Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 190 The wolves of the Southern Star attack!

Han Sheng wears Nanxing's work badge. His current position at Nanxing is that of a programmer who has been employed for two years. If divided by time using a pyramid, Hansheng is in the second batch of employees at Nanxing, and is the second largest employee. Yu Xuxiao was the group of employees who joined Nanxing from Luoyang Li Lin.

Therefore, after two years of employment, he may still be a newcomer in other circles, but in Nanxing, Han Sheng has already won many masterpieces. He is a mid-level backbone employee of Nanxing, and he is also the kind of talent that major outside manufacturers desire. .

Look, after two years of employment experience, he has become a talent that big companies outside are craving for. This is naturally related to the cultivation of Nanxing. Han Sheng can become a coveted meat and potatoes of the outside world not only because of his status as a key employee of Nanxing. It's also because he is really capable.

Let’s put it this way, Han Sheng is involved in the work of Nanxing’s works that everyone is familiar with on the market, such as Pokémon, Overwatch, Big Cousin, Pick Love and other games, and at the same time, he is not just a part-time job. Work.

The adaptability and learning ability of young people are very strong. Therefore, with the large amount of work experience provided by Nanxing, Han Sheng is no longer the Han Sheng who was trembling when he just graduated and was afraid of joining the job as a handyman. Now Han Sheng is , is a top programmer who is confident that he can break through the sky. Except for the team leader, the three generals, and Lin Ce, he is not convinced by anyone.

At this moment, Han Sheng was wearing simple casual clothes and was returning from the cafeteria with his colleagues.

Nanxing's canteen was built some time ago. The food in the canteen tastes very good and there are many types of dishes. They will be rotated every Wednesday, with more than a dozen varieties at a time, so you don't have to worry about it. The problem of getting tired of eating in the canteen.

And the most important thing is that the price in the canteen is not expensive. You can eat big fish and meat with a bowl of soup for only ten or twenty yuan per meal. In restaurants outside, the starting price is at least 40 yuan, and the employee benefits are It only costs about 20 yuan. What kind of bicycle do you need?

Therefore, Han Sheng walked into the company with his colleagues, clenching his teeth and picking his teeth with a toothpick, shaking his head.

As soon as he walked past the front desk, Han Sheng planned to say hello to the front desk. He really liked the girl at the front desk. She was very good-looking and had a good personality. The most important thing was that she also had a very good figure and those beautiful long legs!

Needless to say, although Nanxing has not yet reached the standards of a major company, no one in the outside world, including peers, would think that Nanxing is not a major Internet company. Therefore, the company's reputation is naturally high.

The ladies at the front desk all have bachelor's degrees. They are good-looking, have emotional intelligence, and have nice voices.

Naturally, Han Sheng, a single mother, would be full of love.

Porridge, have you eaten? Han Sheng walked forward, smiling and chatting with the girl with long hair and airy bangs at the front desk.

No, what, do you want to treat me to dinner? Congee is a girl with a round face. Although she has a round baby face, she is not short. She looks like she is over 1.65 meters tall. She smiles The two dimples at the corners of her mouth are very cute.

Han Sheng took out his meal card politely and said, Swipe, swipe hard.

Who wants to swipe your card? I'm kidding. By the way, Brother Sheng, the administrative department issued a new task this afternoon. It's not to arrange the department to make new games, but to select company employees to go to other companies for technical support. You want to Come and find out? Food, accommodation and travel expenses are included, but there is no bonus. Congee rolled his eyes at Han Sheng, stretched out his little hand to push away his meal card, and then said again.

Technical support? Han Sheng was stunned and didn't understand.

What is technical support?

But don’t mention it, Han Sheng is really interested. After Pokémon World is completed, everyone will have nothing to do in the short term. The daily task is to maintain the game, and then take shifts to update some operating games. , most employees will be idle as a result.

At the beginning, it was quite comfortable for everyone to sit idle, but as time went on, it was inevitable that they would become a little bored after being idle for a long time.

Therefore, Han Sheng was very interested.

Technical support. Why does it feel like it’s just showing off to external technology?

It’s good to show off!

College students love to show off!

Han Sheng didn't even try to show off when he went home for the New Year this year! Although the salary is high, how can you show off to your relatives and a group of old people at home? The old people would only urge him to start a family as soon as he can make money and have the skills.

Haha, I’m so annoying!

Porridge nodded and said: Yes, it was arranged by Mr. Feng himself. The employees took the initiative to apply to participate. Brother Sheng, isn't it time for your holiday again? I think this is what Mr. Feng has given you. Many people have already signed up to participate in the activities we have prepared. Congee said with some envy.

What are the vacation times for Nanxing’s technicians?

Ha, it is no longer a secret to the outside world that you can fish with pay for a few months. You must know that there are many big up owners of small broken sites who come to visit Nanxing with their permission. Every time they come to visit, One place they must go to is the employees' rest area, and every time they go there, they will find a large group of employees gathering together to play games.

After interviewing Nanxing employees and making a video, it will be the envy of employees of other manufacturers.

Why can Nanxing’s employees get paid while we don’t even get overtime pay? !

This comparison is really infuriating!

Han Sheng nodded immediately, Then can you sign up for me?

Of course not! You have to go by yourself. Congee immediately shook his head and said.

Han Sheng was happy and nodded: Okay, then I'll sign up now. If I succeed, I'll treat you to dinner.

Okay. Congee nodded.

Nanxing is not opposed to workplace romance, and therefore, many employees in Nanxing are already together. After all, in the Internet industry, the circle of friends will become extremely small over time, and it is easy to digest internally.

Most of Nanxing's employees are young people, who are the most unable to hold back the fruits of love. Therefore, Nanxing's beautiful clerks and sisters have become popular.

Therefore, Congee knew Han Sheng's feelings for her, but she did not reject or oppose it. At the same time, she also had a good impression of Han Sheng.

After all, Han Sheng’s conditions are very good!

Twenty-six years old, with an annual salary of several hundred thousand, his own car, his career is on the rise, he is not short, and he is quite good-looking. The only drawback is that he does not know how to dress well.

But, is it a minus point if my boyfriend doesn’t know how to dress well?

Of course not!

If your boyfriend doesn’t know how to dress, your girlfriend can!

Therefore, the situation between He Churro and Han Sheng was tacitly understood among the company's employees, and colleagues who were close to Han Sheng often made fun of it.

After waving to Congee, Han Sheng got on the elevator and found his colleague.

Do you know about the company's latest technical support activities?

The colleague who had a good relationship with Han Sheng glanced at Han Sheng, smiled contemptuously, reached out to unbutton the first button of his plaid shirt, and said, I have already signed up. The manager said that I have a high probability of being selected. There is a shortage of people like me in the industry right now. Top notch art!”

Han Sheng looked at the boastful guy with disdain, then pulled him and said, Let's go, take me to sign up.

Don't go. There are only 200 people at this event. You programmers have already signed up for more than 500 people. Artists account for at least a quarter. Among the remaining 150 people, you may not be selected.

Stop talking nonsense and let's go. Han Sheng pulled him.

The colleague hummed, then stood up and walked towards the registration place with Han Sheng.

When Han Sheng arrived, he looked at it dumbfounded.

Holy shit, there's already a queue here? No, I didn't see these guys being so active when we were playing games in the rest area!

Isn't it obligatory without reward? Han Sheng said puzzledly.

There was a long queue in front of me. People were queuing up with registration forms and entered the transparent conference room one by one.

A colleague next to him laughed and said, I'll let you just focus on cooking and picking up girls all day long. If you want to go to dinner later, can't you sign up first?

Who knew there would be sudden activity? Han Sheng said speechlessly.

However, he still queued up honestly.

Until he entered the conference room and saw the section chief of the personnel department.

Has the form been filled out?

Filled out.

Well, the technical support targets for this event are the friends of the National Star Game Association. Do you have a company you would like to go to? the HR section chief asked.

The HR section chief is much older than Han Sheng. Although Nanxing is a young company, the managers and employees in management naturally recruit experienced veterans. The HR section chief is just one step older than Han Sheng. He is already Middle-aged.

But in such a young and energetic company, the behavior of the personnel chief is also infected by the company atmosphere, and he can also joke with young employees.

Everything is subject to the company's arrangements. Han Sheng said immediately.

He really doesn't want to pretend to be wrong, and he really doesn't want to go to a technical support company. Therefore, any company can be arranged for him to go, as long as he can go!

The section chief laughed meaningfully and said, You are not the first to say this. I understand, I understand everything.

Okay, go back and wait for the notification. If you are selected, someone will be arranged to notify you. You can also check the background email and mobile phone.

Okay. Han Sheng nodded.

After leaving the conference room and returning to the office area with his colleagues, Han Sheng began to look forward to it.

Three days later, at eight o'clock in the morning, Han Sheng got up from his apartment and the first thing he did was check his phone.

He has been doing this for the past few days. The first thing he does before going to bed and getting up every day is to check his phone to see if he has been selected.

But now, when he turned on his phone, Han Sheng, who was still a little confused when he woke up, suddenly woke up.

It's done! Holy shit, I'm in!

Han Sheng shouted excitedly.

An hour later, Han Sheng arrived in front of the Nanxing Building and walked into the company in high spirits.

It's a pity that He Congee has a day off today, otherwise Han Sheng would definitely have to pass the good news to He Congee.

Humming a little tune, he walked into the elevator. When he arrived at the office area, Han Sheng saw his close colleague sitting there with a sad expression.

Han Sheng was happy when he saw his expression.

Not selected?

With that fucking expression on your face, you won't be selected, right? The colleague looked at Han Sheng unhappily.

Han Sheng laughed, took out his phone, unlocked it and faced him, See for yourself!

Grass ah ah ah!

Why! my colleague shouted.

Han Sheng laughed and returned to his work station.

Turning on the computer, after a while, Han Sheng also received an email with detailed arrangements, such as the departure date, where and what company he would go to, how many days he would be there, etc.

After reading it with gusto, Han Sheng joined the group of colleagues and then posted the company he went to in the group.

Group 3 Zhouyu: Han Sheng, I also went to Menghe. What should I say?

Group 6 Han Sheng: Let’s have dinner together in the evening.

Group 3 Zhouyu: No problem, I have a few people here who are going to Menghe together, let’s go together.

Group 6 Han Sheng: OK.

Closing the chat group happily, Han Sheng looked forward to the upcoming technical support activities even more!

In Nanxing, everyone comes from the same sect. Although they have high and low abilities, it is really not advisable to show off to their fellow apprentices. Another thing is that there are too many fierce people in Nanxing.

But what about outside?

Then, you really need to put on a good show!


The National Star Gaming Association is currently the gaming association that peers in the industry most want to join.

Although after the Nationstar Five, game manufacturers in Nationstar have not produced hit games anymore. Think about it, how can it be possible for a hit game to appear in just a few months? Even if there is a hit movie in a few months, it cannot be produced by a manufacturer in Guoxing.

But even so, with Tianyou's traffic support activities, the game manufacturers in the Nationstar Game Association are doing better than each other.

Just look at the increasingly rosy faces of the Nation Star bosses and you can tell that they have indeed been living a happy life recently.

At the moment, Qiu Yu, who is in Changshui, is looking at his notebook with excitement on his face, chatting in the group chat of the National Star Gaming Association.

Changshui President Qiu: Everyone, President Feng has spoken. The employees of Nanxing will set off the day after tomorrow to come to our companies to provide technical support.

Overlord Zheng: I have already arranged the banquet and am waiting for the talents from Nanxing to arrive.

Mr. Heyeliu: I have been assigned 6 programs and two artists. What about you?

The group was extremely lively, and Qiu Yu also posted the number of Nanxing employees assigned to his company.

Although Changshui made the phenomenal mobile game Flash Nuannuan, Qiu Yu did not over-inflate because of it. There was a small expansion, but fortunately many years of hard work allowed Qiu Yu to calm down.

Changshui did not expand, but kept it as it was. After all, Flash Nuannuan does not need many employees to maintain and operate.

Therefore, due to size issues, the number of Nanxing employees assigned to Changshui this time is not large.

Qiu Yu said in the chat group: I was assigned 3 programs and 1 artist.

Someone told Qiu Yu that it was a bit too little.

Qiu Yu immediately said: That's enough, these are the key employees of Nanxing.

The man immediately said so.

Yes, these are the key employees of Nanxing!

Two days later——

Han Sheng got off the plane, and under the reception of Menghe Network Company, the group went to a nice local hotel.

During the dinner, Han Sheng did not drink. Instead, after finishing the meal, he immediately said, Please, supervisor, take us to see your new game first.

The supervisor from Qinghe was stunned, and then immediately said with a smile: Okay, okay, we're leaving now, we're leaving now.

As expected of a college student.

It’s so easy to get along with!

Still rushing to work!

The supervisor thought happily.

Let’s not talk about capabilities. Just because people who come can use it for free is already a great thing, right?

As for whether there will be a conflict?

Thinking about the quality of college students, there will definitely be no conflict!

And that night, such things happened inside the companies of various star game associations in various cities.

at the same time,

Nanxing Building——

Lin Yuan looked at the messages on his phone, then looked out the window, and said with a headache:

These wolves have really been let loose.


Under the skin of kind-hearted college students, these employees are wolves at heart.

only hope,

Employees in various companies should not be scolded by them and cry.

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