Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 35 What kind of game does this guy play? Find him and bring him to Xingle!

At nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Zhengmin released the modified video. After the review, the video was officially uploaded. Jiang Zhengmin did not turn over to sleep. Instead, with scarlet eyes, he started searching Weibo about the Legend of Sword and Fairy Tale album.

It makes sense. Jiang Zhengmin believes that this pure music album will definitely be popular. Pure music is music that does not rely on lyrics or the singing ability of the singer, but uses the most original musical method to express the emotions that the creator wants to describe. This kind of music is It's very extreme. If it's popular, it's a household name. You may not be able to pronounce its name when asked, but as long as you hear the music, the memory in your DNA will be triggered immediately and you will remember it instantly.

If it is not popular, it is just the background sound in games or movies. When you hear it, you will remember your loneliness.

However, this pure music album of Legend of Sword and Fairy will definitely become a hit. This is Jiang Zhengmin’s confidence in his career.

At half past nine, Jiang Zhengmin took the time to take a look at the broken site, but the information he collected made Jiang Zhengmin, who had been busy all night, feel ashamed.

Legend of Sword and Fairy, pure music you have never heard before! 》

Xianxia Music Orthodoxy is in Xianxia Game! 》

Music produced by a game company, good music that you must not miss! 》

On Station B, a music-related UP owner released a video about the pure music album of Sword and Fairy 6 faster than Jiang Zhengmin, which made Jiang Zhengmin feel ashamed.

He also felt that he should promote it, but now looking at it, there is no need to use him at all!

Think about it, the videos made by Jiang Zhengmin are of high quality, unlike the music made by these up owners. You only need to edit the audio, find a few pictures, and then publish them with a nice narration. Therefore, after Jiang Zhengmin worked hard to use When writing lyrics and looking for the works of domestic masters to compare and contrast, these music up owners known as marketing accounts have already prepared videos for release.

At this moment, on the single-day hot list of station B, the fourth place is a video released by Xiaxia Music, an up owner with hundreds of thousands of followers - Pure music that Chinese people must not miss! 》

The marketing account is the marketing account, and the title style is full of flavor!

But it already has 1.2 million views and 70,000 likes. It can be seen that this wave, Xiaxia Music has taken a big hit.

Jiang Zhengmin opened the video and looked at the comment area below.

Is this music really produced by a game company? Why do I not believe it so much?

I listened to it in the pdd live broadcast room. After listening to it, Fatty rubbed his eyes and almost cried. He said that he would buy 500 copies of Fairy Sword when it was released to boost Nanxing's performance.

Brother Kai said, this music is the most awesome!

It's rare that Xiaoxuan didn't go against the grain and said the music was good.

I'm sick of hearing it. I cycled through the sword-fighting arena in the boss's live broadcast room for three full hours!

It's majestic and majestic. This is the kind of fairy music that Chinese people should have. Nowadays, not only the settings of movies and TV dramas are going to the island country, but even the music style is also going to the island country. I admit that the pure music of the island country is great, and there are many Master, but if Xianxia music is played in a minor key, can it really have the flavor of Xianxia?

The anticipation is so high that I'm already imagining a world where I pick up a sword and start saving the world. So when will Legend of Sword and Fairy be released?

What is Nanxing?

There were thousands of comments, so Jiang Zhengmin took a look at the ones with the most likes. After reading them, Jiang Zhengmin was furious.

Yes, music is suitable for the public, and pure music is even more so. Whether it sounds good or not, the audience has the most say. Nanxing’s leader Lin Yuan is really fucking awesome!

Feeling sleepy, Jiang Zhengmin squinted his eyes, stood up and stretched. After a brief wash, Jiang Zhengmin planned to go to bed.

But when Jiang Zhengmin fell into sleep, there was a craze on the Internet because of a pure music album.

In the information age, some things don’t need time to ferment.

Nowadays, there is no such thing as hiding the aroma of wine in deep alleys.

Good things should be known!


At half past one that afternoon.

Xingle Interactive Entertainment, as a first-line entertainment company in China, is involved in various projects including film, television, music, and variety shows. Xingle, which is headquartered in Shanghai, today, a project is going on on the thirteenth floor of Xingle. an impromptu meeting.

The initiator of the meeting was the director of Production Department No. 3. At this moment, she was holding a stack of paper with a dissatisfied look on her face, with a projection screen behind her, and an angry look on her face.

So, in July, Huang Tianci lost the opportunity because of keywords. Well, I won't say anything about this. There are always a few guys on the music list every month who don't know where they came from. Those who jump out are either the new generation of geniuses with extraordinary talents, or some old guys who shamelessly open trumpets to compete for the rankings.

Accompanied by Liu Yun's voice, several older people sitting below coughed at the same time, with embarrassed looks on their faces.

They were members of Production Department No. 3. They were all well-known in the music circle and had written many great songs, but Liu Yun's words scolded them.

No, isn't it normal for this person to have a few vests when he is wandering around the world?

Huang Tianci's business is not important. I didn't expect him to be popular. If it weren't for the fact that he is Manager Huang's nephew, I would have told him to get out. I sent him to listen to my music, and he turned out to be here. He is a big name in the show! He is a guy who has just debuted, where does his face come from? Who gives him the confidence? As a traffic niche, yes, he is good-looking, but in the show, he is not good-looking. Can he be in the top five?

Minister Liu, cough, Manager Huang is here too.

What? Did I scold him? Isn't the person I'm talking about his nephew? Liu Yun turned her head and looked at the person who reminded her, and sneered, her beautiful face full of disdain.

Huang He, do you have any objections?

On one side, Huang He didn't squint his eyes, pretending not to hear what Liu Yun said.

I'm joking that although I am the manager of the production department, Liu Yun's grandfather is the founder of Xingle.

Just pretend you didn’t hear it!

He already regretted joining in the fun now. He shouldn't have asked how Sanbu's album was doing!

It's fine now, just in time for Liu Yun to be angry.

Forget it, let's not talk about Huang Tianci. His character is destined to be unpopular! Now, let's talk about business. Everyone, the preparation of the new song started in August and has taken four months so far. During this period, I have been looking for Seven songwriters in the industry are trying to make Zhou Chengzheng have a hot comeback album, but what? The album is only released in a few days, but someone told me that the album's bid to be number one on the chart has failed?

As Liu Yun spoke, she slapped the table, and everyone underneath them all put on innocent expressions.

What did you tell me at the beginning? You said that you had already negotiated with other companies, and you also asked your friends in the industry. You also said that the album has good songs and it will definitely become the best album in December. , it will definitely dominate the charts if it is released, saying that even if other companies release songs, we are not afraid of bumping into them. Well, we are not afraid, right? So tell me now, what is this pure music album about?

Liu Yun stretched out her hand to look at everyone, but raised her hand and pointed her slender fingers at the projection screen behind her.

On it was an anime image. It was a beautiful female character in a purple skirt. Liu Yun couldn't name her or recognize her.

And next to it is the name of the music, four words - Hui Mangyouxian.

No one answered Liu Yun's question.

But Liu Yun is still firing on all cylinders, outputting like crazy:

The three of us are now going to lose to a pure music album, right?!

It doesn't matter if we lose to a record company like Ninetowns or Ledie. I'll admit it if we lose to them. There are as many first-line producers in the company as dogs, and there are also music kings. However, the problem is that now we actually Did you lose to a game company? Ah↑?

Four months of planning, and then lost to a game company? It's still a small game company!

No, what will I do when you ask me to hold a meeting in the department? What will I say when the director of Department No. 2 and the director of Department No. 1 take this matter for fun?

You are shameless, but I still want to be shameless!

Minister, minister, calm down. A round-faced girl wearing glasses said from the side.

When one person spoke, the rest of the people below also dared to speak.

The only first-line producer of Production Department No. 3, an elegant middle-aged man with the stage name He Xin also said: Mr. Liu, the quality of this album is already on par with the chart-topping albums released by Ninetowns and Ledie. Reply Sleepwalker, Butterfly Love, Lin'an Chuyu, Yujian Jianghu, these four pieces of music can be in the top ten of the list at any time, even if they are just pure music.

And now, these musics have been integrated into one album. He Xin smiled bitterly, and continued: When I first heard The Dreamer, I thought it was the work of Teacher Lin Wencheng, but after listening to Yu Jian After Jianghu, I gave up this idea because the works of Teacher Lin Wencheng were delicate but lost their atmosphere. This should be the work of Teacher Liang Bing.

But I asked Teacher Lin Wencheng, and he said that Teacher Liang Bing recently produced BGM for Hesheng Films, so this cannot be his work, and Die Lian and Lin'an Chuyu don't look like Teacher Liang Bing's style.


He Xin would like to say that it is not a shame to lose to this album, because every piece of music in this album is used in film and television dramas, and people will rush to get it. This is a true masterpiece.

You must know that Lin Wencheng and Liang Bing are both kings of music. The latter has also produced classic piano music and is a true master in the industry.

It’s not a shame to lose to them!

But, Liu Yun understands all the truth, but if he understands, he should understand, and if he is angry, he should be angry, okay?

Because you have said this to be fancy, but to put it bluntly, isn’t it that Xingle’s three music productions, after four months of hard work and nearly tens of millions of dollars in promotion and production, really lost to a game company? chant?

That's right, Minister, these pieces of music are really amazing, especially this song Die Lian. I've already got the piano score. Although it's simple, it's full of emotion. And I found out that this music producer named Lin Yuan, He is truly a genius when it comes to using Chinese-style musical instruments!”

He really played the erhu to great effect. The erhu in The Dreamer is really great!

The drum sound of Yu Jian Jiang Hu is also very good. This is the first time I have seen such a perfect integration of drums and flute.

The group of people below suddenly turned into a team of boasters.

Liu Yun's expression became even more unnatural, and then she clapped her hands and said loudly: Stop it!

I came to you for a meeting to ask you how you plan to solve the issue of Zhou Chengzheng's comeback album, not to ask you to praise the producer named Lin Yuan! I have ears and I can listen myself!

The problem that needs to be solved now is that Zhou Chengzheng has already said on Weibo that the release date of his album is the 15th. There are only a few days until the 15th. What should we do then?

Someone at the bottom gave an opinion: Let's put it next month. If it is released this month, it will definitely not be able to grab the list. The quality of this music album is too high.

Indeed, Minister, let Zhou Chengzheng post on Weibo to say it. It will only take half a month.

A group of people started chattering.

The final solution is to avoid this month’s album list because the quality of this pure music is really great!

I can't touch this!

Unless you find big guys like Lin Wencheng and Liang Bing, who else can touch this music album? Another thing, even if Lin Wencheng and Liang Bing really come, they still have to have time to make music, right?

So the situation this December has basically been determined.

In December, on the Q Village music list, the music that dominated the list was not a domestic music company or entertainment company, but a game company?

Okay, next question. After Zhou Chengzheng's matter was resolved, Liu Yun spoke again.

Ah, do you have any questions?

Why are there so many questions today?

“It’s already time for afternoon tea”

Listening to the voice of the person below, the corners of Liu Yun's mouth twitched.

These guys

Because they are from the production department, as long as they can deliver results every month, the rest of the time is very relaxed. Therefore, this group of people have developed such a lazy character.

Liu Yun took a deep breath and said, I've already had someone investigate. Lin Yuan, who made this album, is the director of a game company.

Someone down there suddenly took a breath of air.

What the hell?

Forget it if you lose to a game company,

What this means now is that they lost to a game director?

A group of people who make music lose to a person who makes games? !

No, damn it!

He Xin, who had previously looked like there was nothing he could do about losing, was also dumbfounded. He thought that this person named Lin Yuan was a disciple of a certain master who produced such an album with the help of his teacher, or maybe It's the vest of some old monster.

But now Liu Yun said that he is a game player?

No, how come you, a game maker, are making music albums?

Seeing that everyone could not sit still, Liu Yun smiled with satisfaction in her heart.

She was also dumbfounded when she got the information in the morning. The words programmer and college graduate made Liu Yun almost want to slap herself to see if she was awake.

But that's the fact

Now, many music companies should have sent invitations to Lin Yuan. Of course, we at Xingle cannot let go of such a talent, so I plan to recruit Lin Yuan in the name of the third part.

It's really a waste for a guy like this to play games. What kind of game can he do with his talent?

So, Mengshu, your next task is to find him and bring him to Xingle!

Liu Yun said loudly.



What's wrong?

Lin Yuan was typing code in Feng Shuyun's office, and Feng Shuyun was sitting next to him. Since there was only one desk in the office, the two of them used it together.

Lin Yuan was typing codes, while Feng Shuyun was playing games.

And Feng Shuyun suddenly shivered, the kind that was very exaggerated, shaking from his feet to his head.

This made Lin Yuan look at her with concern.

Feng Shuyun rubbed his nose, squinted his eyes and said, I don't know, but suddenly I feel like my things are being remembered.

Damn it! Feng Shuyun stretched out his fist and waved it vigorously, Could it be that another game company is coming to rob you? I knew that one day!

Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun, who looked stingy and looked like a miser, and felt funny.

He's not going anywhere now.

Nan Xing has become a part of him, not because the system is bound to Nan Xing, but because Lin Yuan has met familiar people in a strange world and has a sense of belonging.

This is also the reason why Mr. Lin Yuan likes to come to the company.

Secondly, Lin Yuan really likes playing games now.

Another and the smallest reason?

That is, having a beautiful boss who is obedient and brings you food is simply not a good thing.

Therefore, he will not leave Nanxing.

But if you think this way, what you say is different from what you mean.

Ha, then you have to be careful. If I feel uncomfortable, you will be finished if I leave Nanxing.

Tsk, you won't leave. Your shares have increased to 30, what else do you want? Feng Shuyun said with a groan.

Recently, she gave Lin Yuan a salary increase!

Now, Lin Yuan owns 30% of Nanxing's shares and has been bound to Nanxing!

If Nanxing goes bankrupt, Lin Yuan will have no choice but to drink in Northwest

its not right!

Feng Shuyun was suddenly startled.

Lin Yuan is very talented!

If Nanxing really goes bankrupt, Lin Yuan can go somewhere else!

But I'm different... I can only eat and play!

Thinking of this, Feng Shuyun stood up suddenly.

? Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun doubtfully.

Then, Feng Shuyun picked up Lin Yuan's cup and ran to a corner of the office to get water. Then she came back with a flattering smile and put the water cup next to Lin Yuan's hand. She squatted down cutely.

Chief Lin, Xiao Fengzi will give you some water!

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