Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 46 New project, the favorite thing of Chinese people!

On April 7th, it was destined that Legend of Sword and Fairy would become a hit.

But at the same time, a public opinion storm also hit Legend of Sword and Fairy Tale and Nan Xing in the face.

When Li Lin and other employees returned to the company, the first thing they had to do was to receive new people from the company and form a new department team.

Li Lin and other employees also knew something about the Internet, but they were helpless about it.

The budget of Fairy Sword exceeds 100 million?

As the third-in-command of Nanxing, how come I don’t know that our game production cost 100 million?

We only used 40 million!

And now half a month has passed, and the sales of Legend of Sword and Fairy have exceeded 600,000 copies. It has paid back its capital in half a month, and it is still selling at a very stable rate. It will definitely be close to that in this month. to a million copies.

In addition, we plan to put it on the steam platform, and we will be able to make money from foreigners. Although due to cultural differences, we will definitely not make much money, but mosquito meat is also meat, right?

As for the outside world's belief that Sword and Fairy Tale spent 100 million in production funds, Li Lin knows the reason. It's because Sword and Fairy Tale was produced so smoothly. But in fact, internal employees all know that the production of Sword and Fairy Tale really cost a lot of money. .

Well, that is to say, a lot of money was spent on outsourcing, such as hiring Meixing and the special effects team to help create scenes. As for the company's internal staff, um, scenes, etc., these things don't seem to be too expensive?

You must know that when we were working on Fairy Sword, we only had a team of more than 20 people. After becoming a regular employee, one person is worth 15,000 yuan a month, and 20 people are only a few hundred thousand a month. For half a year of manpower, the cost is only a month. The current income of Circle Night can make up for it, not to mention Animal Party, a monster game produced at a low cost.

Nanxing's labor costs for making games are really low. It would take another company to make the game Fairy Sword, let alone half a year, two or three years. However, Nanxing's development path is so smooth that Li Lin The idea of ​​making games is really damn easy came up.

But Li Lin also understands that the boss and Lin Ce are suffering now.

Is it possible for Boss Feng to say to the outside world, everyone, in fact, we only spent 40 million, because we made the game very smoothly. You may seem to have spent a lot of money on Legend of Sword and Fairy, but in fact we really It cost nothing!

If you say this, there will definitely be many game companies knocking on your door the next day.

Isn’t this Versailles? Isn’t this?

For this reason, Li Lin and a group of old employees were also tight-lipped, and no internal information about Nanxing was disclosed to the public.

The game companies on the market now, the bigger ones are okay, they all make online games, and they don't care about Nanxing's unruly behavior because Nanxing has not occupied their market.

But smaller game companies, especially individual studios, all have opinions on Nanxing.

The game is so well made and sold so cheaply. Damn it, Nanxing, you want us to die, right?

We are all small companies. If we don’t work together to earn money from players, you will stab us with your sword. What do you mean?

Although it benefits players, it destroys the game market. This is not okay. This time and twice is okay. If it continues to destroy market prices in the future, it will only cause small companies to go bankrupt and make the domestic gaming environment even worse.

Li Lin also went to find Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun because of this matter.

Boss, Lin Ce, I have something to say.

Lin Yuan, who was formulating the company's internal team with Feng Shuyun, looked at Li Lin and nodded: What's the matter?

As for the pricing of the game, boss, I think we really need to have a reasonable marketing department to help take a look at it. Li Lin said directly when he came up.

Prior to this, Nanxing's pricing was all decided by Lin Yuan, the chief planner. Li Lin also knew that Lin Yuan's pricing was actually no problem. Based on the internal situation of Nanxing, Lin Ce's pricing for the game was very reasonable, but outsiders Lin Ce didn't understand much about the fluctuations in the market because he didn't have time, and this would create a lot of contradictions.

Well, this point has been resolved. The boss has found a team. We are now deciding on our new office area. Lin Yuan nodded and said to Li Lin.

After a period of fermentation on the Internet, Lin Yuan also understood why a company has so many departments. The marketing department is a very important part.

And Feng Shuyun also had a headache, It's not enough to sell it cheaper to the players. The price has to be increased before everyone can be satisfied. Oh my God, what kind of truth is this?

Yes, many players now feel that the sales price of Legend of Sword and Fairy is too cheap. They think this game should be sold for 98. If it is sold for 128, it is a bit expensive. However, the good graphics can also be accepted by many players. After all, foreign Great works often start with two or three hundred.

But the problem is that The Legend of Sword and Fairy is not a masterpiece!

It is a turn-based game, and it is a decent game with only ten or twenty hours of game content!

Okay, don't worry about it. Just pay attention to this aspect after future market research. Lin Yuan clapped his hands and said with a smile.

He looked at Li Lin and continued: The company plans to divide a few more groups. Animal Party and Full Moon Night both need operation and maintenance. Li Lin, is it okay to hand over these two games to you?

Well, I think I'll leave it to them in Luoyang. I also want to work on new projects with Lin Ce. Li Lin said immediately.

Even if you are joking about maintaining the game, you can innovate and add your own ideas, but is it as interesting as creating a new world?

Of course Li Lin didn't want to. Although taking charge of two game projects was a change of direction for promotion, it was obvious that only by staying by Lin Ce's side could he make better progress.

No, that's okay. Then leave the Animal Party to Luoyang, and leave it to Chen Xiaodong on the night of the full moon. Remember to talk to the two of them and let them go to the sixth floor to select the team members. The update of the Animal Party will be soon. Please update more animals, and then make a new map for the players. Lin Yuan thought about it and realized that he really needed Li Lin's help.

After all, this kid is the number one programmer in Nanxing. Li Lin, who was born in a college major, has no doubt about his professional ability.

Okay, I understand.

But Lin Ce, what game are we going to play next? Li Lin asked after half a month's rest.

New Game Lin Yuan was silent.

New game?

Now Nanxing has produced two mini-games, Digging for Ascension and Full Moon Night, a party family game Animal Party, and a turn-based fairy tale game Legend of Sword and Fairy.

Nanxing doesn't have to worry about profits, expenses, etc. in the short term.

Feng Shuyun now has a bulging wallet and a very generous company account!

Although the company has expanded and has many new employees, there is really no need to worry about this aspect. However, for new games, the profit direction still needs to be found accurately.

Don’t run into previous ideas!

Funny, cards, meat pigeons, turn-based, action and other items are all available


It seems that there is no project that Chinese people should have the most?

And that game is the true meaning of using small to make a big difference!

It is a phenomenal work!

Lin Yuan suddenly smiled and looked at the game treasure house. Well, the points and other things are completely enough!

However, the points requirement for this game produced by one person is as high as 150,000, which is enough to buy two Legends of Sword and Fairy.

Do you know what Chinese people like most?

Ah? Feng Shuyun was stunned.

Li Lin hesitated and said, Black silk, white hair?

.I didn't ask you about Se Se.

Oh, then, martial arts? Jianghu?

Feng Shuyun reached out and poked Lin Yuan's side, and said, Just tell me.

Well, you don't think you can think of it. Lin Yuan sighed.

Damn it.

What do Chinese people like most that is engraved in their genes?



Lin Yuan stretched out his finger and said.

Yes, farming!

This is a romance that is exclusive to Chinese people!

But Li Lin was silent.

Isn’t the farming game very old?

Ten years ago, it was the era when sandbox and farming games were very popular. Because the technology at that time was not good enough, the effects of actions, gun battles, etc. were very poor, so the farming sandbox games for cultivation were very popular. But now, the market technology is already so good, but Lin Ce wants to make an old-fashioned farming game?

Li Lin was skeptical.

But Feng Shuyun was different. This girl waved her hand and said loudly: Okay, farming!

Farming is my favorite!

Lin Yuan, what kind of fields should we farm?!

You should have guessed what the new game is, right?

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