Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 5 But we sold 30,000 copies


What time is it now?

where am I?

With pain all over his body, Feng Shuyun opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was the pink-coated ceiling. In the blink of an eye, there was sunlight shining through the window.


Damn it, did she sleep in the living room all night? !

His body was sore and stiff, Feng Shuyun looked at the ceiling with some distress.

She actually slept in the living room all night? !

Damn Lin Yuan, damn him digging for promotion!

Why are you making such a destructive game?

break game


Oh yes! my game!

Straightening up with an ouch, Feng Shuyun sat at the small table, stretched out his hand to light up the standby notebook, and then looked at the backend of Tianyou's personal account that had not been refreshed.

Clicking refresh, Feng Shuyun covered his eyes with his other hand, and then moved his palm little by little.

As long as there are fifty, just sell fifty copies!

Feng Shuyun was lying to herself. Her hair was messy, and the tight-fitting retro vest she wore on her upper body looked very messy because she slept on the ground all night before taking it off. She carefully moved her hands, one eye closed, and the other He looked at the screen with squinted eyes.


The first thing he saw was a zero egg. Feng Shuyun's heart suddenly dropped, and then moved a little bit.



The joy immediately surged up again!

Wuhu! Take off!

We were able to sell 70 copies on the first night, and we were doing a lot of publicity. I guess we could sell nearly a thousand copies this week, right?

Feng Shuyun's heart dropped, and then she moved her palm again.





Feng Shuyun suddenly quacked like a duck, and burped again.

Putting both hands down on her waist, she froze.

What does 070 stand for?

This means that this game has sold thousands of copies!

Selling a thousand copies in one night? !

One copy sells for 15, one thousand copies. Ga!

But the next moment, when Feng Shuyun came back to her senses, she looked at the computer and saw the background data of Tianyou on the screen. If it weren't for the gap attribute, her small mouth would have been opened to the back of her head. In short, her whole person was now a capital letter. Confused.


One, fifteen thousand copies?!

“In one night, we sold fifteen thousand copies?!”

Yes, according to Tianyou’s background, Digging to Survive has sold 15,000 copies!

Fifteen thousand servings a night? !

Why is it an unannounced game? !

Although Tianyou has huge traffic, nearly 100 million domestic players open Tianyou to play games almost every day, but large traffic does not mean that we can sell more!


Why? !

Picking up the phone, Feng Shuyun quickly made a call.

As the newly appointed chief planner of Nanxing, Feng Shuyun naturally included Lin Yuan's phone number in his address book.

But right now, she was holding onto her phone with an anxious look on her face.

When the call was dialed, a faint voice came from the other side: Hello? Boss?

You, what did you do?!

What? What did I just do?

Our game actually sold 15,000 copies?! Did you buy a pirated army? Hey, that's not right. You don't have the money. How did you, an intern, get so much money? Feng Shuyun's voice rose. A lot.

To be precise, it's sixteen thousand copies, boss. Lin Yuan emphasized.

how did you do that?!

Me? Wait boss, didn't you upload the game yourself? I also want to ask you, boss, did you spend money to buy Xuanfa? Or did you pay for Tianyou? Our game is actually on Tianyou The homepage of the game is recommended, you can see it as soon as you open it. Lin Yuan asked curiously.

Feng Shuyun was speechless after hearing this.

Make money?

I only have more than 7,000 left in my body now. How can I get money?

Because there was a dispute with the old man at home, the old man refused to give money, and the old mother did not pay for living expenses this month. Where can Feng Shuyun find money?

And Xuanfa?

As the largest game platform in China, Tianyou focuses on fairness. How could there be a saying that you can make recommendations just by paying for them? Even if there were, it would still cost hundreds of thousands to start, right?

The conversation with Lin Yuan was completely wrong, and Feng Shuyun helplessly shouted: Where are you now?

I'm at the company.

Company? Didn't I give you two days off?

I have nothing to do when I'm at home. I might as well go to the company. The company's computers are good and the Internet speed is fast. It's great to play games!

Where did you get the key?

You gave it to me.


wait for me!

After saying that, Feng Shuyun hung up the phone, then took the mouse and clicked refresh.

The background data is as follows——

Developer: Nanxing

Games under its umbrella: 7

Total sales: 140329

Feng Shuyun had previously seen only 15070, but now it was .16131!

Just by making a phone call, more than a thousand copies were sold in five minutes? !

Explode, explode, explode!

This is a sign of a hit!

Although she was very excited, Feng Shuyun calmed down. After changing her clothes, she simply did her hair in front of the mirror, then put on pink boat socks and white shoes, and then she rushed out of the house.

Driving my Xiaobao x4, I rushed all the way to the science and technology building.


Half an hour later, we were on the seventh floor of the Science and Technology Building, in the office of Nanxing Company.

Feng Shuyun pulled a chair and sat next to Lin Yuan, listening to Lin Yuan explain why the game became popular.


Are you saying that our game became popular overnight because of the anchor Lu Wei?

Feng Shuyun frowned, but immediately said: No, this is not right. Isn't Lu Wei a former professional player of the Dream Soul League? You want to say that our game is because of Jinmen Monkey, Queen of Great Zhou, Old E, etc. I can still understand why he, a player in the Dream Soul section, can make our game popular?

Does it matter which section you are the anchor of? Boss, Lu Wei is now the most popular anchor of Shark. More than 100,000 real people watch online every day. This is the best tap water. After his live broadcast, Shark, Meow Ya , most of the anchors at Station B are following suit and playing this game.”

That's true. Feng Shuyun nodded.

A very popular entry on Weibo right now is defense breaking.

Well. All the anchors who played this game have broken their defenses!

Do you understand the value of breaching defenses across the entire network? !

Feng Shuyun thought of this and said happily: Based on the current sales volume, we can even sell nearly 30,000 copies on the first day. Can we break through 100,000 this week?

Lin Yuan thought about the speed of digging into the ground to raise explosive fire in his previous life, and nodded.

When DiDiQiu in the previous life was promoted to the G Pang platform, it also became a hit of the season with an astonishing 120,000 shares in five days.

You must know that PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds was not that popular that year. It can be seen that the viral effect brought by the anchor can indeed make a game popular.

When Feng Shuyun saw Lin Yuan nodding, he was even more happy, and said happily: Selling 200,000 copies a month is not a problem, right? A hit, this is a hit, Lin Yuan! Our Nanxing finally has a hit of our own It’s a game!”

Lin Yuan turned around and looked at Feng Shuyun, looking at this girl as if she was looking at a fool.

Why are you looking at me like this?

What makes you think we can sell two hundred thousand copies a month?

Because we were able to sell 30,000 copies on the first day!

It was still close to 30,000 copies just now, but now it has been directly defined as being able to sell 30,000 copies.

This guy Feng Shuyun is really not very smart.

Lin Yuan sighed and said: The reason why the game can sell so many copies now is because of the anchor effect.

This game is very suitable for anchors to use during live broadcasts, because the program effect is great. Players all want to see their anchors break the defense and curse, or even cry when the anchor breaks the defense, but it does not mean that the players themselves will want to become In that way, some players will run to play because of the novelty and may like it, but more players will only watch from a distance and will not actually play.

Feng Shuyun blinked, But we sold 30,000 copies.


Lin Yuan's mouth twitched, You still don't understand?


In other words, players buy this game not because they want to play it, but to join in the fun. More often, they choose to watch the anchor play the game, and they choose to follow the cloud Play it once and buy this game. It’s more so that it can be used as a shield when pointing fingers, and some just don’t buy it, do you understand?”

Lin Yuan wanted to laugh a little as he spoke.

This shielding method seems to have come from Vtuber?

When evaluating a V, the first thing you must learn is to use a shield to fight back!

But our game has indeed sold 30,000 copies! And why don't you play the game after buying it? Feng Shuyun was confused.

Lin Yuan let out a ha, then turned to look at Feng Shuyun, and then said: Who told you to play the game after buying it?

Why did you buy the game if you don't want to play it?

If I buy your game, I still have to play your game. I've let you take advantage of my love, right? Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun with contempt.

Many times, when players buy a game, they don’t necessarily play it. More often, they just buy it and then leave it in their inventory to gather dust.

Especially for this kind of popular game, it costs only 15 yuan anyway, and it’s quite interesting for the anchor to play, so you won’t suffer any loss if you buy it yourself. There are anchors playing it right there, so you can play it yourself when you’re bored. 15 yuan, which is a lunch, just buy it to keep up with the popularity.

Let's put it this way, among the 16,000 people, a quarter of them can play it after buying it, and Lin Yuan can treat Feng Shuyun as a fairy.

Just kidding.

Do you really think that all players are jerks?

Forget it, as long as you understand that this game won't be popular for long, it's just a one-time deal.

Seeing Feng Shuyun in a daze, still struggling with 30,000 things, Lin Yuan could only reach out and tap on Feng Shuyun's head.

Feng Shuyun covered his forehead, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

Intern, I found out

I'm not an intern now, I'm the chief planner, the boss.

Oh, okay, Chief Strategy Officer, I think you disrespect me very much.

How can I disrespect you?

The way you look at me, and the way you just tapped me on the forehead? Seriously, Chief Strategy Officer, do you think I'm stupid? You even asked me to buy food for you before! Feng Shuyun said seriously.

You didn't take the initiative to buy food! Lin Yuan exclaimed.

Feng Shuyun thought about it and found that he really took the initiative to help Lin Yuan buy food.

The girl turned around and said arrogantly: That's because I'm afraid you will die suddenly and starve to death in the company!

Forget it, I don't worry about how many copies of the game have been sold. Anyway, you are the main planner and you have the final say. I am only responsible for collecting the money. Feng Shuyun said confidently.

She didn't intend to find out what she didn't understand, but when it came to money, Feng Shuyun thought for a while, looked at Lin Yuan and continued: But as for money, I don't have bonuses and wages to give you now, God. The sales share of the game will not be available until the 3rd of next month, so... how about Lin Yuan, let’s sign a contract?”

What for? Lin Yuan didn't understand. Why did he sign the contract?

Share it! There are only two of us in the company now, and I am in charge of Nanxing. I will give you some shares, and you won't have to ask for the bonus from digging for promotion. How about it? Feng Shuyun said with a smile.

She only has seven thousand yuan on hand now. After paying the rent and car gas this month, she will only have one or two thousand yuan left. Not to mention giving Lin Yuan a bonus, eating will be a problem by then.

Because of this, Feng Shuyun came up with a good idea.

Share? Are you sure?

Just think of it as your technology investment. Without this technology, Nanxing would be closed down. What's so sure about this?

Give you 25%, and Nanxing will also be your company from now on. Feng Shuyun said generously with a wave of his hand.

After being generous, Boss Feng looked at Lin Yuan happily, thinking about Lin Yuan's gratitude.

But Lin Yuan gave her a very strange look.

After a while, Lin Yuan whispered: Let me ask a question, boss, do you have no idea about money?

What words?!

It’s this kind of stupid look again!

Feng Shuyun is furious!

There was another round of bickering.

After calming down, Feng Shuyun looked at Lin Yuan and said angrily: I found that you are different from what is written on your resume. Doesn't it say on your resume that you are a homebody, withdrawn, and socially awkward?

In other words, if a coder dares to write a resume like this, he is not good at socializing.

Lin Yuan rubbed his face. The original person's character was indeed relatively soft, but to say he was withdrawn was going too far. If it weren't for Nan Xingyuan's plan for that bastard Zeng Hong, the word isolated would not be linked to the original person.

But how to tell Feng Shuyun?

After thinking for a while, Lin Yuan said: We have similar odors?


Who has the same bad taste as you!

After that, Feng Shuyun stood up and carried the small bag into his office, leaving Lin Yuan alone in the office area.

Lin Yuan was also happy to have some free time. He opened Station B and started to browse videos related to digging for fortune.

But half an hour later, there was a knock on Nanxing's door. Lin Yuan turned around and saw a delivery boy in a yellow robe standing outside.

And Feng Shuyun also came out of the office at the right time, twisted his waist and walked over.

When I came back, I had two bags in my hands.

Although there are only two of us in Nanxing now.

But the celebration party still needs to be held!

Feng Shuyun sat next to Lin Yuan, put the bag on and said.

Lin Yuan suddenly became happy.

Looking at Lin Yuan who was laughing, Feng Shuyun frowned and said, Don't laugh. If you open the bag, are you waiting for me to open it?

Yes, boss.

Boss, are you still drinking?

How can there be no wine at the celebration party?

Then how can you go back? Didn't you drive here?

Feng Shuyun stopped holding the wine, and after a moment Yi Bo Yuntian said: It doesn't matter, I'll just take a taxi!

Then she picked up the can of beer, opened it, looked at Lin Yuan, and reached out to hold the cup.

Come on, Mr. Chief Strategy Officer, let's celebrate the game's success together!

Okay, boss, let's celebrate the game's sales! Lin Yuan raised his beer, collided with Feng Shuyun, and said with a smile.

Although Lin Yuan never thought about leaving Nanxing due to system reasons, he really didn't expect that Feng Shuyun would give him shares.

And the way of getting along with Boss Duojin also made Lin Yuan feel very comfortable.

At once.

Are you looking for a way to leave?

There is such a stupid and beautiful boss with lots of money.

What more could you ask for?

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