bible, but after reading them, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun felt a sense of discomfort.

It's said to be the Pokémon Code. How come it's so similar to someone in reality?

In particular, why does the bible of major Internet companies look so much like the employee codes of some major Internet companies?

Nanxing has always been an open and free company that allows employees to have their own space.

As a result, there have been many voices from the outside world, especially those from colleagues. They believe that Nanxing is too laissez-faire to its employees, and that Nanxing will only slowly go bankrupt. But what is the actual situation?

The benefits of employees have improved, but their work efficiency has not decreased as a result.

If sitting in front of the computer with nothing to do and giving a good impression to the leader is called work, then indeed, the employees of Nanxing will not do such a thing.

In short, from this Pokémon Bible, all Lin Yuan saw was the word worker.

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun also discussed this.

This is wrong! This game is about pampering Pokémon, how can you exploit Pokémon?

How do I know what the players think? We have tried our best to make Pokémon cute, and have also reduced the need for players to repeatedly collect materials and resources. We have also increased the expressions of Pokémon to make them more human. It is more cute and vivid, especially the pitiful expressions when you are sick or unhappy. Lin Yuan was also confused about this.


Such a cute Pokémon, do you really have the heart to exploit it?

Pikachu stands upright, holding a small bag in its two little paws, and kicking its short legs left and right. How cute, so serious, and so solemn in its eyes!

Can this be exploited?

How can you exploit Pokémon!

And this meme has really spread to all parts of the Internet.

Even some people who don’t have time to play games have picked up this joke.

In this regard

Southern Star issued an announcement that afternoon.

Nanxing Games: The content of False Pokémon Bible is as follows - the real Pokémon Bible!

The official statement has come out!

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